Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title
Now showing items 3938-3957 of 3996
Writ in water, lines in sand: Ancient trade routes, models and comparative evidence
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-11-09)Historians and archaeologists often take connectivity for granted, and fail to address the problems of documenting patterns of movement. This article highlights the methodological challenges of reconstructing trade routes ... -
Writing data citation guidelines for linguistics: Lessons learned
(Conference poster, 2019)One of the main objectives of the Linguistics Data Interest Group is to develop and adopt common principles and guidelines for data citation and attribution. As a first step, the Austin Principles of Data Citation in ... -
Writing the Order. Religious-Political Discourses in Late Anglo-Saxon England
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-12-13) -
Written formative assessment. A study of how students experience and understand written formative assessment of their written texts in ‘English as a foreign language’.
(Master thesis, 2016-02-01)Written assessment of written text has a strong tradition in schools. It is time consuming for the teachers, and important for students in order to develop their skills. Assessment has been given increased attention in the ... -
Xenophobia, Political Society and the Mechanism of the Imitation of Affects
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Ynskjekvisten og andre folkelege søkjereiskapar. Forståing og bruk av søkjereiskapar i spenningsfeltet mellom tradisjonell magi og moderne kultur
(Master thesis, 2015-09-01)Folkelege søkjereiskapar, som ynskjekvisten, er grunnlaget for denne studien av røyndomsoppfatningar innan alternativmiljøet i Noreg. Ynskjekvisten vart brukt til å finna vatn og metall i mellomalderen, i dag er den ein ... -
¿Yo? ¡ Yo hablo andaluz! Actitudes lingüísticas de los granadinos hacia su lengua materna.
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)El objetivo de esta tesis es la descripción de las actitudes lingüísticas de un grupo de 57 informantes de la capital de la provincia de Granada, seleccionados por varios criterios como la edad, el sexo y el nivel de ... -
«You could cut off my head and still not end my myth.» Feministisk medusaresepsjon i engelsk ungdomslitteratur.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)In this text I have analyzed in what way the Greek mythological character Medusa and the myths surrounding her have been received in two modern texts, namely Dear Medusa by Olivia A. Cole, and Medusa by Jessie Burton. These ... -
"You listen to love with your intellect" - om kriterier og retoriske virkemidler i kritikk av populærmusikk
(Master thesis, 2009-05-07)Criticism of popular music has, since it started to gain momentum in the sixties, contributed to the debate over what constitutes good pop music. There has only been a limited degree of debate over what constitutes good ... -
Young L1 Norwegian-L2 English Students' Engagement with Climate and Environmental Communication
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Vår tids største utfordringar er klima- og miljørelaterte, og dei yngre i samfunnet er bekymra for framtida. I tillegg blir klima- og miljøutfordringane på verdsbasis ofte diskutert på engelsk. Dette betyr at personar som ... -
The Younger the Yankeer? a sociolinguistic study of Norwegian attitudes to English varieties
(Master thesis, 2013) -
YouTube in the EFL Classroom and Listening Comprehension – A Corpus-Based Study
(Master thesis, 2019-06-05)Bruk av YouTube-videoer i klasserommet har blitt mer og mer vanlig siden opprettelsen av YouTube i 2005. Spesielt i engelskundervisningen kan slike videoer åpne et vindu inn til den verden som engelsktalende mennesker lever ... -
Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī og muslimers forhold til ahl al-kitāb
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Za’ama systemet i Libanon 1943 – 1975 - ein historiografisk analyse
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Zhoukoudian Upper Cave personal ornaments and ochre: Rediscovery and reevaluation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Personal ornaments have become a key cultural proxy to investigate cognitive evolution, modern human dispersal, and population dynamics. Here, we reassess personal ornaments found at Zhoukoudian Upper Cave and compare them ... -
Zombies in the classroom. Video games for engagement in a new century of education
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)The use of video games in the classroom is still a controversial topic in the society. In this thesis I show results from a research with a high school in the autumn 2014. In this research I followed several classes which ... -
Zur Entwicklung eigener Unterrichtspraxis Eine qualitative Studie von Lesson study im schulischen Deutschunterricht in Norwegen
(Master thesis, 2017-05-25)Kompetanseutvikling blant lærere er en nøkkelfaktor for en god skole. Når lærere og lærerstudenter reflekterer rundt og tar i bruk forskningslitteratur i planlegging og gjennomføring av undervisningen, kan det gi undervisningen ... -
Zur Entwicklung von Textkompetenz anhand digitaler Hilfsmittel
(Master thesis, 2015-05-20)Erwerb von Textkompetenz in der Fremdsprache Deutsch. In dieser Aufgabe habe ich mit der Entwicklung von Textkompetenz gearbeitet. Verglichen wurde den Einsatz von Wörterbüchern (WB) mit dem Übersetzungsdienst Google ... -
Zur Rolle der Aussprache im Fremdsprachenunterricht - Lehrereinstellungen und Unterrichtspraxen.
(Master thesis, 2016-05-15)Eine verständliche Aussprache ist ein zentraler Teil der kommunikativen Kompetenz in einer Fremdsprache. Dennoch belegt die Forschung, dass die Aussprache eine begrenzte Rolle im Fremdsprachenunterricht hat. Auch in den ... -
Å bli integrert: introduksjonsprogrammet fra et muslimsk deltagerperspektiv
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)Denne masteroppgaven omhandler muslimske flyktningers beretninger om introduksjonsprogrammet for nyankomne innvandrere. Den er basert på kvalitative intervjuer med sju muslimske flyktninger på Vestlandet. Avhandlingen ...