Blar i Department of Education på tittel
Viser treff 166-185 av 319
Maintaining quality assessment practices in Norwegian higher education after the two-evaluator law
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In May 2021, the Norwegian parliament voted unanimously to again require the use of two evaluators to assess all student work given a grade on the A-F scale in higher education. This revision of the law regulating higher ... -
Making math interesting. An experimental study of interventions to encourage interest in mathematics
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-12-19)Many students lose interest in mathematics as they progress through school. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to examine ways to encourage interest in mathematics by investigating two instructional interventions ... -
Mapping sustainability of professional development in four Norwegian lower-secondary schools
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The aim of this study was to investigate how principals (n = 4) and teachers (n = 20) from four lower-secondary schools perceived and evaluated sustainable professional development processes in their schools. To understand ... -
Mateamtikkundervisning for fagleg sterke elevar på ungdomstrinnet. Elevar sine meiningar om metodeval og arbeidsmåtar i matematikkundervisninga
(Master thesis, 2014-05-10)The topic of this task is the teaching of mathematics for technically strong pupils in secondary schools. The approach to the problem is as follows. "How do the pupils who score high in mathematics in secondary schools ... -
Matematikk på eit anna språk. Matematikkopplæring for minoritetsspråklege elevar på ungdomssteget
(Master thesis, 2013-11-15)The topic of this master thesis is Mathematics education for minority language students. In a time with increasing migration, many new students come to school with an different mother tongue than Norwegian. Based on Education ... -
Matematikkundervisning i en andrespråkskontekst- bevissthet og dilemma. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av en lærers scaffolding i et komprimert grunnskoleløp for minoritetsspråklige voksne
(Master thesis, 2016-11-14)This master thesis investigates a teacher's support in a time condensed basic educational programme for adults who are about to learn Norwegian as a second or other language. The research question is: What characterize a ... -
Meeting the Black Swan - Teacher educators' use of ICT- pre-, during and eventually post Covid-19
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In the 2018 International Forum for Teacher Educator Development (InFo-TED) Summer Academy, we, seven teacher educators from Belgium, England, Israel, Norway, and Scotland, became interested in strengthening our ICT ... -
Mellom smilefjes og karakterer : en kvalitativ studie om vurdering i skolen
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The project "Mellom smilefjes og karakterer" is about assessment. Its focus is formative assessment in grades five through seven. A goal is to gain insight into how teachers find that their written assessments enhance ... -
Metacognition and reading: Comparing three forms of metacognition in normally developing readers and readers with dyslexia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-08)Metacognition refers to ‘cognition about cognition’ and includes metacognitive knowledge, strategies and experiences (Efklides, 2008; Flavell, 1979). Research on reading has shown that better readers demonstrate more ... -
Motivasjon for å fullføre utdanning
(Master thesis, 2017-06-30)Rapporter har vist at mye av frafallet ved barnehagelærerutdanningen skjer i løpet av første året i utdanningen. Med utgangspunkt i disse rapportene, egne erfaringer som barnehagelærerstudent og motivasjonsteori ønsket jeg ... -
Motivational Determinants of Students’ Academic Functioning: The Role of Autonomy-support, Autonomous Motivation, and Perceived Competence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Inadequate academic functioning among students might be a main cause of the considerable dropout rates, and well-being and achievement problems in higher education. Few studies address the role of motivation for academic ... -
Multimedia discrepancies - plenary lectures as perceived by students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Artikkelen ynskjer å skildre studentar i høgare utdanning sine haldningar til og oppfatningar av førelesing, og særskilt bruk av multimodale presentasjonsprogram (t.d. PowerPoint) og tradisjonell tavleundervising. Det vart ... -
The Multimedia Expanse: Students' perceived learning outcome from, and attitudes toward, multimodal and traditional lectures
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)The purpose of this study was to examine students' attitudes toward multimodal presentations (AtMP) and traditional lectures (AtTL). A literature review of current research on this topic suggests that students generally ... -
Møte med yrkesfagleg utdanning i den norske vidaregåande skulen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Artikkelen byggjer på ein kvalitativ studie av seks elevar sitt møte med vidaregåande skule, yrkesfaglege utdanningsprogram. Studien undersøkjer elevane sine perspektiv og refleksjonar kring overgangen mellom skuleslaga ... -
Narrating the relationship between leadership and learning outcomes: A study of public narratives in the Norwegian educational sector
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-04)In the last couple of decades improving student achievements has gained increased focus amongst policymakers. The increased focus on school leadership when discussing quality in schools has been especially evident in ... -
Narrative construction of teacher identity
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-08-14)There has been an overemphasis within narrative approaches to teacher identity to use autobiographical material and personal accounts from teachers or teacher students as material sources for analysis. Very few studies ... -
NAV: Kampen om kompetanseforståelsen - En diskursanalyse av kompetanseforståelsen i NAV
(Master thesis, 2011-11-17)This master thesis explores what discourses that are drawn upon in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisations (NAV) understanding of competence. To answer this question, I interviewed seven managers of NAV about what ... -
Når hun blir mor og han blir far. En kvalitativ studie av overgangen til foreldreskapet og utformingen av foreldrerollene
(Master thesis, 2015-06-23)Becoming parents involve not only conceiving and giving birth to a child; it also involves becoming and being a parent. The study Når hun blir mor og han blir far" (English: «When she becomes a mother and he becomes a ... -
Negotiating coherence through meeting spaces in practicum
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Teacher education takes place in two distinct cultures: schools and higher education institutions. The differences between these cultures make interaction between them challenging and often described as disconnected. There ...