Browsing Faculty of Medicine by Title
Now showing items 8642-8661 of 9554
The survival gap between young and older patients after surgical resection for colorectal cancer remains largely based on early mortality: A EURECCA comparison of four European countries.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: A decade ago, it was demonstrated that the difference in survival between older patients and younger patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) was mainly due to mortality in the first postoperative year. Over the ... -
Survival in a consecutive series of 467 glioblastoma patients: Association with prognostic factors and treatment at recurrence at two independent institutions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-02)Therapy of recurrent glioblastoma (GBM) is challenging due to lack of standard treatment. We investigated physicians’ treatment choice at recurrence and prognostic and predictive factors for survival in GBM patients from ... -
Survival in Norwegian BRCA1 mutation carriers with breast cancer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-04-14)Several studies of survival in women with BRCA1 mutations have shown either reduced survival or no difference compared to controls. Programmes for early detection and treatment of inherited breast cancer, have failed to ... -
Survival of children with rare structural congenital anomalies: a multi-registry cohort study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background Congenital anomalies are the leading cause of perinatal, neonatal and infant mortality in developed countries. Large long-term follow-up studies investigating survival beyond the first year of life in children ... -
Survival on antiretroviral treatment among adult HIV-infected patients in Nepal: a retrospective cohort study in far-western Region, 2006-2011
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-12-26)Background: Though financial and policy level efforts are made to expand antiretroviral treatment (ART) service free of cost, survival outcome of ART program has not been systematically evaluated in Nepal. This study ... -
Survival rates and causes of revision in cemented primary total knee replacement. A report from the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register 1994–2009
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-05)We evaluated the rates of survival and cause of revision of seven different brands of cemented primary total knee replacement (TKR) in the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register during the years 1994 to 2009. Revision for any ... -
Survival signalling and apoptosis resistance in glioblastomas: opportunities for targeted therapeutics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-06-01)Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumour in adults and one of the most aggressive cancers in man. Despite technological advances in surgical management, combined regimens of radiotherapy with ... -
Survival, hospitalisation and surgery in children born with Pierre Robin sequence: a European population-based cohort study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Objective: To evaluate survival, hospitalisations and surgical procedures for children born with Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) across Europe. Design: Multicentre population-based cohort study. Setting: Data on 463 live ... -
Susceptibility to chronic mucus hypersecretion, a genome wide association study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-04-08)Background: Chronic mucus hypersecretion (CMH) is associated with an increased frequency of respiratory infections, excess lung function decline, and increased hospitalisation and mortality rates in the general population. ... -
Susceptibility to hormone-mediated cancer is reflected by different tick rates of the epithelial and general epigenetic clock
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background A variety of epigenetic clocks utilizing DNA methylation changes have been developed; these clocks are either tissue-independent or designed to predict chronological age based on blood or saliva samples. Whether ... -
Sustainability of healthcare improvement: what can we learn from learning theory?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-08-03)Background Changes that improve the quality of health care should be sustained. Falling back to old, unsatisfactory ways of working is a waste of resources and can in the worst case increase resistance to later initiatives ... -
Sustainable work participation and return to work among long-term sick-listed people with depression in Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2025-02-21)Å sikre et bærekraftig arbeidsliv for personer med depresjon er en betydelig utfordring for de som rammes, arbeidsplasser og samfunnet som helhet. Globalt er depressive lidelser den nest største årsaken til uførhet, og ... -
Swabbing for respiratory viral infections in older patients: a comparison of rayon and nylon flocked swabs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)The purpose of this study was to compare the sampling efficacy of rayon swabs and nylon flocked swabs, and of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal specimens for the detection of respiratory viruses in elderly patients. Samples ... -
Swedish child homicide investigations: A population-based study 1998 to 2017
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Child homicide investigations are intricate, and the forensic examinations are of paramount importance in such cases. Despite this, the forensic profile of child homicides remains unexplored. Objective: Our ... -
The Swedish Snus and the Sudanese Toombak: are they different?
(Journal article, 1998-11)In Sweden, snuff (locally known as snus), was introduced since the year 1637. Presently, Sweden has the highest per capita consumption and sale figures of snuff in the world, and the habit is becoming increasingly popular. ... -
Switch from stress response to homeobox transcription factors in Adipose tissue after profound fat loss
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-06-09)Background In obesity, impaired adipose tissue function may promote secondary disease through ectopic lipid accumulation and excess release of adipokines, resulting in systemic low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance ... -
Switch in FOXA1 status associates with endometrial cancer progression
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-05-21)Background: The transcription factor Forkhead box A1 (FOXA1) is suggested to be important in hormone dependent cancers, although with little data for endometrial cancer. We investigated expression levels of FOXA1 in primary ... -
Sykefraværsarbeid i praksis - erfaringer og synspunkt fra langtidssykmeldte og ledere. Fokusgruppeintervju av sykmeldte og ledere
(Master thesis, 2009-06-10)Background: Challenges related to an increase in sick leave has led to a new focus on the workplace as the main setting for both prevention and rehabilitation of people on sick leave. Purpose: The aim of our study was to ... -
Sykepleiens tradisjonelle kjerneverdier - erfares de fortsatt som gjeldende for dagens nyutdannede sykepleiere? En kvalitativ studie omkring nyutdannede sykepleieres erfaringer med tradisjonelle kjerneverdier i sykepleien
(Master thesis, 2017-06-22)Introduction: Traditional core values have been and still are guidelines in nursing practice. The changes and development of society and health-services, lack of access to nurses, economy, efficiency and increasing intake ...