Browsing Faculty of Science and Technology by Title
Now showing items 6534-6553 of 10641
North Atlantic weather regimes in δ18O of winter precipitation: isotopic fingerprint of the response in the atmospheric circulation after volcanic eruptions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Equatorial volcanic eruptions are known to impact the atmospheric circulation on seasonal time scales through a strengthening of the stratospheric zonal winds followed by dynamic ocean-atmosphere coupling. This emerges as ... -
North Sea circulation: Atlantic inflow and its destination
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-12-22)This study investigates the Atlantic inflow to the North Sea; its variabil- ity, pathways and destination. Results from a numerical model show that the variability of Atlantic inflow is dependent on the inflow location. ... -
North-south asymmetries in cold plasma density in the magnetotail lobes: Cluster observations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-01)In this paper, we present observations of cold (0–70 eV) plasma density in the magnetotail lobes. The observations and results are based on 16 years of Cluster observation of spacecraft potential measurements converted ... -
A North-South Contrast of Subsurface Salinity Anomalies in the Northwestern Pacific From 2002 to 2013
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-03)This paper finds a north‐south contrast of subsurface salinity trend during 2002–2013 in the northwestern Pacific. Both Argo float data and long‐term repeat hydrographic measurements along the 137°E section show that ... -
Northeast Arctic Cod and Prey Match-Mismatch in a High-Latitude Spring-Bloom System
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)By combining an ocean model, a nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton-detritus-model and an individual-based model for early life stages of Northeast Arctic cod we systematically investigate food limitations and growth performance ... -
Northeast Atlantic breakup volcanism and consequences for Paleogene climate change – MagellanPlus Workshop report
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-02)The northeast Atlantic encompasses archetypal examples of volcanic rifted margins. Twenty-five years after the last ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) leg on these volcanic margins, the reasons for excess melting are still ... -
The Northeast Greenland shelf as a potential habitat for the Northeast Arctic cod
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-09-26)Observations (1978–1991) of distributions of pelagic juvenile Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.) show that up to 1/3 of the year class are dispersed off the continental shelf and into the deep Norwegian Sea while on ... -
The northern Barents Sea during 1970–2016: From seabed to surface in the Arctic warming hotspot
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-05-09)Global warming is amplified in the cold and white Arctic, where strong positive feedback mechanisms associated with, e.g., changes in surface conditions and the vertical structure of the Arctic atmosphere enhance the ... -
The northern European shelf as an increasing net sink for CO2
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We developed a simple method to refine existing open-ocean maps and extend them towards different coastal seas. Using a multi-linear regression we produced monthly maps of surface ocean fCO2 in the northern European coastal ... -
Northern hemisphere glaciation during the globally warm early late Pliocene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-12-12)The early Late Pliocene (3.6 to ,3.0 million years ago) is the last extended interval in Earth’s history when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were comparable to today’s and global climate was warmer. Yet a severe global ... -
Northern Hemisphere storminess in the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM1-M)
(Journal article, 2014-12-16)Metrics of storm activity in Northern Hemisphere high- and midlatitudes are evaluated from historical output and future projections by the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM1-M) coupled global climate model. The European ... -
Northern Hemisphere Urban Heat Stress and Associated Labor Hour Hazard from ERA5 Reanalysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Increasing surface air temperature is a fundamental characteristic of a warming world. Rising temperatures have potential impacts on human health through heat stress. One heat stress metric is the wet-bulb globe temperature, ... -
The Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) in Norway: Exploring the population decline through bird ringing data and habitat selection
(Master thesis, 2014-11-05)The Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) is one of many farmland birds that have been suffering from population declines as a result of agricultural intensification over the past few decades. Through the use of ringing- ... -
Northward shifts in the polar front preceded Bølling and Holocene warming in southwestern Scandinavia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The last deglaciation in northern Europe provides an opportunity to study the hydrologic component of abrupt climate shifts in a region with complex interactions between ice sheets and oceanic and atmospheric circulation. ... -
North–South Asymmetries in Earth’s Magnetic Field. Effects on High-Latitude Geospace
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-03)The solar-wind magnetosphere interaction primarily occurs at altitudes where the dipole component of Earth’s magnetic field is dominating. The disturbances that are created in this interaction propagate along magnetic field ... -
Norway's marine and terrestrial climate mapped with dynamical downscaling
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-06-20)Long-term numerical reconstructions on high spatial resolution of past weather are essential tools for studies of the local climate and climate extremes. The focus of this thesis has been to resolve the wind, precipitation, ... -
The Norwegian Atlantic Current in the Lofoten basin inferred from hydrological and tracer data (129I) and its interaction with the Norwegian Coastal Current
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2004-01-14)From three hydrological sections taken across the Lofoten Basin in May 2000, we estimated geostrophic transports of 7.2 Sv (Sverdrup = 106 m³ s-¹) for the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NAC) and its division between northern ... -
Norwegian Atlantic Slope Current along the Lofoten Escarpment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06)Observations from moored instruments are analyzed to describe the Norwegian Atlantic Slope Current at the Lofoten Escarpment (13∘ E, 69∘ N). The data set covers a 14-month period from June 2016 to September 2017 and resolves ... -
Norwegian Biology, Medicine and Psychology Undergraduate Students´ Acceptance of Modern Evolutionary Theory Using the I-SEA Survey Instrument
(Master thesis, 2017-11-02)584 undergraduate students from three disciplines and four public universities in Norway were sampled during the spring of 2014 for acceptance of modern evolutionary theory using the I-SEA survey instrument developed by ... -
Norwegian e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences (NeLS)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The Norwegian e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences (NeLS) has been developed by ELIXIR Norway to provide its users with a system enabling data storage, sharing, and analysis in a project-oriented fashion. The system is ...