Browsing Department of Earth Science by Title
Now showing items 61-80 of 1247
Assessing first-order BQART estimates for ancient source-to- sink mass budget calculations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Constraining the timing and volume of sediment dispersal in an ancient sedimentary system is vital to understand a basin's infill history. One preferred method for a first-order approximation of ancient sediment load ... -
Assessing linkages between ice sheet calving, subpolar gyre hydrography and deep water ventilation during the last glaciation
(Master thesis, 2017-06-23)It is commonly postulated that ice sheet dynamics and freshwater perturbations in the North Atlantic were linked to disruptions in deep water circulation and North Atlantic cooling in the past. However, the exact nature ... -
Assessing rock glaciers for their hydrological significance in the Semi-arid Andes, Chile
(Master thesis, 2024-08-05)Rock glacier plays an important hydrological role in the semi-arid Chilean Andes, acting as buffers against water scarcity in a warming climate. This role will become more significant in the future since the glaciers in ... -
Assessing the influence of supraglacial lakes to the mass balance of Tapado Glacier
(Master thesis, 2023-11-27)Glaciers are an important source of water for agriculture, mining and large population residing in downstream basins in the semiarid Andes. The Tapado Complex (2.44 km2) is the main glacier in the catchment Coquimbo-La ... -
Assessment of CO2 storage capacity based on sparse data: Skade Formation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-12)Large North Sea aquifers of high quality are the likely major target for 12 Gt of European CO2 emissions that should be stored in the subsurface by 2050. This involves an upscaling of the present combined injection rate ... -
An Assessment of Geophysical Survey Techniques for Characterising the Subsurface Around Glacier Margins, and Recommendations for Future Applications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Geophysical surveys provide an efficient and non-invasive means of studying subsurface conditions in numerous sedimentary settings. In this study, we explore the application of three geophysical methods to a proglacial ... -
Asynchronous Antarctic and Greenland ice-volume contributions to the last interglacial sea-level highstand
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-06)The last interglacial (LIG; ~130 to ~118 thousand years ago, ka) was the last time global sea level rose well above the present level. Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) contributions were insufficient to explain the highstand, ... -
Atlantic circulation changes across a stadial-interstadial transition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We combine consistently dated benthic carbon isotopic records distributed over the entire Atlantic Ocean with numerical simulations performed by a glacial configuration of the Norwegian Earth System Model with active ocean ... -
Atlantic inflow and low sea-ice cover in the Nordic Seas promoted Fennoscandian Ice Sheet growth during the Last Glacial Maximum
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The Atlantic water inflow into the Nordic Seas has proven difficult to reconstruct for the Last Glacial Maximum. At that time, the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet grew potentially to its maximum extent. Sea-ice free conditions in ... -
Atlantic Ocean thermohaline circulation changes on orbital to suborbital timescales during the mid-Pleistocene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-02-19)Mid-Pleistocene benthic ∂18O and ∂13C time series from the North Atlantic site 983 and Ceara Rise site 928 are compared to an array of existing isotopic records spanning the Atlantic basin and the geographic extremes of ... -
Atmosphere-driven ice sheet mass loss paced by topography: Insights from modelling the south-western Scandinavian Ice Sheet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-09)Marine-terminating glaciers and ice streams are important controls of ice sheet mass balance. However, understanding of their long-term response to external forcing is limited by relatively short observational records of ... -
Atmospheric circulation over Europe during the Younger Dryas
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Younger Dryas (YD) was a period of rapid climate cooling that occurred at the end of the last glaciation. Here, we present the first palaeoglacier-derived reconstruction of YD precipitation across Europe, determined ... -
Automated characterisation of Deep-sea imagery using Machine Learning: implications for future conservation and mineral extraction
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)This thesis aimed to develop a methodology using Machine Learning (ML) techniques for the interpretation of deep-sea resources. The deep-sea hosts diverse ecosystems and valuable resources, but potential environmental ... -
Avalanches, climate and glaciers - a reconstruction based on lake sediments from lake Kjøsnesfjorden
(Master thesis, 2023-03-20)To kjerneprøver fra Kjøsnesfjorden, Vestland, har blitt analysert for å undersøke den glasiale historien og massebevegelser i holocen. Tidligere undersøkelser, klimatiske data og et kvartærgeologisk kart ble brukt for å ... -
AVO Inversion using Data Assimilation
(Master thesis, 2019-06-26) -
Axial and transverse deep‐water sediment supply to syn‐rift fault terraces: Insights from the West Xylokastro Fault Block, Gulf of Corinth, Greece
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Deep‐water syn‐rift systems develop in partially‐ or transiently‐linked depocentres to form complicated depositional architectures, which are characterised by short transport distances, coarse grain sizes and a wide range ... -
Basement highs: definitions, characterisation and origins
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A glossary of commonly used terms related to the geometric forms and geological settings of basement highs is presented to assist cross-disciplinary understanding, qualifying prefixes for the term basement are discussed ... -
Basement structure and its influence on the structural configuration of the northern North Sea rift
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-06)The northern North Sea rift basin developed on a heterogeneous crust comprising structures inherited from the Caledonian orogeny and Devonian postorogenic extension. Integrating two‐dimensional regional seismic reflection ... -
Basin-scale architecture of deeply emplaced sill complexes: Jameson Land, East Greenland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Igneous sills are common components in rifted sedimentary basins globally. Much work has focused on intrusions emplaced at relatively shallow palaeodepths (0 – 1.5 km). However, owing to constraints of seismic reflection ... -
Be-10 Dating of Ice-Marginal Moraines in the Khumbu Valley, Nepal, Central Himalaya, Reveals the Response of Monsoon-Influenced Glaciers to Holocene Climate Change
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The dynamic response of large mountain glaciers to climatic forcing operates over timescales of several centuries and therefore understanding how these glaciers change requires observations of their behavior through the ...