Browsing Department of Health Promotion and Development by Title
Now showing items 341-360 of 632
Leisure‐time physical activity and participation in organized sports: Changes from 1985 to 2014 in Finland and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Participation in organized sports is a popular and important part of the lives of children and adolescents and is associated with improved psychological and social health, as well as an increased likelihood of meeting ... -
Lessons Learned from an Intersectoral Collaboration between the Public Sector, NGOs, and Sports Clubs to Meet the Needs of Vulnerable Youths
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The Norwegian Government emphasizes intersectoral collaboration to achieve health goals such as reducing social health differences. However, research shows that achieving fruitful collaboration between different organizations ... -
Levelling the social gradient in health at the local level: applying the Gradient Equity Lens to Norwegian local public health policy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The gradient in health inequalities reflects a relationship between health and social circumstance demonstrating that health worsens as you move down the socioeconomic scale. Norway’s Public Health Act (PHA) specifically ... -
Life as an ex-mine worker: exploring the coping and wellbeing of the 2014 retrenched mine workers in Obuasi municipality, Ghana
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Background: The year 2014 saw a roll-out of a retrenchment policy in Anglo-gold Ashanti, Obuasi, leading to a massive lay-off of about 3,500 mine workers of the company. For the retrenched workers, the job-loss meant a ... -
Life in a witch camp. Experiences of residents in the Gnani Witch Camp in Ghana
(Master thesis, 2013-05-29)One of the features of Ghanaian culture, which also form the worldviews of many Ghanaians, is the belief in and practice of witchcraft. Beliefs in and practices of witchcraft in Ghana cut across the geographical north as ... -
Listening to Advice from Young People in Foster Care—From Participation to Belonging
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Ensuring that young people in foster care receive the support they need at the right time, is a pressing issue across health- and social services. In this study, we aim to broaden the knowledge base on what constitutes ... -
Lite muskler og ris bak speilet? Tilsyn og kvalitetssikring av lovfestet meldeplikt til barneverntjenesten.
(Master thesis, 2014-05-20)Bakgrunn Media omtaler jevnlig alvorlige barnevernssaker som avdekker at barn har levd under uholdbare forhold over lang tid. Så nær som alle yrkesgrupper i Norge som kommer i direkte og indirekte kontakt med barn, har ... -
Lived experiences: A focus group pilot study within the MentALLY project of mental healthcare among European users
(Journal article, 2020)Background Mental healthcare is an important component in societies’ response to mental health problems. Although the World Health Organization highlights availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of healthcare ... -
Livelihoods of female-headed households in Namuwongo slum, Kampala Uganda.
(Master thesis, 2015-05-31)This study focuses on the livelihoods of female-headed households (FHHs) in Namuwongo slum in Kampala Uganda. The trajectory of FHHs to Namuwongo slum, their livelihood challenges, and their livelihood strategies for ... -
Local drug prevention - From policy to practice : A qualitative case study of policy makers, outreach social workers and at-risk youths
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-10-01)The overall aim of this thesis is devoted to understanding a local drug prevention strategy and its implementation through the eyes of policy makers, outreach social workers and at-risk youths. In Norway, municipalities ... -
Local drug prevention strategies through the eyes of policy makers and outreach social workers in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)More than half of the municipalities in Norway report drug misuse as the most important public health challenge. Following a whole‐of‐government tradition, the ambition is to achieve horizontal and vertical coordination ... -
Lokal implementering av nasjonal folkehelsepolitikk: Folkehelsearbeid med formål om utjevning av sosiale ulikheter i helse i en norsk kommune
(Master thesis, 2015-05-21)Målsetting: Denne studien tar for seg en norsk kommunes oppfølging av folkehelseloven. Formålet med studien har vært å skaffe kunnskap om hvordan kommunen organiserer sitt folkehelsearbeid, hvordan folkehelselovens formål ... -
Lokal innsats for utjevning av sosiale helseforskjeller- en kvalitativ studie av to kommuners arbeid med sosial ulikhet i helse
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Sosial ulikhet i helse utpekes som en vedvarende folkehelseutfordring og et samfunnsproblem. Samtidig er ulikhetene økende. Folkehelseloven pålegger kommunene et særskilt ansvar for folkehelsearbeidet, herunder utjevning ... -
Long-term effects of payment for performance on maternal and child health outcomes: evidence from Tanzania
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background The success of payment for performance (P4P) schemes relies on their ability to generate sustainable changes in the behaviour of healthcare providers. This paper examines short-term and longer-term effects of ... -
Long-term outcomes at 24- and 36-month follow-up in the intervention arm of the randomized controlled trial of Prompt Mental Health Care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-09)Background: Whether long-term symptom improvement is maintained after treatment in services such as the Norwegian Prompt Mental Health Care (PMHC) and the English Improving Access to Psychological Therapies is not yet ... -
Long-term sickness absence and disability pension award as consequences of common mental disorders. Epidemiological studies using a population-based health survey and official ill health benefit registries
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-01-15)The common mental disorders anxiety and depression are widespread in the population and will affect 1 in 4 adults at least once during their lifetime. Due to high prevalence of common mental disorders within official benefit ... -
Losing fat, gaining treatments: the use of biomedicine as a cure for folk illnesses in the Andes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07-03)Background: This article explores how people in the Andes incorporate beliefs from both biomedical and ethnomedical systems in treating folk illnesses that often involve spiritual beings. The article focuses on the ... -
Lost Working Years Due to Mental Disorders: An Analysis of the Norwegian Disability Pension Registry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-08-15)Objectives: Mental disorders are prevalent diagnoses in disability benefit statistics, with awards often granted at younger age than for other diagnoses. We aimed to compare the number of lost working years following ... -
Lov til kjærlighet. En studie av høringsuttalelsene til innføring av begrepet kjærlighet i barnevernloven
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Barnevernloven ble i 2018 endret til å inkludere begrepet kjærlighet. At loven nå inneholder et begrep som tradisjonelt er blitt brukt for å beskrive relasjoner innad i familien, har vært omstridt. I artikkelen presenterer ... -
The Luo co-wives of Kenya: Using Resistance Resources to Achieve an Empowered Quality of Life
(Master thesis, 2012-05-21)Health is an abstract, hazy and contested concept that means different things to different people. One of the most persistent confusions between definitions of health has been whether to focus on wellness or on the absence ...