Blar i Department of Education på tittel
Viser treff 239-258 av 319
Selvregulering som pedagogisk formål: Diskursive fornyelser i «Fremtidens skole»
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Ludvigsen-utvalget, NOU 2015: 8 Fremtidens skole, står på bakgrunn av sin forskningsforankring frem som dette tiårets utdanningspolitiske referansepunkt. Gjennom dokumentet blir begrepet selvregulering introdusert i norsk ... -
Sight, Sound, Touch: A Methodological Exploration of Ontological Effects in an Ethnographic Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-12-08)The purpose of this article is to explore an alternative to traditional meaning-making interpretive analyses in ethnographic work. Underlying the article is my own ethnographic work with adults diagnosed with autism. The ... -
Signifiers of Bildung, the Curriculum and the Democratisation of Public Education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article argues that curriculum work can benefit from signifiers of Bildung to promote democracy in public education. The argument is built on the premise that cultural and intellectual traditions that value Bildung ... -
Sjølvoppfatning og ikkje-fagleg vurdering i ungdomsskulen: I kva grad blir den ikkje-faglege vurderinga nytta til å styrke sjølvoppfatninga til elevar i ungdomsskulen?
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)In a time when everything is being "measured and weighted", we should like to question the assessment of the student's non-academic skills, done by teachers and schools. The topic of this thesis is the non-academic assessment ... -
Skjema for samtale. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av barnehagelærerens opplevelser med bruk av Startsamtale
(Master thesis, 2018-06-27)The aim of this project is to investigate what experiences the kindergarten teacher has with the use of the Startsamtale and how the Startsamtale can affect the collaboration between the kindergarten and the home. I work ... -
Skoleledelse - en relasjonell øvelse
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The theme of this master‟s thesis is the connection between a school‟s leadership and the students‟ learning results in schools with an increased focus on learning. The intention of this thesis is to construct a body of ... -
Skoleledelse og utdanningspolitikk : Hvordan beskrives skoleledelse etter 1990?
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-06-10)This study examines how school leadership has been described in educational policy documents, by politicians, school leaders and teachers after 1990 when Management by Objectives (MbO) was introduced in the Norwegian ... -
Skolens nye tradisjonsbærere: Hvordan opplever førskolelærere sin praksis som lærer i grunnskolen?
(Master thesis, 2009-05-19)Teaching and facilitating learning is what most people associate with the primary role of the pedagogue. In my study I investigate how a group of four pre-school teachers experience their practice as a teacher in primary ... -
Skolerådgiverens kompetanse i møte med elever i krise
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)Within the school's diversity of students there will always be some students who for various reasons are having major difficulties. From research we know that approximately 8 % of the children between 3 and 18 years have ... -
Skrivegrupper : kva, kvifor, korleis. Rettleiing til studentar
(Læring ved Universitetet;2/99, Report, 1999) -
Skriveråd for studenter
(Læring ved Universitetet;1/99, Report, 1999) -
“Smilet er en vanskelig del av jobben”. En kritisk-pedagogisk tilnærming til hvordan selgere av gatemagasinet Megafon opplever læring og endringsmuligheter gjennom jobben
(Master thesis, 2011-05-14)Street papers all over the world offer different marginalized groups the possibilty to have a legal income. In this study, I've done eight interviews with vendors of the street paper Megafon. In addition to the interviews, ... -
Social inclusion of refugees into higher education: policies and practices of universities in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Pursuing higher education is one of the top priorities of many refugees after settlement in host countries. However, refugees’ participation in the labour market is the prime focus of integration policies and practices in ... -
"Som eksplosjoner inni meg" En kvalitativ studie av dans som dannende og eksistensiell aktivitet.
(Master thesis, 2017-06-30)Å lære å danse er en stor del av oppveksten til mange jenter og dette masterprosjektet handler om hvilken betydning å lære å danse kan ha. Den kinestetiske sansen, eller bevegelsessansen, informerer oss om bevegelsene våre. ... -
Sosial og faglig inkludering for elever med ADHD
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31) -
Språksjangeren i sykepleierutdanningen. En kvalitativ studie av sykepleierstudenters opplevelse av språksjangeren i sykepleierutdanningen
(Master thesis, 2009-05-13)Å utdanne seg til sykepleier handler om mer enn bare å lære seg fagkunnskap. Det handler i tillegg til fagkunnskap og praktiske ferdigheter om å utvikle en måte å tenke, kommunisere og møte pasienter og pårørende på. Det ... -
The stability and developmental interplay of word reading and spelling: a cross-linguistic longitudinal study from kindergarten to grade 4
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We investigated the stability and developmental interplay of word reading and spelling in samples of Swedish (N = 191) and U.S. children (N = 489) followed across four time points: end of kindergarten, grades 1, 2, and 4. ... -
Stemmer som ikke stemmer - ved sang: Læreres opplevelser av elever med sangvansker og om sangvanskeproblematikken i grunnskolen
(Master thesis, 2011-11-10)Singing, but not in tune while singing Teachers' experiences of students with song disabilities and song disabilities topics in the Norwegian compulsory school. A compulsory school without children singing? Unthinkable. ... -
Stresspåvirkning og læringsstrategier. Hvilke læringsstrategier bruker yrkesdykkerstudenter for å redusere negativt stress?
(Master thesis, 2017)The research question in this master thesis is: How do students at vocational diver education experience and master stressful learning situations during practical diving training? Additional questions are: How are the ... -
Student teachers’ online sharing of challenging incidents in practice placement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The present study asks what challenges student teachers meet in today’s school and how they present, respond to, and reflect on these challenges in an online discussion forum. The study explores these questions by analysing ...