Now showing items 658-677 of 10641

    • Automorphism groups of pseudo H-type algebras 

      Furutani, Kenro; Markina, Irina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In the present paper we determine the group of automorphisms of pseudo H-type Lie algebras, that are two step nilpotent Lie algebras closely related to the Clifford algebras Cl(Rr,s).
    • Automorphism groups of pseudo H-type Lie algebras 

      Azzolini, Francesca (Master thesis, 2017-07-26)
    • Autonomic Operation of a Large High Performance On-Line Compute Cluster 

      Haaland, Øystein Senneset (Doctoral thesis, 2015-12-10)
      A High-Level Trigger (HLT) system is composed of both hardware and software. Designing the physical layout of the cluster mainly concerns the hardware; node distribution, network layout, estimation of power requirements, ...
    • Autonomous mobile robots - Giving a robot the ability to interpret humanmovement patterns, and output a relevantresponse. 

      de Lange, Sindre Eik; Heilund, Stian Amland (Master thesis, 2019-06-28)
      The demographic challenges caused by the proliferation of people of advanced age, and the following large expense of care facilities, are faced by many western countries, including Norway (eldrebølgen). A common denominator ...
    • Autonomous Ocean Turbulence Measurements Using Shear Probes on a Moored Instrument 

      Fer, Ilker; Paskyabi, Mostafa Bakhoday (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-02)
      An internally recording, autonomous instrument has been tested for measurements of ocean turbulence from a mooring line. Measurements were made at a single level in the water column, but for an extended period of time, at ...
    • Autosomal sdY pseudogenes explain discordances between phenotypic sex and DNA marker for sex identification in Atlantic salmon 

      Ayllon, Fernando; Solberg, Monica Favnebøe; Besnier, Francois; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Wargelius, Anna; Edvardsen, Rolf Brudvik; Glover, Kevin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Despite the key role that sex-determination plays in evolutionary processes, it is still poorly understood in many species. In salmonids, which are among the best studied fishes, the master sex-determining gene sexually ...
    • Auxiliary variables for 3D multiscale simulations in heterogeneous porous media 

      Sandvin, Andreas; Keilegavlen, Eirik; Nordbotten, Jan Martin (Journal article, 2013-04-01)
      The multiscale control-volume methods for solving problems involving flow in porous media have gained much interest during the last decade. Recasting these methods in an algebraic framework allows one to consider them as ...
    • Avalanches, climate and glaciers - a reconstruction based on lake sediments from lake Kjøsnesfjorden 

      Amm, Stephan (Master thesis, 2023-03-20)
      To kjerneprøver fra Kjøsnesfjorden, Vestland, har blitt analysert for å undersøke den glasiale historien og massebevegelser i holocen. Tidligere undersøkelser, klimatiske data og et kvartærgeologisk kart ble brukt for å ...
    • Avansert styringssystem for optimalisering av energilagring i distribusjonsnett 

      Eide, Vanessa Cristal Salvador (Master thesis, 2019-01-17)
      I distribusjonsnettet har det lenge blitt opererert med tradisjonell nettutbygging for handtering av kapasitetsproblem eller spenningsproblem. Med stor vekst i tal el-bilar, meir energikrevjande apparat, samt befolkningsvekst ...
    • Avfallsvann som et alternativt dyrkingsmedium for mikroalger med et høyt innhold av EPA og DHA 

      Rundqvist, Sara Carolin (Master thesis, 2020-07-02)
      Mikroalger har mulighet til å danne flere ulike komponenter av kommersiell verdi. Av spesielt stor interesse er deres innhold av de flerumettede fettsyrene eikosapentaensyre (EPA) og dokosaheksaensyre (DHA). Disse fettsyrene ...
    • AVO Inversion using Data Assimilation 

      Jonge, Thomas de (Master thesis, 2019-06-26)
    • Avoiding misleading estimates using mtDNA heteroplasmy statistics to study bottleneck size and selection 

      Giannakis, Konstantinos; Broz, Amanda K.; Sloan, Daniel B.; Johnston, Iain (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy samples can shed light on vital developmental and genetic processes shaping mitochondrial DNA populations. The sample means and sample variance of a set of heteroplasmy observations are ...
    • Avvik mellom estimert og faktisk energiproduksjon for småkraftverk 

      Lie, Sindre Blomvågnes (Master thesis, 2016-06-01)
      I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på årsakene til avviket mellom estimert og faktisk energiproduksjon for tre av kraftverkene som Småkraft AS sammen med grunneier har hatt i drift i 8-9 år. Kraftverkene jeg har sett på er Ytre ...
    • Axial and transverse deep‐water sediment supply to syn‐rift fault terraces: Insights from the West Xylokastro Fault Block, Gulf of Corinth, Greece 

      Cullen, Timothy M; Collier, Richard E.L.I.; Gawthorpe, Rob; Hodgson, David M.; Barrett, Bonita J (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Deep‐water syn‐rift systems develop in partially‐ or transiently‐linked depocentres to form complicated depositional architectures, which are characterised by short transport distances, coarse grain sizes and a wide range ...
    • Axiom Based Testing in Java 

      Nesse, Mads Bårvåg (Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      Software plays a crucial role in today's society. Making sure that software is reliable is therefore very important. To make reliable software it is important to test it. Axiom-based testing gives us a way of specifying ...
    • Axiom-Based Transformations: Optimisation and Testing 

      Bagge, Anya Helene; Haveraaen, Magne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-10-10)
      Programmers typically have knowledge about properties of their programs that aren't explicitly expressed in the code ­ properties that may be very useful for, e.g., compiler optimisation and automated testing. Although ...
    • Axis patterning by BMPs: cnidarian network reveals evolutionary constraints 

      Genikhovich, Grigory; Fried, Patrick; Prünster, M. Mandela; Schinko, Johannes B.; Gilles, Anna F.; Fredman, David; Meier, Karin; Iber, Dagmar; Technau, Ulrich (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03)
      BMP signaling plays a crucial role in the establishment of the dorso-ventral body axis in bilaterally symmetric animals. However, the topologies of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling networks vary drastically ...
    • Azimuthal anisotropy of charged jet production in \(\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=2.76\) TeV Pb–Pb collisions 

      Adam, Jaroslav; Adamová, Dagmar; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca; Agnello, Michelangelo; Agrawal, Nikita; Ahammed, Zubayer; Ahn, Sang Un; Akindinov, Alexander; Alam, Sk Noor; Alme, Johan; Helstrup, Håvard; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Altinpinar, Sedat; Djuvsland, Øystein; Haaland, Øystein Senneset; Huang, Meidana; Lønne, Per-Ivar; Nystrand, Joakim; Rehman, Attiq ur; Røhrich, Dieter; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Ullaland, Kjetil; Velure, Arild; Wagner, Boris; Zhang, Hui; Zhou, Zhuo; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bätzing, Paul Christoph; Dordic, Olja; Lindal, Svein; Mahmood, Sohail Musa; Milosevic, Jovan; Qvigstad, Henrik; Richter, Matthias Rudolph; Røed, Ketil; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zhao, Chengxin; Langøy, Rune; Lien, Jørgen André; Aleksandrov, Dimitry; Alessandro, Bruno; Alexandre, Didier; Alfaro, Molina; Zhu, Hongsheng; Alici, Andrea; Alkin, Anton; ALICE, Collaboration (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02)
      This paper presents measurements of the azimuthal dependence of charged jet production in central and semi-central \(\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=2.76\) TeV Pb–Pb collisions with respect to the second harmonic event plane, quantified ...
    • Azimuthal anisotropy of D-meson production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN =2.76 TeV 

      Abelev, Betty; Adam, Jaroslav; Adamová, Dagmar; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Agnello, Michelangelo; Agostinelli, Andrea; Agrawal, Nikita; Ahammed, Zubayer; Ahmad, Nazeer; Ahn, Sang Un; Alme, Johan; Erdal, Hege Austrheim; Helstrup, Håvard; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Altinpinar, Sedat; Djuvsland, Øystein; Fehlker, Dominik; Haaland, Øystein Senneset; Huang, Meidana; Lønne, Per-Ivar; Nystrand, Joakim; Rehman, Attiq ur; Røhrich, Dieter; Skjerdal, Kyrre; Ullaland, Kjetil; Velure, Arild; Wagner, Boris; Yang, Shiming; Zhou, Zhuo; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bätzing, Paul Christoph; Dordic, Olja; Lindal, Svein; Mahmood, Sohail Musa; Milosevic, Jovan; Qvigstad, Henrik; Richter, Matthias; Røed, Ketil; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zhao, Chengxin; Langøy, Rune; Lien, Jørgen André; Ahn, Sul-Ah; Ajaz, Muhammad; Akindinov, Alexander; Alt, Torsten; ALICE, Collaboration (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-09)
      The production of the prompt charmed mesons D0, D+, and D*+ relative to the reaction plane was measured in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collision of √sNN=2.76TeV with the ALICE detector ...
    • Azimuthal Anisotropy of Heavy-Flavor Decay Electrons in p-Pb Collisions at √sNN=5.02  TeV 

      Acharya, Shreyasi; Adamová, Dagmar; Adolfsson, Jonatan; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca; Agnello, Michelangelo; Agrawal, Neelima; Ahammed, Zubayer; Ahn, Sang Un; Aiola, Salvatore; Alme, Johan; Altenkaemper, Lucas; Djuvsland, Øystein; Ersdal, Magnus Rentsch; Fionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste; Nystrand, Joakim; Rehman, Attiq ur; Røhrich, Dieter; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Ullaland, Kjetil; Wagner, Boris; Zhou, Zhuo; Arsene, Ionut Cristian; Bätzing, Paul Christoph; Dordic, Olja; Lardeux, Antoine Xavier; Lindal, Svein; Mahmood, Sohail Musa; Malik, Qasim Waheed; Richter, Matthias; Røed, Ketil; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zhao, Chengxin; Helstrup, Håvard; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Nesbø, Simon Voigt; Storetvedt, Maksim Melnik; Langøy, Rune; Lien, Jørgen André; Akindinov, Alexander; Al-Turany, Mohammed; Alam, Sk Noor; De Albuquerque, Danilo Silva; Aleksandrov, Dimitry; Alessandro, Bruno; Alfaro Molina, José Rubén; Ali, Yasir Turki Ben; ALICE, Collaboration (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Angular correlations between heavy-flavor decay electrons and charged particles at midrapidity ( | η | < 0.8 ) are measured in p -Pb collisions at √ s N N = 5.02     TeV . The analysis is carried out for the 0%–20% (high) ...