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Reservoir characterization of Aptian carbonates; Jebel Fadeloun and Jebel Garci, Tunisia
(Master thesis, 2015-06-02)This thesis presents the results of detailed petrographic and diagenetic analyses of the Aptian Serdj Fm. at the Jebel Fadeloun and Jebel Garci localities in northern Tunisia. The Serdj Fm. was deposited in a distally-steepened, ... -
A review of hyperspectral imaging in close range applications
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-07)Hyperspectral imaging is an established method for material mapping, which has been conventionally applied from airborne and spaceborne platforms for a range of applications, including mineral and vegetation mapping, change ... -
Revised Minoan eruption volume as benchmark for large volcanic eruptions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Despite their global societal importance, the volumes of large-scale volcanic eruptions remain poorly constrained. Here, we integrate seismic reflection and P-wave tomography datasets with computed tomography-derived ... -
Revised Storegga Slide reconstruction reveals two major submarine landslides 12,000 years apart
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The Storegga Slide is the largest known exposed submarine landslide in the world, which triggered a tsunami that inundated the coasts of northern Europe ~8,150 years ago. Previous studies suggested the removal of 50–70 m ... -
Revised ΔR values for the Barents Sea and its archipelagos as a pre-requisite for accurate and robust marine-based 14C chronologies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The calibration of marine 14C dates requires the incorporation of regionally specific marine reservoir offsets known as ΔR, essential for accurate and meaningful inter-archive comparisons. Revised, regional ΔR (‘ΔRR’) ... -
Revising chronological uncertainties in marine archives using global anthropogenic signals: a case study on the oceanic 13C Suess effect
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Marine sediments are excellent archives for reconstructing past changes in climate and ocean circulation. Overlapping with instrumental records, they hold the potential to elucidate natural variability and contextualize ... -
Reworking of atmospheric sulfur in a Paleoarchean hydrothermal system at Londozi, Barberton Greenstone Belt, Swaziland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-07)Anomalous fractionation of the minor isotopes of sulfur (Δ33S, Δ36S) in Archean pyrite is thought to reflect photochemical reactions in an anoxic atmosphere, with most samples falling along a reference array with Δ36S/Δ33S ... -
Rift kinematics preserved in deep-time erosional landscape below the northern North Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Our understanding of continental rifting is, in large parts, derived from the stratigraphic record. This record is, however, incomplete as it does not often capture the geomorphic and erosional signal of rifting. New 3D ... -
Robust uncertainty assessment of the spatio-temporal transferability of glacier mass and energy balance models
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02-08)Energy and mass-balance modelling of glaciers is a key tool for climate impact studies of future glacier behaviour. By incorporating many of the physical processes responsible for surface accumulation and ablation, they ... -
Rock physics and seismic AVA analysis of gas hydrate-bearing sediments
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)Large amount of natural gas are present in submarine sediments and permafrost areas in the form of gas hydrates. Gas hydrates are a large potential future energy resource, and may contribute to the methane balance in the ... -
Rock physics interpolation Used for velocity modeling of chalks: Ontong Java plateau example
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)Chalks are pelagic carbonate sediments that are deposited in deep-water environments. Their elastic behaviour is controlled by a combination of depositional conditions and subsequent diagenesis. In this paper, we incorporate ... -
Rock Physics Templates for 4D Seismic Reservoir Monitoring: A case study from Yttergryta field in the Norwegian Sea
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)Time-lapse 3D seismic which geoscientists often abbreviate to 4D seismic has the potential to monitor changes especially in pore pressure, hydrocarbon and brine saturation in a reservoir due to production or water/gas ... -
The role of authigenic sulfides in immobilization of potentially toxic metals in the Bagno Bory wetland, southern Poland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-10)The supply of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, and Tl into a wetland in the industrial area of Upper Silesia, southern Poland via atmospheric precipitation and dust deposition has been counterbalanced by the biogenic metal sulfide ... -
The role of ocean and atmospheric dynamics in the marine-based collapse of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Information from former ice sheets may provide important context for understanding the response of today’s ice sheets to forcing mechanisms. Here we present a reconstruction of the last deglaciation of marine sectors of ... -
The role of ocean circulation and sea ice in abrupt climate change
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-01-17)Abrupt changes in Earth's climate have occurred repeatedly throughout the geological record. Evidence from paleoclimate data has revealed that climate changed most dramatically during the last glacial period, associated ... -
The Role of On- and Off-Axis Faults and Fissures During Eruption Cycles and Crustal Accretion at 9°50′N, East Pacific Rise
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Fissures and faults provide insight into how plate separation is accommodated by magmatism and brittle deformation during crustal accretion. Although fissure and fault geometry can be used to quantify the spreading process ... -
The role of structural inheritance in the development of high-displacement crustal faults in the necking domain of rifted margins: The Klakk Fault Complex, Frøya High, offshore mid-Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-20)The role of inherited structures during the development of normal faults in continental rifts and proximal domains of passive margins have been extensively studied. Few studies, however, have a focus on deciphering the ... -
The Role of Subduction Interface and Upper Plate Strength on Back-Arc Extension: Application to Mediterranean Back-Arc Basins
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)While there has been a lot of work focusing on improving our understanding of divergent and convergent plate boundaries, the intricate nature of back-arc extension, where subduction and large-scale extension occur and ... -
The role of subglacial hydrology in ice streams with elevated geothermal heat flux
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02-10)The spatial distribution of geothermal heat flux (GHF) under ice sheets is largely unknown. Nonetheless, it is an important boundary condition in ice-sheet models, and suggested to control part of the complex surface ...