Browsing Department of Foreign Languages by Journals "Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies (BeLLS)"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Associations évoquées par le changement climatique chezdes citoyens français et norvégiens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-07)Communication related to climate change as well as to its consequences constitutes a major challenge; all the more so since climate is a nonobservable phenomenon, in stark contrast to the weather. In this perspective, ... -
Climate Change in Cameroon Political Discourse: A Case Study of Paul Biya's COP21 Speech
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)As climate change has occupied a growing space in public debates in recent years, various institutional frameworks have been developed to enable discussion of this issue across areas and borders. The most important of such ... -
Controverses du changement climatique : la représentation des paroles d’autrui dans les pages de discussion sur Wikipédia francophone et norvégien
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Résumé Le présent article se propose d’explorer l’encyclopédie collaborative Wikipédia au prisme de deux aspects ayant particulièrement intéressé Kjersti Fløttum au fil de ses travaux : (i) la crise climatique, qui sera ... -
Ekphrasis et figura dans le texte michonien
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Pierre Michon’s postmodern writing oscillates between the sacred and the simulacrum, the sensible and the intelligible. It prompts the reader’s immersion into the text in order to make literature a force that acts. The ... -
Estudio dialectológico perceptual de las Antillas hispánicas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-10)In this paper I analyzed the Spanish - speaking Caribbean´s dialectal perceptions (Cubans, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans), in order to know the mental delimitation of the linguistic area to which their varieties are ... -
Identifying opposition against increased carbon tax and reduced red meat consumption
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Identifying the individual characteristics that predict climate policy support can inform strategies to increase support for climate policies. This study examines how individual characteristics predict support for two ... -
«Jeg er redd for fremtiden»: Unge, bekymrede stemmer i klimadebatten
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Mange unge er bekymret for klimaendringene. Her undersøker jeg innholdet i denne bekymringen, som uttrykt i debattartikler skrevet av ungdom til Aftenposten mellom 2016-2021. Min analytiske tilgang til disse tekstene er ... -
La polyphonie discursive: un modèle ancré sur la ScaPoLine et le dialogisme
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-14)The present work is intended as a contribution to the development of a discourse polyphony approach. Polyphony in language studies can take different meanings depending on the various approaches as Nølke, Fløttum, and Norén ... -
Lingua e spazio urbano a Roma nel racconto di Ettore Scola. Il caso di Una giornata particolare (1977)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-07)This article aims to focus on two main aspects of Rome urban space vision and representation through Ettore Scola’s filmography: on the one hand, we try to decode the interconnections between languages and cinematic ... -
Voix, silences et colonialisme
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-11)Asking whether silence necessarily equals oppression, and (giving) voice necessarily assures agency, Jorunn Svensen Gjerden’s paper examines voices and silences related to colonial power structures in three francophone ...