Blar i Department of Education på tittel
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En-til-en-veiledning av nyutdannete nyansatte lærere. Et faglig og utviklende samarbeid mellom to kolleger?
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)The aim of this study was to examine how mentoring is perceived by a newly qualified teacher (NQT) and her mentor. To implement this, a qualitative research method has been used. Based on four research-questions, eight ... -
Engaging With The Elusiveness Of Violent Extremism In Norwegian Schools – The Promise And Potential Of Agonistic Listening
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The issue of violent extremism has given rise to new policy debates in Norway. A key limitation of these debates, often grounded in naïve assumptions about the peacebuilding effect of education, is the downplay of emotions ... -
Entrance into teaching and need for support – narratives from diverse national and local contexts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Denne studien undersøker hvordan en gruppe nye lærere i ulike nasjonale og lokale sammenhenger erfarer inngangen til læreryrket. Studien er basert på narrativer fra nye lærere i Australia, England og Norge. Ved å lytte til ... -
Et systemisk perspektiv på håndtering i skolen. En kvalitativ deskriptiv undersøkelse
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)Bullying is a persistent problem in the Norwegian school. The proportion of pupils who experience bullying has remained at 4-6 % the recent years. The research field related to bullying has since the 80-90 century examined ... -
Etablering og utvikling av en lærerrolle. En ANT-studie av lærerarbeid i en baseorganisert skole.
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)This master thesis explores and discusses how a teacher 's role is established and developed in an open plan school (baseskole). The starting point is an interest in and experience of the teacher’s role as a situated and ... -
Examen philosophicum – mellom ideen om universitas og skolegjøringen av universitetet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Examen philosophicum hviler på en idé om at alle som forsker, underviser eller studerer ved universitetet inngår i et fellesskap. I artikkelen blir dette fellesskapet omtalt som ideen om universitas og består av to elementer: ... -
Expectations to mentoring as support for professional development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Mentoring is acknowledged as a means to support professional development for teachers. However, mentoring has multiple meanings and may be practiced as supervision, support or collaborative self-development for new as well ... -
Extension and remodelling of teachers' perceived professional space
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article examines the sociocultural shaping of teacher agency by focusing on how various conditions mediate teachers’ perceived professional space. Agency is understood from a sociocultural perspective as the mediated ... -
Face-to-face and remote teaching in a doctoral education course: Using flipped classroom, formative assessment and remote teaching to increase the teaching quality of a literature review course
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This case study examines face-to-face and remote teaching in a doctoral education course and ask if flipped classroom, formative assessment and remote teaching increase the teaching quality of a literature review course. ... -
Facilitating academic and social integration among first-year university students: is peer mentoring necessary or an additive measure?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Peer mentoring has shown beneficial effects in facilitating academic and social integration among first-year students in higher education. Previous research is, however, limited by the exclusion of a comparison group, to ... -
Fagleg sterke elevar sitt læringsutbytte av å arbeide med praktiske oppgåver i matematikk
(Master thesis, 2013-11-11)The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research has implemented several actions to increase the interest for mathematics within the school system. One of these has been to make the mathematics teaching more practically ... -
Faglege identitetsforhandlingar i ein fleirstemmig norsklærarrøyndom
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Denne artikkelen legg eit dialogisk og sosiokulturelt perspektiv til grunn for å undersøkje tilhøvet mellom fagleg identitet og læraraktørskap (teacher agency). Eitt intervju med ein norsklærarar i vidaregåande skule vert ... -
Faglege visjonar og læraraktørskap
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)I denne artikkelen undersøkjer eg korleis faglege visjonar, tydande førestillingar og bilete av ideelle praksisar gir lærarar retning for eiga pedagogisk verksemd. Basert på fortolkande analyser av intervju med eit utval ... -
Faglig skjønn på operasjonsavdelingen. En kvalitativ studie av operasjonssykepleieres bruk og utvikling av det faglige skjønn
(Master thesis, 2005)Purpose and problem: Different operating room nurses possess different knowledge. When we meet operating room nurses, we see that the way they do their job can vary from one operating nurse to another. The professional ... -
Fagskolelæreren som ble høyskolelærer - en omstillingsprosess
(Master thesis, 2018-06-12)The focus of the research in this investigation is how university lecturers have experienced the transition from teaching design at a vocational level to a university level. In order to gain insight into this process, I ... -
Fairness in education - a normative analysis of OECD policy documents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Educational policy depends on assumptions about fairness in education, whether they are made explicit or kept implicit. Without a view of fairness, one would be in the dark as to what should be done about the reproduction ... -
Familien og felleskapets betydning i skoleelevenes selvpresentasjoner
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-12-28)In this study we have allowed students to take with them an image they think is important and let it function as a basis for a reflection on what they feel is important in their lives and in society. The problem is twofold: ... -
Feedback practice in lower secondary school: Exploring development of perceptions of feedback practice among students and teachers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article reports on a qualitative study investigating how perceptions of feedback and feedback practice developed over the course of a seven-month development project with students and teachers in ten lower secondary ... -
Foreningen av visdom og veltalenhet – utkast til en universitetsdidaktikk gjennom en kritikk og videreføring av Skjervheims pedagogiske filosofi på bakgrunn av Arendt og Foucault. Eller hvorfor menneskelivet er mer som å spille fløyte enn å bygge et hus
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-06-14)This thesis attempts to give an interpretation and further development of the Norwegian philosopher Hans Skjervheim’s educational thinking. The main argument is that Skjervheim’s view of pedagogy as a type of ... -
Formal learning spaces in Higher Education–a systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Over the past ten years, there has been an increasing focus on physical learning spaces in higher education. By now, what do we really know about the relation between space and student learning? What does the research ...