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A Multiscale Approach to Estimate Large Scale Flow and Leakage from Geological Storage
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)Deep saline aquifers offer the greatest storage capacity for geological storage. However, the formations might be extensive and because of the oil and gas legacy the aquifers are frequently perforated by abandoned wells. ... -
A multiscale flux basis for mortar mixed discretizations of reduced Darcy-Forchheimer fracture models
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-27)In this paper, a multiscale flux basis algorithm is developed to efficiently solve a flow problem in fractured porous media. Here, we take into account a mixed-dimensional setting of the discrete fracture matrix model, ... -
Multiscale investigation of CO2 hydrate self-sealing potential for carbon geo-sequestration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Storage of liquid CO2 in shallow geological formations is a recently proposed concept that can facilitate increased storage capacity and improved mobility control. If stored below the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), ... -
Multiscale mapping of plant functional groups and plant traits in the High Arctic using field spectroscopy, UAV imagery and Sentinel-2A data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, leading to rapid changes in species composition and plant functional trait variation. Landscape-level maps of vegetation composition and trait distributions ... -
Multiscale mass conservative domain decomposition preconditioners for elliptic problems on irregular grids
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-06)Multiscale methods can in many cases be viewed as special types of domain decomposition preconditioners. The localisation approximations introduced within the multiscale framework are dependent upon both the heterogeneity ... -
Multiscale simulation of flow and heat transport in fractured geothermal reservoirs
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-03-04) -
Multiscale Simulation of Non-Darcy Flows
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012-06)In this work we present control volume multiscale methods which address problems on the interaction between pore scale and Darcy scale. For the case when linear equations govern the ow on the pore scale our solution converges ... -
Multiscale Simulation of Offshore Wind Variability During Frontal Passage: Brief Implication on Turbines’ Wakes and Load
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Enhancing the performance of offshore wind park power production requires, to a large extent, a better understanding of the interactions of wind farms and individual wind turbines with the atmospheric boundary layer over ... -
Multiscale Visual Drilldown for the Analysis of Large Ensembles of Multi-Body Protein Complexes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)When studying multi-body protein complexes, biochemists use computational tools that can suggest hundreds or thousands of their possible spatial configurations. However, it is not feasible to experimentally verify more ... -
Multispectral Optical Diagnostics of Lightning from Space
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We present spectroscopic diagnostic methods that allow us to estimate the gas and the electron temperature in emerged lightning stroke channels (from thunderclouds) observed by the photometers and cameras of the Atmosphere ... -
Multitask variational autoencoders
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are widely used for generative modeling and repre- sentation learning tasks. This thesis presents two novel approaches aimed at enhancing the performance of VAEs through the integration of ... -
Multithreaded Multiway Constraint Systems with Rust and WebAssembly
(Master thesis, 2021-08-03)User interfaces are difficult to get right, and implementing and maintaining them takes up a significant portion of development time. Ensuring that all dependencies between Graphical User Interface (GUI) widgets are ... -
A Multivariable Empirical Algorithm for Estimating Particulate Organic Carbon Concentration in Marine Environments From Optical Backscattering and Chlorophyll-a Measurements
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-12)Accurate estimates of the oceanic particulate organic carbon concentration (POC) from optical measurements have remained challenging because interactions between light and natural assemblages of marine particles are complex, ... -
Multivariat analyse av CO2-absorbsjon ved bruk av ulike aminblandingsforhold
(Master thesis, 2019-06-26)Denne masteroppgaven er en samarbeidsoppgave mellom Universitet i Bergen og Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM). Hensikten med masteroppgaven er å opparbeide kunnskap til en metode som kan separere CO2 fra det fossile avfallet, ... -
Multivariat analyse av nær-infrarød spektroskopi og av fysiske egenskaper i piperazin-aktivert 2-amino-2-metylpropanol og blandingsforholdets effekt på CO2-absorbsjon.
(Master thesis, 2018-06-20)Aminløsninger er hovedsakelig det som brukes for å absorbere CO2, særlig monoetanolamin (MEA). Det er også gunstig og teste ut nye og eventuelt bedre løsninger. I denne oppgaven studeres en blanding av piperazin, ... -
Multivariat modellering og prediksjon av brennverdi og tettleik i naturgass
(Master thesis, 2010-02-19)Denne oppgåva er utført i samarbeid med CMR Instrumentation, Bergen. Problemstillinga for oppgåva var å bruke multivariate metodar for å lage modellar som er i stand til å predikere tettleik og brennverdi i naturgass. Det ... -
Multivariate Algorithmic Analysis of Hitting Small Sets
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-05-29)When a problem has been shown to be NP-complete, often one has to be content with either exponential-time algorithms or resort to approximation algorithms that sacrifice the optimality of the solution, or with ad hoc ... -
Multivariate analysis and modeling of crude oil composition and fluid properties relevant for Multiphase Flow Metering
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-09-05)Crude oil composition and properties have been subject for research for several decades, as well as the correlation between the chemical composition and physical properties of crude oil. The physical properties of crude ... -
Multivariate Analysis of Clustering Problems with Constraints
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-12-14)