Browsing Department of Earth Science by Title
Now showing items 453-472 of 1242
Holocene glacier variability and Neoglacial hydroclimate at Ålfotbreen, western Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02)Glaciers and small ice caps respond rapidly to climate perturbations (mainly winter precipitation, and summer temperature), and the mass-balance of glaciers located in western Norway is governed mainly by winter precipitation ... -
(Master thesis, 2022-03-07)De vestnorske fjordbassengene inneholder høytoppløselige arkiver som kan brukes for å studere og rekonstruere avsetningsmiljøet i fjordene. I dette studiet har de holocene avsetningsprosessene i den østlige delen av ... -
Holocene multi-proxy environmental reconstruction from lake Hakluytvatnet, Amsterdamøya Island, Svalbard (79.5°N)
(Journal article, 2018-03)High resolution proxy records of past climate are sparse in the Arctic due to low organic production that restricts the use of radiocarbon dating and challenging logistics that make data collection difficult. Here, we ... -
Holocene skredavsetninger i Halsafjorden, Nordmøre
(Master thesis, 2022-12-09)Hovedformålet med denne masteroppgaven er å avdekke og datere holocene skredavsetninger i Halsafjorden i forbindelse med prosjektet «Ferjefri E39». Ferjefri-E39 prosjektet er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Statens Vegvesen, ... -
Holocene skredhendingar i Sulafjorden og på Hareidlandet, Sunnmøre
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01)Masteroppgåva har som formål å undersøkje om det er ein potensiell samanheng mellom observerte holocene skredhendingar og jordskjelv eller om det er tsunami, i Sulafjorden og i innsjøsedimenter på Hareidlandet. Problemstillinga ... -
Holocene variations in atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic region reconstructed from lake sediments
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-06-17)Holocene variations in atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic region have been reconstructed, based on three individual lake sediment studies from sites along the coast of Norway and Svalbard. This thesis contributes ... -
Homotopy analysis of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation for seismic wavefield modeling in strongly scattering media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We present an application of the homotopy analysis method for solving the integral equations of the Lippmann-Schwinger type, which occurs frequently in acoustic and seismic scattering theory. In this method, a series ... -
Homotopy method for seismic modeling in strongly scattering acoustic media with density variation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The wave equation for acoustic media with variable density and velocity can be transformed into an integral equation of the Lippmann-Schwinger type; but for a 4-dimensional state vector involving the gradient of the pressure ... -
Homotopy scattering series for seismic forward modelling with variable density and velocity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We have derived a convergent scattering series solution for the frequency-domain wave equation in acoustic media with variable density and velocity. The convergent scattering series solution is based on the homotopy analysis ... -
How is a turbidite actually deposited?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The deposition of a classic turbidite by a surge-type turbidity current, as envisaged by conceptual models, is widely considered a discrete event of continuous sediment accumulation at a falling rate by the gradually waning ... -
How post-salt sediment flux and progradation rate influence salt tectonics on rifted margins: Insights from geodynamic modelling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Continental rifted margins can be associated with widespread and thick salt deposits, which are often formed during the final stages of rifting, prior to breakup. These salt-bearing margins are typically characterized by ... -
How well can near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) measure sediment organic matter in multiple lakes?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Loss-on-ignition (LOI) is the most widely used measure of organic matter in lake sediments, a variable related to both climate and land-use change. The main drawback for conventional measurement methods is the processing ... -
Hvordan skille glasiale sedimenter fra andre minerogene kilder i bresjøer - Et studie basert på innsjøkjerner og prøver fra tilhørende dreneringsfelt sør for Ålfotbreen
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)Glacier reconstructions from around the world help us understand how the climate has changed over time. Lake sediments have been used as archives for glacier activity for a long time. The relationship between organic ... -
Hydrocarbon migration in the Utsira High area
(Master thesis, 2021-01-29) -
Hydroclimate variability was the main control on fire activity in northern Africa over the last 50,000 years
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)North Africa features some of the most frequently burnt biomes on Earth, including the semi-arid grasslands of the Sahel and wetter savannas immediately to the south. Natural fires are fuelled by rapid biomass production ... -
Hydrogeologi og karstkorrosjon i Grønli-Seterakviferen, Mo I Rana
(Master thesis, 2002)Nykartlegging av grottesystemet ga en total lengde på 7,6 km (Grønligrotta – 4 100 m, Setergrotta – 3 020 m og Langgrotta-Isgrotta - 440 m). Den aktive akviferen under de tørrlagte grottene er undersøkt hovedsakelig ved ... -
Hydrography in the Nordic Seas During Dansgaard-Oeschger Events 8-5
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-06-14)The modern rapidity of Arctic sea ice loss and rise in Arctic air and ocean temperatures is pushing research to understand mechanisms for abrupt climate fluctuations. Resolving the mechanisms of past abrupt changes is a ... -
Hydrothermal activity fuels microbial sulfate reduction in deep and distal marine settings along the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridges
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Microbial sulfate reduction is generally limited in the deep sea compared to shallower marine environments, but cold seeps and hydrothermal systems are considered an exception. Here, we report sulfate reduction rates and ... -
Hydrothermal circulation and oil migration at the root of the heterogeneous micro-structure of carbonaceous material in the 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation, Onega Basin, Russia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Organic-rich rocks of the 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation, Karelia, Russia, have been studied extensively to gain understanding of the global carbon cycle and reconstruction of paleo-environments, directly after the Great Oxidation ... -
Hydrothermal fluid flow triggered by an earthquake in Iceland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Microearthquake hypocenters were analyzed in the Krýsuvík geothermal area in SW-Iceland with data taken from two consecutive passive seismic surveys, 2005 and 2009. Five years prior to the 2005 survey, this area was struck ...