Blar i Department of Education på tittel
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Veiledning i grenseland. Hva kjennetegner en kompetent veileder for nyutdannede barnehagelærere? En kvalitativ undersøkelse.
(Master thesis, 2016-05-10)The national initiative for monitoring of new teachers the recent years has been developed to help put the news teachers' situation into focus. It has also led to the developing of an education with national frameworks ... -
Vennskap og profesjonalitet: En kvalitativ studie av hvordan kollegiale vennskapsforhold har betydning for det profesjonelle arbeidet i barnehagen
(Master thesis, 2013-05-28)The aim of this thesis is to investigate how collegial friendships can affect the professional work of the nursery. The study has a qualitative design, and with a hermeneutic approach I have conducted interviews with six ... -
Verbal communication at a stand-alone computer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)The study this article refers to investigates pupils’ face-to-face verbal communication at a computer in a mathematics lesson. The pupils (14 years) work in single-gender pairs and each pair shares one computer. The study ... -
”Verden som klasserom”: Perspektiv på overganger mellom læringskulturer i en postmoderne tid
(Master thesis, 2010-10-24)The international and mobile labour market causes many Norwegian children and youth to attend schools abroad, later to return to Norwegian Schools. This Master thesis is based on a qualitative interview study with eight ... -
Vg.1 elevar sine prestasjonar og vanskar i algebra og funksjonar
(Master thesis, 2013-11-08)In the national curriculum, The Knowledge Promotion 2006, the curriculum for Mathematics consists of the same core subjects from 1st grade to level 1 in general studies (VG1). It consists of four main subject areas and ... -
"Vi kommer med Vygotsky og Klafki" - En kvalitativ undersøkelse av PPU-studenters teoretisering av praksis
(Master thesis, 2017-06-24)This master`s thesis examines what role theory plays in the development of students knowledge, at the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). This education pro-gram gives teacher-students the possibility to learn ... -
Vocational Students Experiences with Assessment in Workplace Learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-04-15)Vocational education, as part of the Norwegian upper secondary education, includes both school-based learning and workplace learning. While school-based learning is characterized by formal structures and guided by aims in ... -
Voksne CI-brukeres post-operative erfaringer. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av hva fire voksne CI-brukere erfarer som viktig i tiden etter lydpåsetting
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Formålet med denne kvalitative studien var å undersøke hva voksne som har operert inn cochleaimplantat (CI) erfarer som viktig, og studiens problemstilling var: Hva erfarer et utvalg voksne CI-brukere som viktig i tiden ... -
Vurdering som profesjonskompetanse: Refleksjonsbasert utvikling av læreres kompetanse i formativ vurdering
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-01-16)International research considers formative assessment strategies as important determinants for students’ learning (Black & Wiliam, 2003; Brookhart, 2008; Hargreaves, 2005; Hayward, 2010; Sadler, 1989). It is common to use ... -
Vurderingspraksiser i teknologirike læringsmiljøer. En undersøkelse av læreres vurderingspraksiser i teknologirike læringsmiljøer og implikasjoner på elevenes medvirkning i egen læringsprosess.
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-01-08)This dissertation positions itself in relation to the key challenges and opportunities faced by teachers and students in Norwegian elementary schools as a result of “digital basic skills” being rated as a basic skill in ... -
Vurderingsstrategi og retningslinjer for vurdering - Rapport fra arbeidsgruppen
(Research report, 2019) -
“We don’t throw stones, we throw flowers”: race discourse and race evasiveness in the Norwegian university classroom
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)How do university students and instructors engage in discussions about race and racism in a country where speaking about race is perceived as racist? In Norway, as in much of Europe, the concept of “race” is silenced, ... -
“We teachers really got together”. The school as an educational community during the Covid-19 pandemic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The schools’ closure and the adoption of distance learning (DL) during the Covid-19 pandemic deeply changed Italian schools’ teaching and organizational practices. This article investigates how a micro-universe of four ... -
“We Want to Be Educated!” A Thematic Analysis of Gifted Students’ Views on Education in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Norwegian educational policy focuses on inclusive, equivalent, and adapted education for all. We followed procedures for an inductive thematic approach to explore the educational experiences of seventeen gifted students ... -
Weight-based victimization and physical activity among adolecents with overweight or obesity: A scoping review of quantitative and qualitative evidence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: Increased physical activity engagement plays a vital role in preventing and treating overweight or obesity in children and adolescents. Research has found that adolescents who are overweight or obese tend to ... -
What teachers say and what students perceive Interpretations of feedback in teacher-student assessment dialogues
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-01-13)It is commonly known and accepted that feedback has a significant effect on learning and that it is a wise investment in the education system to develop good strategies for assessment involving informative feedback. However, ... -
Why let them walk when they can fly? Tilpasset opplæring og høyt begavede barn
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)How do teachers, school leaders and politicians understand the link between adapted education and gifted children? The results of this study on adapted education and gifted children, which is a thesis in Teaching and ... -
Writing on the wall: How the use of technology can open dialogical spaces in lectures
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article discusses experiences using an online collaborative whiteboard to provide dialogical spaces (Wegerif, 2013) for students to reflect on their understanding of concepts in lectures in two higher-education courses: ... -
Yrkesfaglig fordypning som praktisk fag. Hvordan opplever elevene på vg1 helse – og oppvekstfag yrkesfaglig fordypning som praktisk fag?
(Master thesis, 2018-12-05)In this study I have investigated how work placement in yrkesfaglig fordypning is experienced and perceived by pupils in their first year of Health and Development Studies in Upper Secondary School. Yrkesfaglig fordypning ... -
Yrkesretting av fellesfag i videregående skole. Engelsklæreres syn på yrkesretting av engelskfaget
(Master thesis, 2016-05-12)This master's thesis deals with English language teachers' view on vocationalization of English as a common core subject. The starting point for the study is the project Fellesfag, yrkesretting og relevans (FYR)" which is ...