Browsing Department of Education by Title
Now showing items 218-237 of 319
Pupils collaborating in pairs at a computer in mathematics learning: investigating verbal communication patterns and qualities
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-06-19)The dissertation concerns 9th grade pupils’ verbal communication in mathematics learning when they work in pairs at a computer. The dissertation includes three substudies, involving three sub-questions. The first sub-study ... -
Purposeful Actions in Leadership of Learning Processes: A Mixed Methods Study of Classroom Management in Digital Learning Environments
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-06-24)Most Norwegian primary and secondary pupils now have access to their own computer or tablet at school (1:1 access), and 1:1 access to information and communication technology (ICT) has a variety of implications for teachers’ ... -
A qualitative investigation of psychological need-satisfying experiences of a mobile-learning application: A Self-Determination Theory approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Much research on mobile learning is cross-sectional or lacks a theoretical basis for investigating the mechanisms of mobile learning and achievement. This may be a concern as well-formulated theoretical frameworks allow ... -
Race talk and white normativity: classroom discourse and narratives in Norwegian higher education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)How does the process of racialization unfold as a discursive project at the university? How do students and faculty in the classroom use racial categories in supposedly post-racial places? How do People of Color in higher ... -
Radiografstudenters læring i praksis
(Master thesis, 2001)Tema for hovedfagsoppgaven er læring i praksis. Hvordan uttrykker radiografstudentene sine opplevelser av læring i praksis på røntgenavdelingene? Det foreligger lite forskning som spesielt omhandler læring i radiografyrket. ... -
Relasjonen mellom lærer og elev i vellykkete tiltak mot problematferd
(Master thesis, 2004)Min studie ser på hvilken rolle relasjonen mellom lærer og elev spiller i vellykkete tiltak mot problematferd i grunnskolen. Jeg undersøker sider ved relasjonen som kan virke positivt på tiltaket mot problematferd. Jeg ser ... -
The relationship between teachers’ perceived classroom management abilities and their professional digital competence: Experiences from upper secondary classrooms. A qualitative driven mixed method study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07-05)The aim of this study was to examine teachers’ professional digital competence and classroom management experiences with a qualitatively driven Mixed Method Design. The qualitative part of the study is based on interviews, ... -
Research approaches in master-based teacher education preparing student teachers for professional work
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-10)Student teachers have been found to be critical toward the research approaches they learned from their master's-based teacher education programmes. Our aim is to discuss how certain research approaches learnt during a ... -
Retningslinjer og vurderingskriterier for den artikkelbaserte ph.d-avhandlingen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-01-07)PhD by publication is becoming increasingly more common both nationally as well as internationally. But what are the guidelines for such a thesis, and how is such a thesis assessed? This is what the present article focuses ... -
The Rhetorical Education of Isocrates and the Exemplary in Teaching: Overcoming the “Learnification of Education”
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-13)This article argues that the rhetorical education of Isocrates can serve as a vital alternative to today’s dominating trend of outcome-based education, or what Biesta calls “the learnification of education.” According to ... -
The Role of Social Capital in Refugees’ Trajectories into Higher Education in a Host Country: Narratives of Six Refugees in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Refugees, as group, are generally motivated to pursue higher education despite multiple challenges they face in host countries. To overcome these challenges refugees need someone to rely on to successfully navigate the ... -
Samarbeid når beslutninger tas - Kunnskapsdeling i et sosiokulturelt perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2016-05-16)In this study, my goal has been to find characteristics of the knowledge sharing processes in a group of leaders during their decision making processes. The project is constructed within the framework of a constructivist ... -
Samarbeid og medverknad i grunnskulen: "Tid for samtale". Ei intervjuundersøking med foreldre om foreldresamtalen.
(Master thesis, 2012-05-10)The objective of this study has been to develop new knowledge about how school parents experience the meeting with the school through the parent conferences. This conversation between teacher, parents and pupil is required ... -
Samarbeid om fosterbarns skolegang
(Master thesis, 2015-06-24)This thesis Cooperation around foster children's schooling" is about how caregivers facilitates for foster children's learning in interprofessional cooperation. Foster children master school at a lower level than other ... -
"...same feila gong på gong!" Rettskrivingsavvik i Noreg og på Island
(Master thesis, 2014-11-17)This master's thesis is a study about the view and practise of orthography in Norway and Iceland, a topic which has not been widely researched. This is a comparative study based on three topics: - relevant curricula in ... -
Samspel med data? Ein studie av interaksjonen i tekstskapingsprosessar der datamaskina inngår som arbeidsreiskap
(Master thesis, 2001)Denne studien omhandlar interaksjonen mellom elevar og mellom elevar og lærar i klasserom der datamaskina inngår som arbeidsreiskap i skriveprosessen. Korleis barna utviklar ulike læringsstrategiar er drøfta. Studien er ... -
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) und Lehre in der Covid-Pandemie. Perspektiven von SoTL-Scholars
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Die Studie basiert auf Forschung zur rapiden Umstellung auf die Online-Lehre während der COVID-19-Pandemie (Emergency-Remote-Teaching, ERT), dem Konzept des Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) sowie einer eigenen ... -
School experiences that make an impression – a study on how to promote bildung and the desire to learn
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This qualitative study investigates, through focus groups, how students in upper secondary school in Norway experience schooling. The background for the study is a tension between measurable outcomes and the educational ... -
School leaders’ views on mentoring and newly qualified teachers’ needs.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-06)School leaders are in a position to make decisions that influence beginning teachers’ first year in school. The leaders’ attitudes to new teachers and mentoring have an impact on such teachers’ professional possibilities. ... -
School withdrawal in Norwegian upper secondary school: the role of students' affective bond to school
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)The aim of this project has been to gain insight into subjective student experiences in upper secondary school. The background of the project has been an increased concern for school completion in the Norwegian government's ...