Browsing Department of Earth Science by Title
Now showing items 433-452 of 1247
Harnessing the potential of CT scanning to identify cryptotephra in sediment cores: a controlled experiment.
(Master thesis, 2019-12-20)Volcanic ash (tephra) is a powerful geochronological tool, called tephrochronology, as rapid widespread deposition in multiple environments allows for correlation of geological archives across vast areas. It can thus help ... -
Hemipelagic deposits on the Mendeleev and northwestern Alpha submarine Ridges in the Arctic Ocean: acoustic stratigraphy, depositional environment and an inter-ridge correlation calibrated by the ACEX results
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)The first high resolution multichannel seismic data from the Mendeleev and Alpha Ridges in the Arctic Ocean have been used to investigate the depositional history, and compare acoustic stratigraphies of the three main ... -
The High Arctic Large Igneous Province: first seismic-stratigraphic evidence for multiple Mesozoic volcanic pulses on the Lomonosov Ridge, central Arctic Ocean
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We use seismic reflection data acquired by an over-winter expedition on drifting sea ice in the central Arctic Ocean to explore a possible spatial and temporal magmatic relation between the sub-bottom geology of part of ... -
High Mountain Melt-Down: Local Perceptions of Global Warming in the Andes and Himalayas
(Master thesis, 2008)Present scientific knowledge about global warming affirms that ice and snow packs in the high mountains of the world are melting at increasing rates (see IPCC 2007 and UNEP 2007). Melting glaciers and receding snowlines ... -
High resolution benthic Mg/Ca temperature record of the intermediate water in the Denmark Strait across D-O stadial-interstadial cycles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Dansgaard‐Oeschger (D‐O) climate instabilities that took place during Marine Isotope Stage 3 are connected to changes in ocean circulation patterns and sea ice cover. Here we explore in detail the configuration of the water ... -
High resolution hydrographic reconstructions from the Southeast Pacific spanning Antarctic Warming event A2 (44-48 Kyr BP)
(Master thesis, 2022-10-03)Knowledge about and reconstructions of past climate change is important to distinguish between natural climate variability on various time scales and the more recent man-made climate changes. In this thesis, sub-millennial ... -
High resolution seismic stratigraphic analysis: An integrated approach to the subsurface geology of the SE Persian Gulf
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-06-30) -
High-Resolution Environmagnetic Study of HOTRAX Core JPC-14 from the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean
(Master thesis, 2007-11-19)Core JPC-14 was derived from the HLY-0503 expedition from the Alpha Ridge. My supervisor professor Reidar Løvlie guided me with the project, from experiments, data obtaining, and analyisis. -
High-Resolution Magnetic-Geochemical Mapping of the Serpentinized and Carbonated Atlin Ophiolite, British Columbia: Toward Establishing Magnetometry as a Monitoring Tool for In Situ Mineral Carbonation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We address in situ serpentinization and mineral carbonation processes in oceanic lithosphere using integrated field magnetic measurements, rock magnetic analyses, superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) microscopy, ... -
High-Resolution Ps Receiver Function Imaging of the Crust and Mantle Lithosphere Beneath Southern New England and Tectonic Implications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Southern New England exhibits diverse geologic features resulting from past tectonic events. These include Proterozoic and early Paleozoic Laurentian units in the west, several Gondwana-derived terranes that accreted during ... -
High-resolution record revealsclimate-driven environmental andsedimentary changes in an active rift
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02-28)Young rifts are shaped by combined tectonic and surface processes and climate, yet few records exist to evaluate the interplay of these processes over an extended period of early rift-basin development. Here, we present ... -
A high-resolution study of Holocene paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes in the Nordic Seas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-03-26)High-resolution records from IMAGES core MD95-2011 in the eastern Norwegian Sea provide evidence for relatively large- and small-scale high-latitude climate variability throughout the Holocene. During the early and ... -
High-resolution δ^18 O and assemblage analysis between 1949- and 2000 AD based on planktonic foraminifera from the Storegga Slide, eastern Norwegian Sea
(Master thesis, 2016-09-28)In this study are presented results from a high-resolution δ^18 O and assemblage analysis between 1949- and 2000 AD based on planktonic foraminifera from core GS13-182-01. The core was retrieved from the head of the Storegga ... -
Higher-order Hamilton–Jacobi perturbation theory for anisotropic heterogeneous media: dynamic ray tracing in Cartesian coordinates
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)With a Hamilton–Jacobi equation in Cartesian coordinates as a starting point, it is common to use a system of ordinary differential equations describing the continuation of first-order derivatives of phase-space perturbations ... -
Higher-order Hamilton–Jacobi perturbation theory for anisotropic heterogeneous media: dynamic ray tracing in ray-centred coordinates
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Dynamic ray tracing is a robust and efficient method for computation of amplitude and phase attributes of the high-frequency Green’s function. A formulation of dynamic ray tracing in Cartesian coordinates was recently ... -
A Highly Depleted and Subduction-Modified Mantle Beneath the Slow-Spreading Mohns Ridge
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The Mohns Ridge is a very slow-spreading ridge that, together with the Knipovich Ridge, marks the boundary between the North American and Eurasian plates in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. In this study, we report the major ... -
High‐resolution chronology of 24 000‐year long cores from two lakes in the Polar Urals, Russia, correlated with palaeomagnetic inclination records with a distinct event about 20 000 years ago
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Based on radiocarbon dating, a tephra horizon, varve counts and palaeomagnetism, detailed age models covering the last ~24 k cal a bp, have been developed for the stratigraphy in the lakes Bolshoye Shchuchye and Maloye ... -
Holocen rekonstruksjon av Kongsbreen, Svalbard
(Master thesis, 2019-06-26)Dette masterprosjektet har ved bruk av innsjøsedimenter og kvartærgeologisk kartlegging rekonstruert posisjonen til brefronten til Kongsbreen gjennom holocen. Studien er basert på en sedimentkjerne fra Sarsvatnet, nordvest ... -
Holocene avsetningsprosesser i Fjærlandsfjorden basert på marine data
(Master thesis, 2019-06-08)Sedimentbassenger i vestnorske fjorder utgjør et viktig arkiv for å rekonstruere avsetningsmiljø og pre-historisk skredaktivitet samtidig som det gir et indirekte innblikk i hvordan klima har endret seg. I dette studiet ... -
Holocene debris flows recognized in a lacustrine sedimentary succession: sedimentology, chronostratigraphy and cause of triggering
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)This study focuses on the sedimentary characteristics and the chronostratigraphy of Holocene massflow deposits recognized in a lake-fill sedimentary succession. These deposits in lake Ulvådalsvatnet, western Norway, are ...