Browsing Department of Education by Title
Now showing items 107-126 of 319
Har tilbakemeldingen kraft? En kvalitativ studie av norsklæreres vurderingspraksis i skriftlig på ungdomstrinnet
(Master thesis, 2015-05-14)The theme for this master thesis is feedback on Norwegian middle school student texts. The aim of the thesis is to see how teachers understand the effect feedback can have as a tool for learning and how this can contribute ... -
Hegel i Bagdad: Verdens historie som frihetens framskritt
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Helhet og sammenheng i barnehagelærerutdanningens kunnskapsområder? En studie om faglig samarbeid i språk, tekst og matematikk
(Master thesis, 2017-06-27)Thesis: Unity and Coherence within the Area of Knowledge in the Norwegian Preschool Teacher Education? A Study of Academic Cooperation in Language, Text and Mathematics The main research question in this thesis is: - what ... -
Helheten er mer enn summen av delene: En diskursanalyse av hvordan samarbeid mellom lærere beskrives i nyere utdanningspoliske dokument
(Master thesis, 2011-11-10)The theme of this thesis is how teachers' collaborative work is described in educational policy documents connected to the latest reform in Norwegian primary and secondary school, Kunnskapsløftet or The Knowledge Promotion ... -
Helsearbeideres deltakelse i virtuelle fagnettverk. "Et instrument for faglig refleksjon"
(Master thesis, 2009-05-15)I denne forskningsoppgaven har jeg undersøkt helsearbeideres erfaringer fra deltakelse i virtuelle fagnett. Informantene er helsearbeidere fra ulike yrkesgrupper og ulike nivå i helsevesenet, og som alle arbeider innenfor ... -
Historier ungdom lever -en studie av hvordan ungdommer bruker historie for å gjøre livet meningsfullt
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-05-23) -
«Hvilke diskurser om kunnskap og læring i praktiske fag i videregående opplæring kan identifiseres i utdanningspolitiske dokumenter?» En dokumentanalyse
(Master thesis, 2016-11-22)This master's thesis is a study of the discourses of knowledge and learning based on policy documents that helped split an education in Norwegian upper secondary schools. The education program Media and Communication (MK) ... -
Hvordan arbeider videregående skoler systematisk og strategisk med sine lærere? En kvalitativ studie av fire videregående skoler i Akershus fylkeskommune.
(Master thesis, 2019-08-03)This assignment has been developed with reference to the Norwegian political context, in which national authorities give school owners clear guidelines with regard to local school development. Through Ministry of Education ... -
Hvorfor rektorskole? - En diskursanalyse av de utdanningspolitiske dokumentene som ligger til grunn for rektorskolen.
(Master thesis, 2011-05-14)This master thesis is based on analyses of political documents where the aim has been to identify the constituting discourses behind the Norwegian national program for school leadership education, called “Rektorskolen”, ... -
Hybrid forms of education in Norway: a systems theoretical approach to understanding curriculum change
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Some might fear that the local flavours of education will evaporate when encountering the hegemony of global, cognitive standards of the knowledge economy. This paper, however, shows that the evolution of curriculum can ... -
IKT og læring. Praktisk bruk av et digitalt diskusjonsforum i undervisning ved en videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2011-03-03)The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of what students in high school thinks is important when the teacher uses a digital forum in teaching. I use a forum with a low entry level for the user which is available ... -
Implementing continuous consent in qualitative research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article examines ways of approaching informed consent as a relationally constituted process in qualitative research practices. It argues that a researcher’s operationalization of informed consent should be coherent ... -
Implementing tablets in Norwegian primary schools. Examining outcome measures in the second cohort.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-08)This study examines the implementation of tablets in primary schools in Norway. The outcome measures in the study are external for the intervention and are recorded data from national tests (National reading, arithmetic ... -
Implementing tablets in Norwegian primary schools: Examining the outcome measures in the second cohort
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study examines the implementation of tablets in primary schools in Norway. The outcome measures in the study are external for the intervention and are recorded data from national tests (National reading, arithmetic ... -
“In this class we are so different that I can be myself!” Intercultural dialogue in a first grade upper secondary school in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Focus of this article is immigrant youth and Norwegians-born to immigrant parents in upper secondary school in Norway. The study was conducted in a first year of a general study class in upper secondary school, where 11 ... -
Included as excluded and excluded as included: minority language pupils in Norwegian inclusion policy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-05-13)This article offers an analysis of four Norwegian policy documents on inclusion of minority language pupils. The main concepts of this policy will be reconstructed and re-described, applying Niklas Luhmann's systems theory ... -
Inclusion in the heat of the moment: Balancing participation and mastery
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Individual and social explanatory models provide different frameworks for teachers’ practice. This study addresses how teachers’ understanding of inclusion and challenging behaviors affects their work with an inclusive ... -
Increasing inclusion through differentiated instruction in a technology-rich primary school classroom in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In this case study, the aim was to investigate how primary school teachers in a leading-edge Norwegian primary school use digital technologies to differentiate instruction in order to promote a more inclusive learning ... -
Influencing and facilitating conditions for developing reflective assessment practice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-10-23)By following a professional development project focusing on enhancing assessment competence amongst teachers, the current study examines how teachers use reflective writing and systematic discussions as tools for developing ... -
Infodemi og pandemisk risikopersepsjon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Subkulturer som finner fellesskap gjennom konspirasjonsteorier, kan forklare noe av den pågående vaksinemotstanden internasjonalt. For fremtidig kriseberedskap blir det viktig å kartlegge hvordan digitalt utenforskap spiller ...