Blar i Department of Clinical Medicine på tittel
Viser treff 1899-1918 av 2234
S100A16 promotes differentiation and contributes to a less aggressive tumor phenotype in oral squamous cell carcinoma
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-09-09)Background: Altered expression of S100A16 has been reported in human cancers, but its biological role in tumorigenesis is not fully understood. This study aimed to investigate the clinical significance and functional role ... -
Safety and efficacy of epithelium-on corneal collagen cross-linking using a multifactorial approach to achieve proper stromal riboflavin saturation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of epithelium-on corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) using a multifactorial approach to achieve proper stromal riboflavin saturation. Methods: This non-randomized retrospective ... -
Safety and efficacy of rituximab as first- and second line treatment in multiple sclerosis – A cohort study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-31)Background Rituximab is increasingly used as off-label therapy in multiple sclerosis (MS). More data are needed on safety and efficacy of rituximab, particularly in cohorts of de novo patients and patients in early therapy ... -
Safety of breast feeding during rituximab treatment in multiple sclerosis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background There are limited data on the safety of breast feeding during rituximab therapy. Our objective is to determine exposure from breast feeding and biological effects of rituximab in breastfed infants. Methods ... -
Safety of drug use in patients with a primary mitochondrial disease: An international Delphi-based consensus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Clinical guidance is often sought when prescribing drugs for patients with primary mitochondrial disease. Theoretical considerations concerning drug safety in patients with mitochondrial disease may lead to unnecessary ... -
Salmon fillet intake led to higher serum triacylglycerol in obese zucker Fa/Fa rats but not in normolipidemic Long-Evans rats
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-10-08)The triacylglycerol lowering effect of fatty fish and fish oils is well recognized, however we recently showed that salmon intake resulted in higher serum triacylglycerol concentration in obese Zucker fa/fa rats. Since ... -
Salmon Protein Hydrolysate Potentiates the Growth Inhibitory Effect of Bicalutamide on Human Prostate Cancer Cell Lines LNCaP and PC3 by Modulating Iron Homeostasis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Prostate cancer is a common cause of cancer death in men. In advanced stages of prostate cancer, androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is initiated. Despite ADT, prostate cancers invariably progress to become androgen ... -
Sammenheng mellom inntak av FODMAPs og symptomer hos pasienter med inflammatorisk tarmsykdom i remisjonsfase som har irritabel tarm
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Introduksjon: Tidligere studier har vist at pasienter med IBS (irritabel tarm-syndrom) kan ha god effekt av et kosthold med lite FODMAP (fermenterbare oligo- di- og monosakkarider, og polyoler). Studier har også vist en ... -
Satisfaction with life during pregnancy and early motherhood in first-time mothers of advanced age: A population-based longitudinal study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-02-25)Background: The trend to delay motherhood to the age of 30 and beyond is established in most high-income countries but relatively little is known about potential effects on maternal emotional well-being. This study ... -
Scoring systems for outcome prediction in patients with perforated peptic ulcer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-04-10)Background: Patients with perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) often present with acute, severe illness that carries a high risk for morbidity and mortality. Mortality ranges from 3-40% and several prognostic scoring systems have ... -
Seafood Intake and Serum Levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Mother and Child
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Background and objectives Seafood is considered a natural part of a healthy and balanced diet. Seafood is an excellent source of high quality protein, and contains many essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin ... -
Seasonal variations in presenting symptoms and signs of dry eye disease in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The study investigated the seasonal variations of presenting symptoms and signs of dry eye disease (DED) in Norway. 652 consecutive DED patients examined between August 2012 and May 2015 in Oslo, Norway, were included. ... -
Secreted proteins of mycobacteria and their role during infection
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-03-23)One-third of the world’s population is infected with the causative agent of tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A fraction of infected individuals have an active form of the disease, while the remainder is able to ... -
Secretin-stimulated ultrasound estimation of pancreatic secretion in cystic fibrosis validated by magnetic resonance imaging
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-04)Objectives: Secretin-stimulated magnetic resonance imaging (s-MRI) is the best validated radiological modality assessing pancreatic secretion. The purpose of this study was to compare volume output measures from ... -
Sedentary behaviour and cerebrovascular disease: molecular mechanisms and the impact of bout duration. : A multicentre cohort study.
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-03-01)Abstract Background: Sedentary behaviour is associated with vascular disease, and being sedentary for long periods at a time is believed to be associated with the highest risk. The molecular mechanisms are presumed to ... -
Seed Amplification Assay as a Diagnostic Tool in Newly-Diagnosed Parkinson's Disease
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Seed amplification assays (SAA) are the first credible molecular assay for Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, the value of SAA to support the clinicians’ initial diagnosis of PD is not clear. In our study, we analyzed ... -
Selective intrathecal enrichment of G1m1-positive B cells in multiple sclerosis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-10)Immunoglobulin gamma (IgG) heavy chain genes are associated with susceptibility to multiple sclerosis (MS) and IgG levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). However, how these variants are implicated in disease mechanisms ... -
Selective Treatment of Symptomatic Gallstones
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-01-27) -
Self-assessment of range of motion in patients undergoing surgery for a unilateral shoulder condition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Objective: This study aimed to investigate the agreement of patient-assessed and researcher/physician-assessed measurements of the difference in range of motion between the unaffected and affected shoulders in 55 patients ...