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Intuition Machines Cognizers in Complex Human-Technical Assemblages
(Journal article, 2020)The urgency of environmental, security, economic and political crises in the early twenty-first century has propelled the use of machine vision to aid human decision-making. These developments have led to strategies in ... -
Inversjon i norsk innlærerspråk. En undersøkelse av variasjonsmønstre i skrevne tekster.
(NOA, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008) -
Investigating the effectiveness of an online language teacher education programme informed by self-determination theory
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Despite the centrality of motivation for all learning, few studies have examined the effectiveness of online language teacher education (OLTE) programmes within a psychological framework. This explorative study seeks to ... -
Investigating the northern Palmyrene hinterland - a GIS-analysis
(Master thesis, 2017-06-17)A study that analyse the distribution of sites, as well as the water system of the northern Palmyrene hinterland. -
Investigating the process of ethical approval in citizen science research: The case of Public Health
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Undertaking citizen science research in Public Health involving human subjects poses significant challenges concerning the traditional process of ethical approval. It requires an extension of the ethics of protection of ... -
Investigating the ‘multiethnolectality’ of MLE as expressed in grime lyrics
(Master thesis, 2018-06-20)Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ studie med kvantitative elementer. Oppgaven har som mål å undersøke hvorvidt og eventuelt hvordan det multi-etnolektalske aspektet ved Multicultural London English (heretter ‘MLE’) ... -
Inwiefern können Lehrwerke die interkulturelle Kompetenz der Lernenden fördern? Eine Lehrwerkanalyse zweier norwegischer DaF-Lehrwerke in Bezug auf das interkulturelle Leistungsvermögen derer Texte und Aufgaben.
(Master thesis, 2020-12-18)Interkulturell kompetanse refererer til hensiktsmessig kommunikasjon og tenkning i møte med mennesker som har en annen måte å tenke og kommunisere på enn man selv (Dypedahl & Bøhn, 2017:14) og anses som en nøkkelkompetanse ... -
IPCC communicative practices: A linguistic comparison of the Summary for Policymakers 2007 and 2013
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)The present paper undertakes an analysis of language use in two so-called Summaries for policymakers (SPMs), published as part of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Assessment Reports 4 (AR4, 2007) and 5 ... -
Iraks shiaer under Det britiske mandatet
(Master thesis, 2008-11-11)Denne oppgaven omhandler forholdet mellom Storbritannia og shiaene i Irak under den britiske mandatperioden. Den tar for seg hvorfor shiaene, som utgjorde en demografisk majoritet, forble en politisk minoritet under denne ... -
Irish triangles - gender and nationalism in James Joyce's Ulysses
(Master thesis, 2010-05-18)In the first chapter, I explore the numerous mythic and discursive formations that represented Ireland as a woman, made contemporary by the Irish Literary Revival and British caricatures, among others. Molly Bloom, though ... -
Irrigated areas drive irrigation water withdrawals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A sustainable management of global freshwater resources requires reliable estimates of the water demanded by irrigated agriculture. This has been attempted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) through country ... -
Is 1 always less than 2 in Norwegian tonal accents?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2006)As in Swedish, a tonal accent distinction is found in most Norwegian dialects. The distinction is dependent on primary stress, so that any primary stress will be pronounced with one of the two melodies that manifest the ... -
Is change necessary? A study of norms and universals in intralingual translation
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)This thesis looks at the presence of norms and translation universals in intralingual translation. The subject for the study has been the British and American editions of Philip Pullman's The Amber Spyglass, the final book ... -
Is powdered ochre a useful polishing material for bone tools?
(Master thesis, 2022-11-21)Oker har hatt mange viktige funksjoner for tidligere mennesker, og har fortsatt til en viss grad i dag, fra kompliserte symbolske aktiviteter til mer daglig bruk som solbeskyttelse, eller som lim for å skafte redskap. Man ... -
Is Reduced Visual Processing the Price of Language?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We suggest a later timeline for full language capabilities in Homo sapiens, placing the emergence of language over 200,000 years after the emergence of our species. The late Paleolithic period saw several significant ... -
Is VARS more intuitive and efficient than Sobol’ indices?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Variogram Analysis of Response Surfaces (VARS) has been proposed by Razavi and Gupta as a new comprehensive framework in sensitivity analysis. According to these authors, VARS provides a more intuitive notion of ... -
Islam, kjønn, og fritaksproblematikk i skolen. Svømmeundervisningen som kjerne til konflikt i fritakssaker
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Debatten om muslimske kvinner og jenters deltagelse i skolens svømmeundervisning og i svømming i offentlige svømmehaller er en debatt som foregår parallelt i flere land og i mange ulike debatter med perspektiver og argumenter ... -
Islamic Law: The Sources
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)The historiography of the early development of Islamic law, the Sharia, is highly contentious both among Muslims and secular historians. In economic field, this takes the form of the growth of an ‘Islamic banking system’, ... -
Islamisering og islams posisjon i dagens Bosnia og Hercegovina
(Master thesis, 2006) -
Islamsk diskurs i nye medier predikanten Amr Khalid
(Master thesis, 2006)