Browsing Department of Health Promotion and Development by Title
Now showing items 378-397 of 640
Measurement invariance of the empowering and disempowering motivational climate questionnaire-coach in youth sport
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-06)The purpose of this study was to test the measurement invariance (across five languages, two time points, and two experimental conditions) of the empowering and disempowering motivational climate questionnairecoach (EDMCQ-C; ... -
Media Coverage of Pedophilia and Its Impact on Help-Seeking Persons with Pedophilia in Germany—A Focus Group Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-30)The public stigma associated with pedophilia, the sexual attraction to prepubescent children, is tremendous. Previous research indicates that undifferentiated media coverage plays an essential role in perpetuating the ... -
Mellom makt og hjelp: En komparativ undersøkelse av sosialt arbeid med risikoutsatte familier i Norge og Brasil
(Master thesis, 2014-05-20)Denne masteroppgaven tok utgangspunkt i datamateriale som var innsamlet i forbindelse med en intervjuundersøkelse av marginaliserte familier i Norge og Brasil som hadde lav samfunnsinkludering. Masteroppgavens problemstilling ... -
"men de er alle i større eller mindre grad sårbare". Policy dokumenter sin framstilling av enslige mindreårige asylsøkere og flyktninger
(Master thesis, 2018-06-22)The thesis interest lies in how unaccompanied minors (UM) are portrayed, and the potential impact this might have on the child welfare services that meet and work with UM. 2015 can be seen as a year with special impact on ... -
Men's Involvement in Maternal healthcare in Accra, Ghana. From Household to Delivery Room
(Master thesis, 2013-05-31)Mid-way through working towards the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) five, which is concerned with improving maternal health, the international health community now realises that the goal is impossible to achieve without ... -
Menarche and reproductive health in Spanish Roma women from a reproductive justice perspective: a qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Objectives This study aimed to explore the perceptions of Roma women about their experience of menarche and reproductive health considering the principles of reproductive justice. Design Qualitative study based on ... -
Mental health and impairment in disability benefits. Studies applying linkages between health surveys and administrative registries
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-09-19)Objective: An increasing number of people in Norway and most other western countries leave the workforce earlier than retirement age and depend on disability benefits for income security. There is no consensus concerning ... -
Mental health and use of health care services in opioid‑exposed school‑aged children compared to foster children
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Given the concerns raised regarding the effects of prenatal exposure to methadone and buprenorphine on the developmental outcomes of the children, this study assessed mental health and use of services in a national sample ... -
Mental health in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The COVID-19 pandemic caused immediate and far-reaching disruption to society, the economy, and health-care services. We synthesised evidence on the effect of the pandemic on mental health and mental health care in high-income ... -
Mental well-being among students in Norwegian upper secondary schools: the role of teacher support and class belonging
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Knowledge about factors in school that can promote adolescents’ mental health is of great value for national health policies and health promotion work. This cross-sectional study investigated levels of mental wellbeing ... -
Mestring, sosioøkonomisk status og subjektive helseplager hos pasienter med uspesifikke ryggplager
(Master thesis, 2011-05-20)Background: According to the cognitive activation theory of stress, sustained activation due to lack of positive response outcome expectancies, may lead to bad health and subjective health complaints. Sensitization mechanisms ... -
A Meta-Analysis on the Link Between Young People's Social Environment, Socioeconomic Status, and Political Violence Outcomes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Young people are particularly likely to engage in political violence, hold positive attitudes towards political violence, and show willingness to engage in political violence. The social environment in which young people ... -
Meta‑Analyses of the Associations Between Disinhibited Social Engagement Behaviors and Child Attachment Insecurity or Disorganization
(Journal article, 2021)Children with disinhibited social engagement disorder show reduced reticence with strangers, do not check back with their caregiver after venturing away, and may willingly leave with an unfamiliar adult. The recent DSM-5 ... -
Microfinance schemes and poverty reduction among women in the northern region of Ghana : A Study of an NGO and a Rural Bank
(Master thesis, 2011-05-31)In Ghana like in other developing countries, microfinance has been acknowledged as a pro-poor development intervention because of its special programme models in meeting the special needs of the poor especially women. The ... -
Midlife mental distress and risk for dementia up to 27 years later: the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) in linkage with a dementia registry in Norway.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03-10)Background Dementia is an increasing public health challenge, and the number of individuals affected is growing rapidly. Mental disorders and symptoms of mental distress have been reported to be risk factors for dementia. ... -
Minority children and academic resilience in the Nordic welfare states
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to summarise and analyse empirical research on protective factors that promote academic resilience in ethnic minority children mainly aged between 13 and 18 years attending schools ... -
Modelling malaria treatment practices in Bangladesh using spatial statistics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-03-05)Background: Malaria treatment-seeking practices vary worldwide and Bangladesh is no exception. Individuals from 88 villages in Rajasthali were asked about their treatment-seeking practices. A portion of these households ... -
‘The more you go to the mountains, the better parent you are’. Migrant parents in Norway navigating risk discourses in professional advice on family leisure and outdoor play
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Drawing on data from a study with Southern European parents living in Norway, this article discusses the experiences of migrant parents with professional advice on family leisure and outdoor play. The study is situated ... -
Mortality and work-related disability as long-term consequences of anxiety and depression: historical cohort designs based on the HUNT-2 study
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-10-12)Objective: Over the last decades, quality epidemiological studies have repeatedly shown that the prevalence of mental illness is substantial, but still largely under-recognised and undertreated. Under-recognition in general ... -
Mother's socioeconomic status and breastfeeding in Savalugu Nanton District of Northern Ghana
(Master thesis, 2011-01-28)PURPOSE: The aim of this research is to identify socioeconomic factors associated with mother's breastfeeding infants from 0-6months old in Savalugu Nanton district of Northern Ghana. Although many previous studies have ...