Browsing Department of Psychosocial Science by Title
Now showing items 255-274 of 867
Emotional researchers or emotional audiences? The effect of emotions in climate change communication
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)How should researchers communicate about (politicized) risks, such as climate change? Some argue that researchers should express more emotions to emphasize the seriousness of the climate issue and persuade the public to ... -
Emotional Valence of "Voices": Investigating the Role of Glutamate in Auditory Verbal Hallucinations
(Master thesis, 2020-06-23)Background: Recent research seems to point towards a prominent role of glutamate in auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia, with complex inter-related pathophysiological processes and mechanisms involving hyper- ... -
An Empirical Investigation of Depression Symptoms: Norms, Psychometric Characteristics and Factor Structure of the Beck Depression Inventory-II
(Master thesis, 2001)The present study provides normative data and investigated the psychometric characteristics and factor structure of a Norwegian version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) in a general population sample (N=875) ... -
An empirical study on attitudes toward gambling when sportswashing is involved
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Sportswashing is defined as individuals, groups, companies, or countries/regimes’ involvement in sports to improve their own reputation and/or to distract from or normalize wrongdoing. This cross-sectional survey is the ... -
Employee safety perception following workplace terrorism: a longitudinal study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-01-28)Terrorism at the workplace represents an extreme form of workplace violence potentially affecting large numbers of individuals. Evidence suggests that workplace violence adversely affects employees’ health and work functioning ... -
En kvalitativ studie av seks leders refleksjoner omkring det sosiale aspektet ved lederrollen. Hvordan opplever ledere det sosiale aspektet ved lederrollen
(Master thesis, 2020-11-17)Hensikten med denne studien er å øke forståelsen og kunnskapen om hvordan lederne opplever det sosiale aspektet ved lederrollen. Studien baserer seg på dybdeintervju med seks ledere i ulike lederstillinger fra både offentlig ... -
Endring i offentlig sektor: En kvalitativ studie av ansattes erfaringer med sammenslåingen mellom Hordaland fylkeskommune og Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune.
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)Despite the fact that a great deal of organizational change efforts fail, there is little research that examines why. However, the employees’ experience and attitudes towards the change is considered an important factor ... -
Environmental antecedents of workplace bullying: A multi-design approach
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-08-24)The overall aim of this thesis is to contribute to an increased understanding of why bullying occurs at workplaces. Workplace bullying may be understood as the process of repeated and prolonged mistreatment and abuse of ... -
Environmental Attitudes, Behaviors, and Responsibility Perceptions Among Norwegian Youth: Associations With Positive Youth Development Indicators
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Young people’s environmental attitudes and behaviors are essential for environmental conservation, hence the need to identify facilitating factors. Promoting positive development among young people may empower them to ... -
Environmental Risks: Framing effects of Scope and Responsibility on Policy Support
(Master thesis, 2017)The nature of global environmental risks (e.g. climate change) are often complex and thereby difficult to understand through human sensory reception. The perception of these risks will therefore often come from communications ... -
Environmental sustainability in restaurants. A systematic review and future research agenda on restaurant adoption of green practices
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The adverse impact that restaurants have on the environment has received widespread attention in the last decade from both practice and academia. The current study aims to find, catalog, and synthesize the research body ... -
The Epidemiology of Insomnia and Sleep Duration Across Mental and Physical Health: The SHoT Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Objective: Numerous epidemiological studies have been conducted to examine the prevalence and comorbidities of insomnia and document sleep duration, but a common limitation in many studies is the lack of use of agreed-upon ... -
Er de ansatte klare for organisatoriske endringer? Psykologisk trygghetsklima og psykologisk kapital som mekanismer i forholdet mellom støttende ledelse og individuell endringsberedskap.
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)For at virksomheter skal kunne møte eksterne og interne krav forbundet med et arbeidsmarked i rask endring, må de være i stand til å effektivt gjennomføre vellykkede organisatoriske endringer. Derimot tilsier statistikken ... -
Er millenniumsgenerasjonen mer sårbar for konsekvensene av seksuell trakassering? En studie på generasjoner og laissez faire ledelse som potensielle moderatorer på sammenhengen mellom seksuell trakassering og psykiske helseplager
(Master thesis, 2019-04-26)Sexual harassment in the work place is associated with a series of negative consequences for both the victim and the organisation. This study investigates the relationship between sexual harassment and mental health issues. ... -
Et brutalt arbeidsmiljø? En undersøkelse av mobbing, konflikter og destruktiv ledelse i norsk arbeidsliv
(Research report, 2007) -
Et sosialt perspektiv på jobbdesign. Kan sosialt støttende klima moderere forholdet mellom jobbkarakteristikkene og jobbtilfredshet?
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)The aim of this study was to expand the existing work design theory by examining job characteristics, social support and social support climate using multilevel regression analysis. Results from a Belgian sample, consisting ... -
Ethnicity as a risk factor for gambling disorder: a large-scale study linking data from the Norwegian patient registry with the Norwegian social insurance database
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background The study investigated ethnicity as a risk factor for gambling disorder (GD), controlling for demographics, citizenship, and years of residency in Norway. Methods The sample comprised 65,771 individuals ... -
Evaluering av myndighetenes samlede innsats for å forebygge tobakksrelaterte sykdommer i perioden 2003 til 2007
(Research report, 2009)Etter oppdrag fra Helsedirektoratet har Statens institutt for rusmiddelforskning (SIRUS) i samarbeid med HEMIL-senteret, Universitetet i Bergen gjennomført en evaluering av den statlige innsatsen mot tobakksskadene for ... -
Evolutionary psychological perspectives on filicide are applicable in modern-day Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-24)Current evolutionary psychological (EP) perspectives on filicide perpetration propose that it is an extreme behavioral manifestation of psychological mechanisms that evolved due to their function toward enabling ancestrally ... -
An examination of behavioural and emotional problems in children exposed prenatally to the 27F Chilean earthquake: findings from the ELPI cohort
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Purpose Associations between prenatal earthquake exposure and children’s mental health remain unclear. Moreover, there is a paucity of research using quasi-experimental statistical techniques to diminish potential ...