L' agora di Megalopoli vista da Pausania: alla ricerca del tempo perduto in una citta sinecizzata
In his organization of the material, Pausanias is interested in a coherent recomposition of the literary evidence rather than in the precise topographical reconstruction of the different sites. The case of the agoni of Megalopolis is particularly emblematic: his itinerary does not move along the perimeter of the square, but switches, in a symmetrical and specular way, from the north and east sides to the west and south sides. In this way, the attention focuses on the sanctuary of Zeus - the beginning of the itinerary and constant reference point - and on the other major structure, the sanctuary of the Megalai Theai. Pausanias' intention is not to act as a 'guide' to a coherent topographical context, but mainly to offer a general picture, where the aim is to rescue everything which belongs to the past, generating an ideologically 'reorganized' urban landscape.
Papers from the third international seminar on Ancient Arcadia, held at the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 7-10 May 2002
The Norwegian Institute at AthensSeries
Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens8