Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title
Now showing items 261-280 of 3915
Becoming a Woman, Linguistically: A corpus-based analysis of Norwegian age constructions with lexemes denoting unnamed persons
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)This thesis investigates the use of seven Norwegian lexemes to refer to unnamed persons in age-specified constructions in Norwegian newspapers. The study combines corpus analysis with critical discourse analysis from a ... -
Becoming HERmione. An exploration of the process of subjectivity in H.D.'s Her
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)This thesis calls for a reevaluation of H.D.'s prose oeuvre through a close reading of the novel Her. As H.D.'s prose texts were discovered in the late seventies, they were read as manifestations of a feminist modernism ... -
Bedre med en geirfugl i hånden enn ti på skjæret? 1800-tallets naturforskeres syn på utryddelsen av geirfuglen.
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)This thesis aims to analyze the 19th century naturalists’ views on the extinction of the great auk. In the half-century following its extinction in 1844, several scientific papers were written on the bird, with many of the ... -
Before the Bonanza: Hydrocarbons in Greenland
(Master thesis, 2010-05-17)The issue of Greenlandic hydrocarbons gradually moved towards the centre of the creation of autonomous Greenland. Hydrocarbons in Greenland and the Greenlandic nation were co-produced in the same process. Thus, when ... -
The Beginning of the Viking Age in the West
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-04)During the Viking Age, Arctic Scandinavia was a source of exquisite furs, down, walrus ivory, and other commodities that met with high demand in England and on the Continent. Hitherto, the earliest firm evidence of this ... -
The Beginnings of Nordic Scribal Culture, ca 1050-1300; REPORT from a Workshop on Parchment Fragments, Bergen 28-30 October 2005
(Research report, 2006)28-30 October 2005 a group of 28 scholars from the Nordic countries, England and Germany gathered in Bergen for the workshop “The beginnings of Nordic scribal culture, ca 1050-1300. A workshop on parchment fragments”. ... -
Begrepet poetisitet i Russisk litteratur
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Behind the glass case: A comparative study of two sets of human remains in Norwegian museums
(Master thesis, 2017)Kjernen i avhandlingen er casestudiet av to kvinnelige menneskelevninger. Dismutenibtes og ”Maren i myra” er fra ulike kulturelle og historiske kontekster. Dismutenibtes er en gammel egyptisk mumie og inngår i utstillingen ... -
"Being humble and enduring enough": An exploration of the hunter's place in nature in William Faulkner's Go Down, Moses
(Master thesis, 2016-05-18)This thesis is interested in examining how place, nature and hunting is used in Go down, Moses by William Faulkner. For this exploration, I will be focusing on the three stories "The Old People", "The Bear" and "Delta ... -
Being Persian in Late Mamluk Egypt: The Construction and Significance of Persian Ethnic Identity in the Salons of Sultan Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī (r. 906–922/1501–1516)
(Journal article, 2020)People identified as Persians constituted one of the most prominent groups of nonlocal inhabitants in Mamluk Egypt, and earlier scholarship has paid considerable attention to Egyptian-Persian relations. Nevertheless, the ... -
Being safe from what and safe for whom? A critical discussion of the conceptual metaphor of ‘safe space’
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-01-18)Safe space, used in educational settings as a metaphor, stresses the importance of the classroom being a learning environment characterised by respect and safety. Based on examples from Swedish and Norwegian classroom ... -
Bekledning og etnisitet. En kulturvitenskapelig undersøkelse blant kalashfolket i Pakistan
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)This master thesis examines dress and ethnicity among the kalasha people, a small indigenous community in northwestern Pakistan. It examines how clothing, as material culture, express symbolic meaning. More specifically, ... -
Bektaşi Demiş:Orthodox Sunni, heterodox Bektasian incongruity in Bektasi Fikralari
(Master thesis, 2012-02-01)Utredning om bektasivitser -
Belønning av moderskapet. Kvifor staten i Noreg gjennom utviklinga av barnetrygda og kontantstøtta gjekk inn i den heimlege sfæren på 1900-talet.
(Master thesis, 2013-05-14)Korleis skulle staten ha klart seg om det ikkje fødast barn? Barna er framtida og foreldreskapet ei samfunnsteneste. Opplevinga av foreldrerollene er forskjellige frå ei tid til ei anna. Omsorgsproblemet rammar kvar ein ... -
Bergen - en middelalderby i Norge Forvaltningspraksis og forskning fra 1955 til 2013
(Master thesis, 2017-06-22)Middelalderbyen i Bergen er ét samlet kulturminde. Siden 1955 er byen blevet undersøgt arkæologisk forud for enhver forstyrrelse af kulturlagene, der danner byen. Denne masteropgave undersøger og vurderer forvaltningsund ... -
Bergen havn mellom 1970-1990 Stagnasjon eller utvikling?
(Master thesis, 2009-05-14)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg utviklingen av Bergen havn i perioden mellom 1970 og 1990. Jeg har fokusert mest på hvordan Bergen havn endret seg i tilknytning til internasjonale forhold hvor havner rundt om i verden ... -
Bergens ekspansjon mot sør 1890-1940. En studie i boligbygging og byutvidelse
(Master thesis, 2004) -
Bergensheksen. Effekten av fordommer og stigma på moderne heksers identitet
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)This master's thesis has investigated how prejudice and stigmatization shape the identity of contemporary witches within the Bergen area. The purpose has been to look at the inner processes of contemporary witches and their ... -
Bergensk i Bergenhus - ei sosiolingvistisk oppfølgingsgransking av talemålet i Bergenhus bydel
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)Denne sosiolingvistiske oppfølingsgranskinga er ein del av prosjektet Dialektendringsprosessar, og tek føre seg språkleg variasjon og endring i Bergenhus bydel i Bergen kommune. Det språklege datamaterialet er sett saman ...