Browsing Department of Psychosocial Science by Title
Now showing items 414-433 of 906
Innsette i norske fengsel: Kompetanse gjennom utdanning og arbeid
(Opplæring innanforkriminalomsorga, Rapport 1/10, Research report, 2010)The right of education during incarceration is regulated by international conventions and recommendations. Membership nations of the UN and the Council of Europe are committed to implement the agreements and recommendations ... -
Innsette i norske fengsel: Motiv for utdanning
(Research report, 2006)Denne rapporten byggjer på ei undersøking blant alle innsette over 18 år i norske fengsel. To tusen to hundre og femti innsette svarde på eit spørjeskjema. Dette gjev ein svarprosent på 71,1 av dei som fekk skjemaet i ... -
Innsette i norske fengsel: Motiv for utdanning under soning
(Opplæring innanforkriminalomsorga, Rapport 3/10, Research report, 2010)The right of education during incarceration is regulated by international conventions and recommendations. Membership nations of the UN and the Council of Europe are committed to implement the agreements and recommendations ... -
Innsette i norske fengsel: Utdanning, utdanningsønske og rett til opplæring
(Research report, 2006) -
Insomnia as a partial mediator of the relationship between personality and future symptoms of anxiety and depression among nurses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-26)Background: This study investigates insomnia as a partial mediator in the relationship between personality and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Methods: The study is based on partly longitudinal data from the ... -
Insomnia symptom trajectories among adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: A longitudinal study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is associated with sleep disturbances in adulthood. However, longitudinal studies have yet to identify among CSA-survivors subgroups distinguished by the trajectory of their insomnia ... -
Insomnia, sleep duration and academic performance: A national survey of Norwegian college and university students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12)Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations between insomnia, sleep duration and self-reported academic performance/failure in a large sample of Norwegian college and university students. Methods: ... -
Integration Is Correlated With Mental Health Help-Seeking From the General Practitioner: Syrian Refugees' Preferences and Perceived Barriers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Despite a seemingly higher need, refugees in Europe tend to underuse mental health (MH) services. To better understand this underuse, it is important to understand refugees' willingness and ability to seek help from their ... -
Intellectual Disability among in-patients with Substance Use Disorders
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-10-26)Background: Knowledge about the comorbidity of substance use disorder (SUD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) or borderline intellectual functioning is growing. However, most of the knowledge about the comorbidity of ID ... -
Intentions to make sustainable tourism choices: do value orientations, time perspective, and efficacy beliefs explain individual differences?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-05-02)There is a growing literature addressing psychological variables that can be associated with choices of environmentally sustainable tourism alternatives. This paper contributes to this literature by focusing on individual ... -
Interactions between migrant race and social status in predicting acceptance of climate migrants in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)An emerging stream of research documents that climate migrants are more acceptable than economic migrants to citizens in high-income countries. However, extant research has not considered migrant race, and how race, along ... -
Intergroup Relations During the Refugee Crisis: Individual and Cultural Stereotypes and Prejudices and Their Relationship With Behavior Toward Asylum Seekers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In this paper, I investigate intergroup relations between natives and asylum seekers during the European refugee crisis, and contribute to the reemerging methodological debate on the measurement of stereotypes and prejudices ... -
Internet-based treatment of gambling problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background and aims The effect of internet-based psychological treatment for gambling problems has not been previously investigated by meta-analysis. The present study is therefore a quantitative synthesis of studies on ... -
Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia and comorbid symptoms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-06)Background: Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTi) is considered the standard treatment. The internet has proven to be a useful and successful tool of providing CBTi. However, few studies have ... -
Interplay of subjective and objective economic well-being on the mental health of Norwegian adolescents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Objective and subjective socioeconomic status (SES) are important determinants of adolescent mental health problems, but we know less about how they interact. Research has demonstrated independent associations of both ... -
Interprofessional education as a contributor to professional and interprofessional identities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)According to the World Health Organization interprofessional education (IPE) is a necessary step in preparing a collaborative practice-ready health work force. However, the processes of developing professional identity ... -
Intuitive feelings of warmth and confidence in insight and noninsight problem solving of magic tricks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08-31)The focus of the current study is on intuitive feelings of insight during problem solving and the extent to which such feelings are predictive of successful problem solving. We report the results from an experiment (N = ... -
Investigation of gender bias in the mental imagery of faces
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)People tend to think of the prototypical person as a man more than as a woman, but this bias has primarily been observed in language-based tasks. Here, we investigated whether this bias is also present in the mental imagery ... -
Is it meaningful to distinguish between Facebook addictionand social networking sites addiction? Psychometric analysisof Facebook addiction and social networking sites addiction scales
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Studies conducted on Social Networking Sites (SNSs) addiction have to a large extent focused on Facebook as a prototypical example of SNS. Nonetheless, the evolution of SNSs has spawn conceptual and methodological controversies ... -
Is Perceived Discrimination Associated With Mental Health Problems and Low Job Satisfaction? A study of Polish Migrants at Norwegian Workplaces
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Norge mottar substansielle tall av migranter, og statistikken viser at arbeidsmuligheter er en av hovedgrunnene til migrasjon. Innvandrere fra Polen utgjør den største gruppen blant migranter i Norge, og statistikken viser ...