Browsing Department of Health Promotion and Development by Title
Now showing items 2-21 of 637
Aaron Antonovsky’s Development of Salutogenesis, 1979–1994
(Chapter, 2022)In this chapter, the authors present a summary of Aaron Antonovsky’s development of the salutogenic model of health (SMH), along with life events of Antonovsky until his untimely death in 1994. The chapter is based on the ... -
Academic Stress, Academic Self-efficacy, and Psychological Distress: A Moderated Mediation of Within-person Effects
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Previous research has largely failed to separate the between- and within-person effects in the longitudinal associations between academic stress, academic self-efficacy, and psychological distress (symptoms of anxiety and ... -
Adaptation and health in extreme and isolated environments: From 78ºN to 75ºS
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-06-07)The main purpose of this thesis was to explore the variation in health, diurnal cortisol rhythm, and performance related to working and living in extreme and isolated environments. The thesis consists of three papers that ... -
Addressing the social determinants of health at the local level: Opportunities and challenges
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aims: The gradient in health inequalities reflects a relationship between health and social circumstance, demonstrating that health worsens as you move down the socio-economic scale. For more than a decade, the Norwegian ... -
Addressing the social determinants of health in the Nordic countries: wicked or tame problem?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This project studied how the Nordic countries apply policies to address the social determinants of health, and such a perspective demands awareness of the structural conditions for health. The project applied a qualitative ... -
Adolescent determinants of life-course leisure-time vigorous physical activity trajectories: a 27-Year longitudinal study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background Adolescence is regarded as formative years for building the foundations for life-long health and well-being, and adolescent determinants of physical activity (PA) development is particularly interesting. Novel ... -
Adolescents living with HIV in Botswana: What contributes to an HIV positive adolescent thriving?
(Master thesis, 2012-05-16)Background: HIV positive adolescents' well-being is becoming an increasingly important issue, as antiretroviral medications are contributing to more HIV positive children surviving into adolescence and adulthood. Sub-Saharan ... -
After Burnout - A qualitative study on how nurses recover from burnout and how they manage when they return to work
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)Utbrenthet er, ifølge Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO), definert som et "yrkesfenomen" som følge av langvarig stress på arbeidsplassen som ikke har blitt håndtert på en vellykket måte. Forskning indikerer at sykepleiere er ... -
Age-specific prevalence of the metabolic syndrome defined by the International Diabetes Federation and the National Cholesterol Education Program: the Norwegian HUNT 2 study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007-08-29)Background: The 2005 International Diabetes Federation (IDF) definition of the metabolic syndrome was designed to be useful worldwide, but to date few prevalence studies have used that definition in European populations. ... -
Akademisk suksess hos unge som har vært under offentlig omsorg: en scoping review
(Master thesis, 2020-06-10) -
Alcohol- and drug use among adolescents. School-related problems, childhood mental health problems, and psychiatric diagnoses
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-03-01)Background Adolescents with alcohol and drug-related problems (ADP) are at heightened risk for a range of difficulties, such as mental health problems and school-related problems. However, the nature of the association ... -
Allocating municipal services to individuals with complex rehabilitation needs – a discourse analysis of individual administrative decision letters
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Rehabilitation is considered paramount for enhancing quality of life and reducing healthcare costs. As a result of healthcare reforms, Norwegian municipalities have been given greater responsibility for allocating ... -
An analysis of socio-demographic patterns in child malnutrition trends using Ghana demographic and health survey data in the period 1993-2008
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-10-16)Background A small but growing body of research indicates that progress in reducing child malnutrition is substantially uneven from place to place, even down to the district level within countries. Yet child malnutrition ... -
Anxiety and depressive symptoms in adolescence in relation to teacher support, socioeconomic status and gender differences
(Master thesis, 2018-06-15)The aim of this thesis was to investigate anxiety and depressive symptoms in adolescence in relation to teacher support, socioeconomic status and gender differences. To investigate this, the present study used a cross-sectional ... -
Arbeid og familie: Betydningen av krav og ressurser i arbeid for norske arbeidstakeres opplevelse av å kombinere arbeid og familie
(Master thesis, 2015-06-20)Background: Work-family conflict is related to poor psychological and physical health, absence and deterioration of relationship quality at home. Work-life balance is related to improved well-being, motivation and productivity. ... -
Are associations between electronic media use and BMI different across levels of physical activity?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-05-19)Background The use of electronic media has been found to be a risk factor for higher BMI and for being overweight. Physical activity has been found to be associated with lower BMI and lower risk for being overweight. Little ... -
Are the voices of parents heard? A scoping review of satisfaction in parenting programs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Parenting programs are an effective approach to promote positive parenting. In evidence-based practice, client’s values and preferences contribute to promoting quality, and are a crucial component of service evaluation. ... -
Aspirations and realities in a North-South partnership for health promotion: lessons from a program to promote safe male circumcision in Botswana
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-07-28)Background: International donors support the partnership between the Government of Botswana and two international organisations: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Africa Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnership ... -
Assessing Harmful Sexual Behaviour Among Youth: Does Professional Background Affect AIM3 Scoring?
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)Denne kvantitative masteroppgaven handler om AIM3, som står for «assessment/intervention/moving on» og er den tredje versjonen av dette kartleggingsverktøyet. AIM3 er et kartleggingsverktøy for barn som har, eller er ...