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Identification of boosted Higgs bosons decaying into b-quark pairs with the ATLAS detector at 13 TeV
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper describes a study of techniques for identifying Higgs bosons at high transverse momenta decaying into bottom-quark pairs, H→bb¯, for proton–proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large ... -
Identifikasjon av undervannsobjekter ved bruk av ultralyd
(Master thesis, 2018-09-04)Hensikten med dette prosjektet er å undersøke om ultralyd kan benyttes som et detekteringssystem under vann. Det er blitt designet tre ulike reflektorer for å se på refleksjonsegenskapene til disse. Fjernstyrte undervannsfarkoster ... -
Identifying the nature of the QCD transition in heavy-ion collisions with deep learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this proceeding, we review our recent work using deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify the nature of the QCD transition in a hybrid modeling of heavy-ion collisions. Within this hybrid model, a viscous ... -
Identifying the nature of the QCD transition in relativistic collision of heavy nuclei with deep learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Using deep convolutional neural network (CNN), the nature of the QCD transition can be identified from the final-state pion spectra from hybrid model simulations of heavy-ion collisions that combines a viscous hydrodynamic ... -
Image formation in the scanning helium microscope
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The scanning helium microscope (SHeM) is a new addition to the array of available microscopies, particularly for delicate materials that may suffer damage under techniques utilising light or charged particles. As with all ... -
Image processing, segmentation, and measurements of hydrate phase transition on pore-scale
(Master thesis, 2021-04-26) -
Image quality of list-mode proton imaging without front trackers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)List mode proton imaging relies on accurate reconstruction of the proton most likely path (MLP) through the patient. This typically requires two sets of position sensitive detector systems, one upstream (front) and one ... -
Image Reconstruction for Proton Therapy Range Verification via U-NETs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study aims to investigate the capability of U-Nets in improving image reconstruction accuracy for proton range verification within the framework of the NOVO (Next generation imaging for real-time dose verification ... -
The impact of energetic electron precipitation on mesospheric hydroxyl during a year of solar minimum
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06)In 2008 a sequence of geomagnetic storms occurred triggered by high-speed solar wind streams from coronal holes. Improved estimates of precipitating fluxes of energetic electrons are derived from measurements on board the ... -
The Impact of Energetic Electron Precipitation on Mesospheric Hydroxyl Radical
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-12-12) -
Impact of gas type on microfluidic drainage experiments and pore network modeling relevant for underground hydrogen storage
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in geological reservoirs is proposed as a technically feasible solution to balance mismatch between supply and demand in emerging markets. However, unique hydrogen properties and coupled ... -
The Impact of Oxygen on the Reconnection Rate
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-29)We investigate the role of a background oxygen population in magnetic reconnection, using particle‐in‐cell simulations. We run several simulations, with different initial oxygen temperatures and densities, to understand ... -
Impact of solar irradiance and geomagnetic activity on polar NOx, ozone and temperature in WACCM simulations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The response of the atmosphere to solar irradiance and geomagnetic activity is analyzed in experiments with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) under idealized forcings. Four experiments are carried out ... -
The impact of sunlight on high-latitude equivalent currents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-03)Ground magnetic field measurements can be mathematically related to an overhead ionospheric equivalent current. In this study we look in detail at how the global equivalent current, calculated using more than 30 years of ... -
Impact of variable proton relative biological effectiveness on estimates of secondary cancer risk in paediatric cancer patients
(Master thesis, 2018-12-12)Background: Proton therapy has an increased dose-conformity compared to conventional radiotherapy with photons, and paediatric cancer patients receiving cranio-spinal irradiation (CSI) are routinely referred to this treatment ... -
Impacts of Ionospheric Ions on Magnetic Reconnection and Earth's Magnetosphere Dynamics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Ionospheric ions (mainly H+, He+, and O+) escape from the ionosphere and populate the Earth's magnetosphere. Their thermal energies are usually low when they first escape the ionosphere, typically a few electron volt to ... -
Impacts on oil recovery from capillary pressure and capillary heterogeneities
(Doctoral thesis, 2008-06-02)This thesis summarises the findings made in NFR-funded project “Capillary Pressure and Capillary Heterogeneities”. The focus has been to determine the impact on oil recovery from wettability and fractures in carbonate ... -
Implementasjon av interrupt-styrd DMA-overføring på HLT-RORC
(Master thesis, 2005)På CERN i Geneve vert det bygd ein ny partikkelakselerator kalla LHC. Ein av dei fire hovuddetektorane i LHC vert kalla for ALICE. I ALICE-detektoren møtest akselererte blyion i høgenergetiske kollisjonar. Med desse ... -
Implementation of a CAN bus interface for the Detector Control System in the ALICE ITS Upgrade
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)For the Upgrade of the ALICE Experiment in Long Shutdown 2, a new Inner Tracking System (ITS) is being commissioned, based on the ALPIDE Monolitihic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) chip. Data readout from the ALPIDE chips is ... -
Implementation of a double scattering nozzle for Monte Carlo recalculation of proton plans with variable relative biological effectiveness
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A constant relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 1.1 is currently used in clinical proton therapy. However, the RBE varies with factors such as dose level, linear energy transfer (LET) and tissue type. Multiple RBE ...