Blar i Department of Education på tittel
Viser treff 59-78 av 319
The Educational Situation for Roma Children in Norway: Silenced Narratives on Schooling and Future
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This article explores how Roma pupils in Norway experience school. Using portraiture methodology, I narrate the experiences of Leah, Hannah and Maria, focusing on their situation before and after the transition from ... -
The effects of a goal-framing and need-supportive app on undergraduates´ intentions, effort, and achievement in mobile science learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In this study we investigate the effect of manipulating intrinsic goals, relative to extrinsic goals, in a mobile learning tool and traditional textbook for biology students. Using Self- Determination Theory, we hypothesized ... -
"Eg hadde ikkje lyst å høre mer". Stengsler ved det teoretiske kunnskapsidealet. Vilkår for tilpassing, læring og danning.
(Master thesis, 2008)Med bakgrunn i eigen, og kunnskap om andre elevars ineffektive læring i det obligatoriske utdanningsløpet, spør eg korvidt dei såkalla "allmennfaga" greier å imøtekome evnene og føresetnadene til elevane, utdanne dei til ... -
Eit lærarperspektiv på elevmedverknad og relasjonar i norskfaget på Vg3
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)The topic of this Master's thesis is student participation in assessment in the Subject Norwegian for 3rd Year of continuing education" (13th grade). Specifically, how 3rd year norwegian-teachers understand the term student ... -
Elektronisk lesetrening - vedundermiddel eller tidstjuv? Om trening av augekoordinasjon for å auke lesefart og elevar sine haldningar til lesing
(Master thesis, 2014-05-14)Summary The reading skills for pupils in the Norwegian School have been set under a strong focus. This is a result of participation in several international investigations which intend to make a survey of the pupils reading ... -
Elevmedverknad, læring og motivasjon. Ei kvalitativ studie av korleis lærarar i ungdomsskulen praktiserer elevmedverknad i undervisningssamanheng
(Master thesis, 2014-11-17)Student participation is authorized both in the Education Act and in other documents from Norwegian school authorities. Students should participate in both planning and implementation of learning activities, as well as ... -
Elevrepresentasjon i formelle utvalg i skolen - Reell eller symbolsk medvirkning
(Master thesis, 2013-05-14)The Education Act and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that children and young people are entitled to participation in school. Pupils' opinions about teaching and the social environment should be heard ... -
Elevsamtalen. Fører elevsamtalen til økt elevinnflytelse?
(Master thesis, 2004)Samtaler i skolen representer ikke noe nytt i norsk skole. Samtalene har tidligere i mindre grad vært satt i system, slik sett representerer den systematiske elevsamtalen noe nytt i dagens skole. Elevsamtalen bør fungere ... -
Emneansvarlige på UiB og pedagogiske redskaper i endringstid - Barrierer og endringsrom
(Master thesis, 2017-06-24)Higher education in Norway has the last two decades been through major changes, and are still going through changes related to teaching and assessment practice. These changes are inspired by learning theory and research, ... -
En bredt forankret rammeplan
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
En kvalitativ undersøkelse om trivsel og motivasjon i høyere utdanning: Et selvbestemmelsesteoretisk perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2017-06-30)In a self-determination theory perspective (Deci & Ryan, 1985), the quality of the interaction between students and the context can be a crucial factor for the student’s well-being and motivation. Central to the theory ... -
En motivasjonsmodell av autonomistøtte, autonom motivasjon og oppfattet skoleprestasjoner: Et self-determination theory perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between students autonomy-support from their contact teacher, their autonomous motivation, perceived competence, and perceived school performance. 316 upper secondary ... -
En-til-en-veiledning av nyutdannete nyansatte lærere. Et faglig og utviklende samarbeid mellom to kolleger?
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)The aim of this study was to examine how mentoring is perceived by a newly qualified teacher (NQT) and her mentor. To implement this, a qualitative research method has been used. Based on four research-questions, eight ... -
Engaging With The Elusiveness Of Violent Extremism In Norwegian Schools – The Promise And Potential Of Agonistic Listening
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The issue of violent extremism has given rise to new policy debates in Norway. A key limitation of these debates, often grounded in naïve assumptions about the peacebuilding effect of education, is the downplay of emotions ... -
Entrance into teaching and need for support – narratives from diverse national and local contexts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Denne studien undersøker hvordan en gruppe nye lærere i ulike nasjonale og lokale sammenhenger erfarer inngangen til læreryrket. Studien er basert på narrativer fra nye lærere i Australia, England og Norge. Ved å lytte til ... -
Et systemisk perspektiv på håndtering i skolen. En kvalitativ deskriptiv undersøkelse
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)Bullying is a persistent problem in the Norwegian school. The proportion of pupils who experience bullying has remained at 4-6 % the recent years. The research field related to bullying has since the 80-90 century examined ... -
Etablering og utvikling av en lærerrolle. En ANT-studie av lærerarbeid i en baseorganisert skole.
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)This master thesis explores and discusses how a teacher 's role is established and developed in an open plan school (baseskole). The starting point is an interest in and experience of the teacher’s role as a situated and ... -
Examen philosophicum – mellom ideen om universitas og skolegjøringen av universitetet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Examen philosophicum hviler på en idé om at alle som forsker, underviser eller studerer ved universitetet inngår i et fellesskap. I artikkelen blir dette fellesskapet omtalt som ideen om universitas og består av to elementer: ... -
Expectations to mentoring as support for professional development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Mentoring is acknowledged as a means to support professional development for teachers. However, mentoring has multiple meanings and may be practiced as supervision, support or collaborative self-development for new as well ... -
Extension and remodelling of teachers' perceived professional space
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article examines the sociocultural shaping of teacher agency by focusing on how various conditions mediate teachers’ perceived professional space. Agency is understood from a sociocultural perspective as the mediated ...