Blar i Department of Physics and Technology på forfatter "Haaland, Stein Egil"
Geomagnetic Response to Rapid Increases in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure: Event Detection and Large Scale Response
Madelaire, Michael; Laundal, Karl Magnus; Reistad, Jone Peter; Hatch, Spencer Mark; Ohma, Anders; Haaland, Stein Egil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Discontinuities in the solar wind trigger a variety of processes in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. A rapid increase in solar wind dynamic pressure causes compression of the magnetosphere. This manifests itself as a ... -
Space and atmospheric physics on Svalbard: a case for continued incoherent scatter radar measurements under the cusp and in the polar cap boundary region
Baddeley, Lisa; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Haaland, Stein Egil; Heino, Erkka Petteri; Mann, Ingrid Brigitte; Miloch, Wojciech Jacek; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Partamies, Noora; Spicher, Andres; Vierinen, Juha-Pekka (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Incoherent scatter radars (ISRs) represent the only instrument (both ground and space based) capable of making high temporal and spatial resolution measurements of multiple atmospheric parameters—such as densities, ... -
Spatial evolution of magnetic reconnection diffusion region structures with distance from the X-line
Oieroset, M; Phan, Tai D.; Ergun, R.E.; Ahmadi, N.; Genestreti, K.; Drake, J. F.; Liu, Y.; Haggerty, CM; Eastwood, JP; Shay, M.A.; Pyakural, P.; Haaland, Stein Egil; Oka, M; Goodbred, M; Eriksson, S; Burch, J. L.; Torbert, R; Khotyaintsev, Y; Russell, C. T.; Strangeway, R; Gershman, D.J.; Giles, B. L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We report Magnetospheric Multiscale four-spacecraft observations of a thin reconnecting current sheet with weakly asymmetric inflow conditions and a guide field of approximately twice the reconnecting magnetic field. The ... -
Using machine learning to characterize solar wind driving of convection in the terrestrial magnetotail lobes
Cao, Xin; Halekas, Jasper; Haaland, Stein Egil; Ruhunusiri, Suranga; Glassmeier, Karl-Heinz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In order to quantitatively investigate the mechanism of how magnetospheric convection is driven in the region of magnetotail lobes on a global scale, we analyzed data from the ARTEMIS spacecraft in the deep tail and data ...