Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title
Now showing items 419-438 of 3910
The Central Place of the Avaldsnes Area, SW Norway. An Analysis of Elites and Central Functions along Karmsund 200 BC - AD 1000
(Master thesis, 2009-05-15)The island of Karmøy is located at the southwestern coast of Norway, in the county of Rogaland. The protected sea way through Karmsund on the eastside of the island, represent an area with great strategic potential along ... -
The Challenge of Quantification: An Interdisciplinary Reading
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The present work looks at what we call “the multiverse of quantification”, where visible and invisible numbers permeate all aspects and venues of life. We review the contributions of different authors who focus on the roles ... -
Change With The Machines: Posthumanism and Postmodernism in Cyberpunk Literature
(Master thesis, 2022-09)Denne oppgaven tar for seg sammenhengen mellom de postmodernistiske motivene som skiller undersjangeren cyberpunk fra den større science fiction-sjangeren, og det posthumanistiske uttrykket som cyberpunk får som resultat ... -
Characterisation of Megabenthic Community Structure at the Fåvne Hydrothermal Vent Field, with Implications for Environmental Management of Seabed Mining
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)There is an increased interest for deep-sea mining in Norwegian waters due to the potential use of minerals in the green shift. However, concerns have been raised regarding the sustainability of such activities. This study ... -
Charismatic Christianity in Finland, Norway, and Sweden: Case Studies in Historical and Contemporary Developments
(Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities, Book; Peer reviewed, 2018)The history of Charismatic Christianity in the Nordic countries reaches as far back as Pentecostalism itself. The bounds of these categories remain a topic of discussion, but Nordic countries have played a vital role in ... -
Charismatic Fellowship or tradition- bound hierarchy: Studying the roots of Church Government with focus upon the Pauline and the Johannine source material
(Master thesis, 2013-06-03)This paper is looking at authority and leadership in the earliest stages of Christianity, and is built up under the following research question: With basis in the Pauline and the Johannine text corpus, how might we define ... -
Charting a new course for translator and interpreter training in Africa: Lessons from the COVID-19 experience in selected countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Translator and interpreter (T&I) training, using virtual learning environments, was largely uninterrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in the Global North. This might not have been the case in the Global South, ... -
Charting artificial intelligence in reality and fiction. A study of how the act of fictionalizing influences human perception of technology
(Master thesis, 2016-11-20)This study strives to understand the act of fictionalizing and how it affects humans' perception of artificial intelligence both with and without a bodily representation. As these technologies becomes more intrinsic to our ... -
Chatboten som sosial aktør. Kor godt fungerer chatboten som sosial aktør og kan den forbetre kommunikasjonsevna til mennesket?
(Master thesis, 2019-10-19)This master thesis is about whether chatbots are successful as social actors, and whether they can contribute to develop the human communication skill and the human being. My thesis investigates how development in information ... -
Chemical weapons and the Iran-Iraq war. A discussion of the UN Security Council's response to the use of gas in the Iran-Iraq war.
(Master thesis, 2014-11-20)The Iran-Iraq war was the longest interstate war in the 20th century, and lasted from 1980 to 1988. Iraq estimated that 30,000 Iranians lost their lives because of chemical weapons. Gas had not been used in warfare in such ... -
¡Chingar tu madre! El uso del verbo chingar y sus derivados entre los jóvenes de la Ciudad de Mexico
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Este trabajo pretende describir el uso del verbo chingar y sus derivados en el habla juvenil de la Ciudad de México. -
Christianization of Norway
(Conference lecture, 2007-09)During a post doctoral project I have tried to investigate more closely when Norway was Christianized first time (c. AD 1000) by studying archaeological sources. The art of writing mostly arrived together with Christianity, ... -
Chromatic variation in late antique rainbows
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Depictions of rainbows in late antique and early Byzantine art follow the normal sequence of the spectral colours, only some bows exclude blue and violet. Another characteristic feature of the late antique rainbow is the ... -
The chronological, sedimentary and environmental context for the archaeological deposits at Blombos Cave, South Africa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-01)The site of Blombos Cave (BBC) is well known for archaeological remains that have advanced our understanding of the development of modern human behaviour during the Middle Stone Age (MSA). Occupation of the cave occurred ... -
Chunks in the classroom: An experiment on the use of Cognitive Linguistic principles in academic vocabulary instruction among Norwegian upper secondary ESL-students
(Master thesis, 2019-06-06)Ordsekvensar, også kalla ‘chunks’ på engelsk, er ein viktig del av det engelske vokabularet. Denne masteroppgåva undersøkjer mogelege effektar av å bruka læringsstrategiar inspirert av kognitiv lingvistikk i undervisning ... -
Church and Cultures in the Catholic Missionary Renewal of the Early 20th Century: Critical Issues in the Thought of Costantini, Manna, and Vanzin
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article investigates the relationship between the church and indigenous cultures in the field of missionary renewal in the early 20th century, focusing on three influential Catholic figures: Celso Costantini, Paolo ... -
"Ci-a potemu fari!" Usi e atteggiamenti linguistici tra adolescenti a Catania
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-06-18)"We can do it!" Language use and attitudes among adolescents in Catania Is there a connection between overt and covert attitudes towards own dialect among Sicilian adolescents? Can these attitudes be further connected ... -
Ciberactivismo de comunidades nicaragüenses autoconvocadas en España como reacción a la insurrección de abril 2018
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)Cyberaktivisme fra selvinnkalte nicaraguanske samfunn i Spania som en reaksjon på aprilopprøret i 2018 er en samtidshistorisk forskning som bruker casestudie-forskningsmetodikk og verktøyene til digital humaniora – spesielt ... -
"Cibo e cinematografia italiana: ruolo del cibo nelle opere cinematografiche italiane"
(Master thesis, 2018-12-12)In this paper I will analyze the role played by food in the Italian movies and its role in the society. In the first part of the thesis, the analysis will be mostly focused on a linguistic overview on the language of cinema ...