Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Title
Now showing items 865-884 of 1283
On Sappho 1: vv. 7–15 and Rigveda 1.118; an emendation in v. 18
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)The literary image in Sappho 1.7–15 of a goddess ascending on and travelling by a chariot which is yoked to birds occurs also of the Daughter of the Sun in hymn 1.118 of the Rigveda. Apart from the image as such, the shared ... -
On the Acquisition of Tense...
(Chapter, 1995) -
On the consciousness of anglicisms in Norwegian youth language
(Master thesis, 2009-08-27)In Europe, English language, as the language of national integration, is the most dominant word-donor to other less popular languages. But, is usage of English words a sign of cosmopolitanism or rather a sign of strange ... -
On the use of prepositional verbs by Pakistani ESL learners: A corpus study
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20)Engelsk som andrespråk (ESL) er mye brukt i Pakistan, men pakistanske ESL-studenter har fortsatt problemer med å skrive og snakke engelsk. Feil er en naturlig del av andrespråkstilegnelse, så lærere må være klar over ... -
Online Diaries and Blogs
(Chapter, 2016) -
Ontology extraction for coreference chaining
(In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Anaphora Resolution, Mjølfjell, Norway, September 28-30, 2005., Chapter, 2005-09)The KunDoc project investigates coreference chaining with ontology-based methods. In this paper, we discuss knowledge-based methods for coreference chaining and in particular the use of ontologies and their acquisition ... -
Oppfatninger om muslimer og islam. En kritisk og relevansteoretisk analyse av meningsbærende tekster i alternative og tradisjonelle medier
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)I denne oppgava undersøker jeg språklige framstillinger av og oppfatninger om muslimer og islam i sju norske medietekster. Problemstillinga jeg svarer på, er: Hvilke oppfatninger om muslimer og islam kan sies å komme ... -
Opphavet til kvinnenamnet Rise i Sunnfjord
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The female name Rise (or Risse) was given to girls in the Sunnfjord area during the greater part of the 19th century. Other areas where Rise was used are very limited, mostly Vestfold and Buskerud. Norsk personnamnleksikon ... -
Opphevelsen av selvet. Subjektivitet i Samuel Becketts "Textes pour rien"
(Master thesis, 2010-05-17)Denne studien undersøker subjektivitetsmanifestasjoner og relasjoner mellom subjektet og dets representasjoner, med utgangspunkt i Samuel Becketts «Textes pour rien» og gjennom en sammenligning med den forutgående ... -
Ord og bilder på vandring. Bildebøker som gjenskaper dikt og bildekunst
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-12-07)This thesis, entitled Wandering words and images. Picturebooks that recreate poems and visual art works, examines a selection of Norwegian picturebooks including three poetry picturebooks and three narrative art picturebooks. ... -
Ord/Kjønn - ei lesing av Arne Lygre sin forfattarskap
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)I oppgåva Ord/Kjønn – ei lesing av Arne Lygre sin dramatiske forfattarskap undersøkjer eg korleis Arne Lygre sine karakterar problematiserer kjønn i dei tre skodespela Mamma og meg og menn (1998), Dager under (2008) og Jeg ... -
Ordet far hade ingen betydelse för mig" - Göran Tunströms Juloratoriet (1983) lest som en undersøkelse av farskap
(Master thesis, 2012-02-01)Masteroppgave i nordisk litteratur Institutt for lingvistiske, litterære og estetiske studium Universitetet i Bergen Februar 2012 Student: Hanne Lise Kristiansen Veileder: Christine Hamm Tittel: "Ordet far hade ingen ... -
«Orts, scraps and fragments»: En studie av romlige motiv og troper i Virginia Woolfs Between the Acts
(Master thesis, 2017-12-16)This thesis is a study of spatial motifs and tropes in Virginia Woolf’s novel Between the Acts (1941). Through the method of close reading with a theoretical foundation in concepts from Gérard Genette’s narratology and ... -
Osjlo! En undersøkelse av uttalen av sl-sekvenser i NoTa-korpuset
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008) -
Other Codes / Cóid Eile: Re-thinking Context in Digital Literature
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction to Hyperrhiz 20 special issue: Other Codes / Cóid Eile, edited by Anne Karhio and Álvaro Seiça -
Our Struggle: Reading Karl Ove Knausgård’s Min Kamp
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A extensive (11,700 word) roundtable discussion edited and revised for scientific publication: the authors consider the sometimes-frustrating but immersive experience of reading Knausgård's Min Kamp, its relation to ... -
Oversettelse fra norrønt til latvisk: Basert på oversettelse av Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða
(Master thesis, 2009-08-28)The present master thesis Oversettelsesproblemer fra norrønt til latvisk (Translations problems involved from Old Norse to Latvian) is based on the translation of the Icelandic saga Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða into Latvian. ... -
Óðinn og hans ulydige valkyrjer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The article presents an overview of the Valkyrie motif in Old Norse sources. The Valkyries have their origins in various religious beliefs and overlap with other female mythological beings. It is moreover clear that Valkyries ... -
Painting blindness and obscuring vision: Rembrandt and the senses
(Master thesis, 2014-05-28)This thesis takes three paintings by seventeenth- century Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn (1606- 1669) and analyses them in the light of the interrelated themes of blindness, sight and touch. The choice of theme originates ... -
Painting, interpretation, education: Tables of knowledge in the imagines of Philostratus the Athenian
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article shows how the descriptions of paintings (Imagines) by the ancient Greek author Philostratus (third century AD) can be viewed as pedagogical tools in the introduction to higher education. Philostratus presented ...