Browsing Geophysical Institute by Title
Now showing items 311-330 of 1293
Effects of sea-ice and biogeochemical processes and storms on under-ice water fCO2 during the winter-spring transition in the high Arctic Ocean: Implications for sea-air CO2 fluxes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-07)We performed measurements of carbon dioxide fugacity (fCO2) in the surface water under Arctic sea ice from January to June 2015 during the Norwegian young sea ICE (N-ICE2015) expedition. Over this period, the ship drifted ... -
Effects of simulated natural variability on Arctic temperature
(Journal article, 2005-09-23)A five-member ensemble with a coupled atmospheresea ice-ocean model is used to examine the effects of natural variability on climate projections for the Arctic. The individual ensemble members are initialized from a 300 ... -
Effects of solar irradiance forcing on the ocean circulation and sea-ice in the North Atlantic in an isopycnic coordinate ocean general circulation model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2004)The sensitivity of the ocean circulation to changes in solar irradiance is examined using an isopycnic coordinate, global ocean general circulation model (OGCM) coupled to a thermodynamic/dynamic sea-ice model. In the ... -
Effects of solar irradiance forcing on the ocean circulation and sea-ice in the North Atlantic in an isopycnic coordinate ocean general circulation model
(Tellus;56A(2), Journal article, 2004-03)The sensitivity of the ocean circulation to changes in solar irradiance is examined using an isopycnic coordinate, global ocean general circulation model (OGCM) coupled to a thermodynamic/dynamic sea-ice model. In the ... -
The effects of spatial and temporal variations in spawning on offspring survival in Northeast Arctic cod
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Climate change and harvesting result in temporal and spatial changes and variability in spawning, and thus in offspring ambient drift conditions. As a result, variable survival of offspring and thereby in recruitment are ... -
Effects of wave-induced processes in a coupled wave-ocean model on particle transport simulations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study investigates the effects of wind–wave processes in a coupled wave–ocean circulation model on Lagrangian transport simulations. Drifters deployed in the southern North Sea from May to June 2015 are used. The ... -
Effekter av trykk på seismiske hastigheter - modellerte og observerte sammenhenger
(Master thesis, 2001) -
An efficient training scheme for supermodels
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-06-28)Weather and climate models have improved steadily over time as witnessed by objective skill scores, although significant model errors remain. Given these imperfect models, predictions might be improved by combining them ... -
Ein enkel orografisk nedbørsmodell for Vestlandet
(Master thesis, 2011)I denne oppgåva er det undersøkt om ein enkel orografisk nedbørsmodell vil kunne gje gode estimat for nedbøren på Vestlandet. Ein del av oppgåva har vore å finne ut om ein slik modell er eit eigna verktøy til å forklare ... -
Ekstremverdianalyse av nedbør og oppdatering av intensitet - varighet - frekvenskurver i Bergen Kommune
(Master thesis, 2016-06-14)Bergen er en by på vestkysten av Norge kjent for høyre årlige nedbørsmengder og mange regndager.På grunn av dette har en i Bergen en lang historie i håndtering av store nedbørsmengder. Dette har en lykkes godt med så langt, ... -
The El Niño effect on Ethiopian summer rainfall
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)While El Niño is known to cause failure of Kiremt (boreal summer) rainfall in Ethiopia, the mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we use the ECHAM5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model to investigate the physical link ... -
Electron Density Depletion Region Observed in the Polar Cap Ionosphere
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This paper presents and discusses electron density depletion regions observed with the incoherent scatter EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) located at 75.43°N geomagnetic latitude. The data include several decades of measurements, ... -
The Emergence of the North Icelandic Jet and Its Evolution from Northeast Iceland to Denmark Strait
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The North Icelandic Jet (NIJ) is an important source of dense water to the overflow plume passing through Denmark Strait. The properties, structure, and transport of the NIJ are investigated for the first time along its ... -
An emerging pathway of Atlantic Water to the Barents Sea through the Svalbard Archipelago: Drivers and variability
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The Barents Sea, an important component of the Arctic Ocean, is experiencing changes in its ocean currents, stratification, sea ice variability, and marine ecosystems. Inflowing Atlantic Water (AW) is a key driver of these ... -
En hydrografisk undersøkelse i Grønlandshavet i april 1980
(Master thesis, 1983)I april 1980 blei det foretatt et tokt med M/S ‘Polarsirkel’ til de sentrale delene av Grønlandshavet, hvor i alt 89 CTD-stasjoner blei tatt. De hydrografiske dataene fra dette toktet har i denne hovedfagsoppgaven blitt ... -
Energy Storage in the Distribution Grid
(Master thesis, 2017-12-23)The implementation of distributed energy storage will play a vital role in the Smart Grid of the future, which is the merging of IT and the electrical power grid. With the increasing penetration of distributed energy ... -
Enhancing Seasonal Forecast Skills by Optimally Weighting the Ensemble from Fresh Data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Dynamical climate predictions are produced by assimilating observations and running ensemble simulations of Earth system models. This process is time consuming and by the time the forecast is delivered, new observations ... -
En enkel gressvekstmodell utprøvd på Island og i Norge
(Master thesis, 2001) -
Ensemble-based data assimilation and forecasting with an eddy-resolving model of the Gulf of Mexico
(Doctoral thesis, 2008-09-12) -
ENSO teleconnections in terms of non-NAO and NAO atmospheric variability
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The validity of the long-held understanding or assumption that El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a remote influence on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the January–February–March (JFM) months has been questioned ...