Browsing Faculty of Medicine by Title
Now showing items 9295-9314 of 9320
Zambian newborns exposed to HIV and antiretroviral drugs: Evolution of neutrophil cell count in the first 6 months. Sub-study of the ANRS 12174 trial in Zambia
(Master thesis, 2012-09-24)Background: The efficacy of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) for the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child is one of the greatest successes of antiretroviral therapy. However, concern has been expressed in several ... -
The Zebrafish Larva as a Model System for Myeloid Malignancies
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-02-23)Myeloid kreft er ein ukontrollert deling av dei myeloide stamcellene som finst i beinmergen. Døme på myeloid kreft er akutt myeloid leukemi (AML) og myelodysplastisk syndrom. Desse kreftformane er vanlegast hjå eldre ... -
Zebrafish Larvae as a Model Organism to Study Biotransformation
(Master thesis, 2023-05-22)The zebrafish larva is an increasingly used model organism in many fields of research, including drug development. Due to traits like their small size, rapid development, and high degree of genetic similarity with humans, ... -
Zebrafish Larvae as a Model to Study Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity
(Master thesis, 2020-06-30)Doxorubicin is one of the most versatile cytostatic drugs available and shows efficacy on most cancer forms. However, it also possesses the risk of cardiotoxicity that is hard to predict, can occur decades after treatment, ... -
Zilucoplan: An Investigational Complement C5 Inhibitor for the Treatment of Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibody–Positive Generalized Myasthenia Gravis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG) is an autoimmune disorder in which pathogenic autoantibodies damage the neuromuscular junction, causing disabling or life-threatening muscle weakness. Most treatments nonspecifically ... -
Zinc - a scoping review for Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Zinc is essential for several biological processes including those critical for the immune system, DNA synthesis, cell division, and growth. Zinc is involved in the pathophysiology of chronic diseases and protects proteins ... -
Zinc status in HIV infected Ugandan children aged 1-5 years: a cross sectional baseline survey
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-09-21)Background Low concentrations of serum zinc have been reported in HIV infected adults and are associated with disease progression and an increased risk of death. Few studies have been conducted in HIV infected children in ... -
Zinc, Iron and Infectionstudies in children and women in Nepal
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-10-20)Malnutrition in the form of underweight, stunting, wasting or micronutrient deficiency is prevalent in developing countries and has serious health consequences, particularly for children and women. Correction of micronutrient ... -
Zoonotic helminth exposure and risk of allergic diseases: A study of two generations in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background Animal and human studies indicate that definitive host helminth infections may confer protection from allergies. However, zoonotic helminths, such as Toxocara species (spp.), have been associated with increased ... -
Zoophagic behaviour of anopheline mosquitoes in southwest Ethiopia: opportunity for malaria vector control
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Background: Increased understanding of the feeding behaviours of malaria vectors is important to determine the frequency of human-vector contact and to implement effective vector control interventions. Here we assess the ... -
Å dele uvissa og ansvaret. Ein kvalitativ studie av livets grunnvilkår i medisinsk praksis
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-08-13)Existential challenges affect both patients and doctors in clinical practice. The aims of this study have been to explore how patients and doctors experience and cope with existential aspects of being struck by and treating ... -
Å komme til seg selv – i bevegelse, sansning og forståelse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009)I dette essayet fortolkes Trygve Braatøys tanker om nervøse og psykosomatiske lidelser i lys av Løgstrups sansefilosofi. Braatøy beskrev muskulære belastninger som vevd sammen med følelsesmessige belastninger, og bevissthet ... -
Å lede når sekundene teller
(Master thesis, 2021-05-26)Denne masteroppgaven har som hensikt å utforske hvordan operasjonsleder er etablert som en formalisert ordning i Akuttmedisinske kommunikasjonssentralene (AMK-sentralene) i Norge, og hva denne lederfunksjonen innebærer. ... -
Å leve med cellegiftindusert perifer polynevropati: En kvalitativ studie av kreftoverleveres erfaringer
(Master thesis, 2020-06-19)Bakgrunn: Et økende antall kreftoverlevere gjør at mange lever med seneffekter kreftbehandlingen har medført. Cellegiftindusert perifer polynevropati er en seneffekt som kan påvirke livskvaliteten hos de som rammes. Hensikt: ... -
Å leve med cytostatikaindusert perifer nevropati
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Bakgrunn: Et økende antall kreftoverlevere gjør at mange lever med seneffekter etter kreftbehandlingen. Cytostatikaindusert perifer nevropati er en seneffekt som kan påvirke livskvaliteten hos de som rammes. Hensikt: ... -
Å leve med en kronisk tannkjøttsykdom – En kvalitativ helsefaglig studie
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Norsk sammendrag Introduksjon: Studien tar sikte på å øke kunnskapen om menneskers opplevelser og erfaringer med å leve med periodontitt, med spesiell vekt på pasienter under 45 år. Periodontitt, en vanlig tannkjøttsykdom ... -
Å leve med risiko for arvelig bryst- og eggstokktreft
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)Background: Medical genetic has expanding rapidly development the last couple of decades. Today's technology enables us to perform genetic testing for numerous hereditary diseases, among others hereditary breast- and ovarian ... -
Å lære av feil: en kvalitativ studie av læringsmøter ved en psykiatrisk klinikk
(Master thesis, 2023-10-24)Kvalitativ studie av hvordan innføring av faste læringsmøter påvirker deltakernes kommunikasjon, samhandling og håndtering av risiko. Studien gir innsikt i hvordan innføring av læringsmøter påvirker ansatte ved psykiatriske ... -
Å utsette gleden; en kvalitativ studie om gravide kvinners erfaringer med å gjennomgå invasiv fosterdiagnostikk
(Master thesis, 2018-06-22)In Norway prenatal diagnostics is offered to pregnant women 38 years of age or older at expected term. Prenatal diagnostics is also offered if a pregnant woman has experienced developmental defects in a fetus or child in ... -
Å vende tilbake til Islam : Islamisering, kjønn og identitet i en fransk kontekst
(IMER Norway/Bergen publications / International Migration and Ethnic Relations 21/99, Working paper, 1999)