Browsing Department of Earth Science by Title
Now showing items 945-964 of 1249
Sediment flux variation as a record of climate change in the Late Quaternary deep-water active Corinth Rift, Greece
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The value of deep-water sedimentary successions as reliable records of environmental change has been questioned due to their long response times and sediment pathways leading to complex responses to climatic change and ... -
The Sediment Green-Blue Color Ratio as a Proxy for Biogenic Silica Productivity Along the Chilean Margin
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Sediment cores recently collected from the Chilean Margin during D/V JOIDES Resolution Expedition 379T (JR100) document variability in shipboard-generated records of the green/blue (G/B) ratio. These changes show a strong ... -
Sediment supply controls on sequence stratigraphy
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)A three-dimensional numerical model of deltaic deposition is used to study the influence of sediment supply changes on delta development. Sediment supply will have a cyclic variation under conditions of constant linear sea ... -
Sedimentary analysis of the deep-water (Pliocene) Pellini Member, Corinth Rift, Greece
(Master thesis, 2016-08-23)This sedimentological study focuses on the architectural elements distinguished within the deep-water Pellini Member. The Pellini Member is located south of the active Corinth rift, within the uplifted and incised ... -
Sedimentary anatomy and hydrological record of relic fluvial deposits in a karst cave conduit
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This case study from the renowned Demänová Cave System in the Carpathians of Slovakia demonstrates that the conventional methods of fluvial sedimentology, combined with an allostratigraphic mapping and speleothem U-series ... -
Sedimentary ancient DNA reveals local vegetation changes driven by glacial activity and climate
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Disentangling the effects of glaciers and climate on vegetation is complicated by the confounding role that climate plays in both systems. We reconstructed changes in vegetation occurring over the Holocene at Jøkelvatnet, ... -
Sedimentary ancient DNA sequences reveal marine ecosystem shifts and indicator taxa for glacial-interglacial sea ice conditions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) analysis is a promising new approach for reconstructing the impact of past climate and environmental changes on marine paleobiodiversity. By recovering, amplifying, and sequencing taxonomically ... -
Sedimentary ancient DNA shows terrestrial plant richness continuously increased over the Holocene in northern Fennoscandia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The effects of climate change on species richness are debated but can be informed by the past. Here, we generated a sedimentary ancient DNA dataset covering 10 lakes and applied novel methods for data harmonization. We ... -
Sedimentary architecture of sand bodies in the shallow marine Endalen Member, Firkanten Formation (Paleocene) of the Adventdalen Area, Svalbard
(Master thesis, 2018-06-30)The Firkanten Formation has been the object of many research projects, but due to the economic interests in the lower coal bearing Todalen Member, the upper Endalen Member has received little attention. The Endalen Member ... -
Sedimentary deposits and bioturbation in an Early Cretaceous subarctic stormy greenhouse shelf environment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This study of the Aptian lower part of the Carolinefjellet Formation in Svalbard, Norwegian high Arctic, is based on well cores and outcrop section in the Adventdalen area of Spitsbergen and reports on the deposits and ... -
Sedimentary processes and sediment properties of glacimarine deposits at Utsira Nord offshore wind site.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Utsira Nord offshore wind farm area, located within the Norwegian Channel, less than 10 km west of Utsira island, is designated to host floating wind turbines for renewable energy production. The Norwegian Channel has been ... -
Sedimentary response to tectonism and rifting in basins on the Norwegian shelf and onshore Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-09-10)The Norwegian sedimentary basins offshore and onshore have in variable degree been influenced by tectonism as rifting and faulting during deposition. This stems from post Caledonian extensional events that affected both ... -
Sedimentation in a synclinal shallow-marine embayment: Coniacian of the North Sudetic Synclinorium, SW Poland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This study is a reconstruction of the Coniacian palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental development in the North Sudetic Basin, a synclinal trough within the Late Cretaceous Central European seaway linking the Boreal and ... -
The sedimentation pattern of the last deglaciation and postglacial phase in a high-arctic valley: Endalen, Spitsbergen
(Master thesis, 2000)The present study, focused in the valley-side gravel fans in the eastern part of Endalen and the adjoining side-slope of Adventdalen, has contributed to an understanding of the spatial pattern of the late Weichselian ... -
Sedimentologi og sandkroppgeometri av Hollendardalenformasjonen, Nordenskiöld Land, Spitsbergen
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)Hollendardalenformasjonen (senpaleocen) er første sandsteinsenhet som bygger seg ut fra den vestlige marginen av Sentralbassenget på Svalbard og markerer slik et skille fra et østlig til et vestlig kildeområde under ... -
Sedimentological and petrographical investigations of the Early Triassic Vardebukta Formation on western Spitsbergen
(Master thesis, 2017-12-06)The earliest Triassic Barents Sea Basin received sediments from three sedimentary systems. Of these, the Fennoscandian and the Uralian systems have been well studied highlighting their sedimentology, provenance, extent and ... -
Sedimentological and petrophysical analysis of the Monte Sant'Angelo Megabreccias (Cenomanian), Gargano, southern Italy
(Master thesis, 2008-06-02)The Monte Sant'Angelo Megabreccias (Cenomanian) is one of three distinct and impressive Cretaceous megabreccias exposed on the flank of the Apulian platform, Gargano Promontory, southern Italy. This thesis describes and ... -
The Sedimentological Development of the Fangst Group, Halten Terrace, Mid-Norway
(Master thesis, 2010-06-14)Cores from well 6506/12-1 of the Smørbukk Field (Halten Terrace, Mid-Norway) show a nearly complete 175 meter thick section comprising the Middle Jurassic Fangst Group and the upper part of the underlying Ror Formation of ... -
Sedimentological facies analyses of Clinothem 8C (Eocene), Battfjellet Formation, Brogniartfjella, Svalbard
(Master thesis, 2017-12-15)The Eocene Battfjellet Formation in Van Keulenfjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, has been investigated on the basis of a logged section at eastern Brogniartfjella. A comprehensive study of clinothem 8C, with focus on facies ... -
Sedimentological facies analysis of the mid-Jurassic Garn Formation in Halten Terrace area, Mid-Norway Continental Shelf
(Master thesis, 2017-06-21)The mid-Jurassic Garn Formation in the Halten Terrace area, Mid-Norway Continental Shelf, has been studied on the basis of ~500 m of well-core samples from 9 selected wells, geophysical wireline logs from nearly 30 wide-spread ...