Browsing Department of Mathematics by Title
Now showing items 53-72 of 1123
Application of Wavenet to financial times series prediction
(Master thesis, 2024-02-15)This thesis explores the application of the WaveNet model utilizing dilated causal convolutions, originally designed for text-to-speech synthesis on univariate time series. Here it is adapted to predicting on multivariate ... -
Applications of topological cyclic homology to algebraic K-theory
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
An Approach for Investigation of Geochemical Rock-Fluid Interactions
(Chapter, 2014)Geochemistry has a substantial impact in exploiting of geothermal systems. When water is injected in a geothermal reservoir, the injected water and in-situ brine have different temperatures and chemical compositions and ... -
An approximate hybrid method for modeling of electromagnetic scattering from an underground target
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-12-09)The detection of a potential petroleum reservoir is achieved through inversion of electromagnetic data acquired in sea floor receivers. Inversion of electromagnetic data requires a number of repeated solves of the ... -
Are Central Bankers Inflation Nutters? An MCMC Estimator of the Long-Memory Parameter in a State Space Model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Inflation targeting is a common monetary policy regime. Inflation targets are often flexible in the sense that the central bank allows inflation to temporarily deviate from the target to avoid causing unnecessary volatility ... -
Area rearrangement operator in discrete and continuous calculus
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)By interpreting sums as area we construct the area rearrangement operator which looks like Φ = −x d/dx in the continuous case and φ = −x∆ in the discrete case. We explore the properties of these operators, among them how ... -
The aromatic bicomplex for the description of divergence-free aromatic forms and volume-preserving integrators
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Aromatic B-series were introduced as an extension of standard Butcher-series for the study of volume-preserving integrators. It was proven with their help that the only volume-preserving B-series method is the exact flow ... -
Assessing Model Uncertainties Through Proper Experimental Design
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)This paper assesses how parameter uncertainties in the model for rise velocity of CO2 droplets in the ocean cause uncertainties in their rise and dissolution in marine waters. The parameter uncertainties in the rise velocity ... -
Assessing non-linearity in European temperature-sensitive tree-ring data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02)We test the application of parametric, non-parametric, and semi-parametric calibration models for reconstructing summer (June–August) temperature from a set of tree-ring width and density data on the same dendro samples ... -
Assessing uncertainty in knowledge-based systems for data analysis by simulation
(Statistical report no. 30, Research report, 1996-08) -
Assessment of Sequential and Simultaneous Ensemble-based History Matching Methods for Weakly Non-linear Problems
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-02-13)The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has, since its introduction in 1994, gained much attention as a tool for sequential data assimilation in many scientific areas. In recent years, the EnKF has been utilized for estimating ... -
Association between body height and chronic low back pain: a follow-up in the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-06-15)Objective: To study potential associations between body height and subsequent occurrence of chronic low back pain (LBP). Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: The North-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT). Data were ... -
Association between Hyperacusis and Tinnitus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07)Many individuals with tinnitus report experiencing hyperacusis (enhanced sensitivity to sounds). However, estimates of the association between hyperacusis and tinnitus is lacking. Here, we investigate this relationship in ... -
Associations between the number of children, age at childbirths and prevalence of chronic low back pain: the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background Associations between childbirths and subsequent risk of low back pain (LBP) have not been clarified. Changes in sex hormone levels or lumbar posture during pregnancy may have an impact on LBP later in life. The ... -
Assuring the integrity of offshore carbon dioxide storage
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Carbon capture and storage is a key mitigation strategy proposed for keeping the global temperature rise below 1.5 °C. Offshore storage can provide up to 13% of the global CO2 reduction required to achieve the Intergovernmental ... -
Asymptotic N -soliton-like solutions of the fractional Korteweg–de Vries equation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We construct N-soliton solutions for the fractional Korteweg–de Vries (fKdV) equation ∂tu−∂x(∣D∣αu−u2)=0, in the whole sub-critical range α∈(1/2,2). More precisely, if Qc denotes the ground state solution associated ... -
Automorphism groups of pseudo H-type algebras
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In the present paper we determine the group of automorphisms of pseudo H-type Lie algebras, that are two step nilpotent Lie algebras closely related to the Clifford algebras Cl(Rr,s). -
Automorphism groups of pseudo H-type Lie algebras
(Master thesis, 2017-07-26) -
Auxiliary variables for 3D multiscale simulations in heterogeneous porous media
(Journal article, 2013-04-01)The multiscale control-volume methods for solving problems involving flow in porous media have gained much interest during the last decade. Recasting these methods in an algebraic framework allows one to consider them as ... -
Avoiding misleading estimates using mtDNA heteroplasmy statistics to study bottleneck size and selection
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy samples can shed light on vital developmental and genetic processes shaping mitochondrial DNA populations. The sample means and sample variance of a set of heteroplasmy observations are ...