LTP mechanisms in the dentate gyrus in vivo: BDNF signaling, translation control, and gene function
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Paper I: Journal of Neuroscience 27(39), Messaoudi, E.; Kanhema, T.; Soulé, J.; Tiron, A.; Dagyte, G.; da Silva, B. and Bramham, C. R., Sustained Arc synthesis controls LTP consolidation through regulation of local actin polymerization in the dentate gyrus in vivo, pp. 10445-10455. Copyright 2007 by Society for Neuroscience. Published version. The published version is also available at: II: Journal of Neurochemistry 1111, Kanhema, T.; Dagestad, G.; Panja, D.; Tiron, A.; Messaoudi, E.; Håvik, B.; Ying, S. W.; Nairn, A.; Sonenberg, N. and Bramham, C. R., Dual regulation of translation initiation and peptide chain elongation during BDNF-induced LTP in vivo: evidence for compartment-specific translation control, pp. 1471-4149. Copyright 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Full-text not available in BORA due to publisher restrictions. The published version is available at: :
Paper III: Neuroscience 22(17), Messaoudi, E.; Ying, S. W.; Kanhema, T.; Croll, S. D. and Bramham,C. R., Brain-derived neurotrophic factor triggers transcriptiondependent, late phase long-term potentiation in vivo J, pp. 7453-7461. Copyright 2002 Elsevier. Full-text not available in BORA.