Browsing Department of Psychosocial Science by Title
Now showing items 489-508 of 894
Measuring mental well-being in Norway: validation of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-05-12)Background: Mental well-being is an important, yet understudied, area of research, partly due to lack of appropriate population-based measures. The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) was developed to meet ... -
Measuring Military Identity: Scale developoment and psychometric evaluations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Our purpose was to perform a psychometric evaluation of a new 33-item questionnaire developed in Norway. To evaluate it we assessed its internal consistency, performed an exploratory factor analysis, and investigated aspects ... -
Measuring strategic control in implicit learning: How and why?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-09-24)Several methods have been developed for measuring the extent to which implicitly learned knowledge can be applied in a strategic, flexible manner. Examples include generation exclusion tasks in Serial Reaction Time (SRT) ... -
Meeting places in Norwegian community mental health care: A participatory and community psychological inquiry
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-06-17)This Ph.D.-dissertation revolves around meeting places in community mental health care. Norwegian meeting places often entail local easy-access daytime services that offer people who have experienced psychosocial hardships ... -
Meining som medisin. Ein analyse av placebofenomenet og implikasjonar for terapi og terapeutiske teoriar
(Doctoral thesis, 1999-06-11)Arbeidet har bakgrunn i eiga røynsle frå terapeutisk arbeid og refleksjonar over fenomenet placebo. Det blir stilt spørsmål om kva placebofenomenet gjeld, og korleis det skal forklarast. Dersom dette er eit reelt lækjefenomen ... -
Mental health among unaccompanied refugee minors after settling in Norway: A matched cross-sectional study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aims: To describe the mental health of unaccompanied refugee minors (URMs) settled in Norway and compare their responses to an age- and sex-matched sample of Norwegian young people. Methods: The data were from the ... -
Mental health encounters between general practitioners and individuals with a refugee background : Help seeking and provision in the resettlement context
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-04-22)Background: Research suggests that individuals with a refugee background have higher rates of certain mental health problems and unmet mental healthcare needs than non-refugee populations in resettlement countries. The ... -
Mental health in Norwegian children and adolescents exposed to childhood maltreatment: a comparison to a general population sample
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The current study aimed to compare mental health outcomes of children and adolescents with maltreatment experiences to a general population sample. A secondary aim was to examine sex differences in mental health outcomes, ... -
Mental health problems and suicidal behavior from adolescence to young adulthood in college: linking two population-based studies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)It is well established that mental health problems are highly recurrent and persistent from childhood to adolescence, but less is known to what extent mental health problems also persist from adolescence into young adulthood. ... -
Mental health, adverse life events and health service use among Norwegian youth in the child welfare system: Results from a population-based study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Youth within the child welfare system (CWS) have often experienced adverse life events, and many need support from health services. This study aimed to compare mental health problems and health service use among adolescents ... -
Mental readiness for maritime international operation: procedures developed by Norwegian navy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Seafarer’s mental health is vital for a well-functioning organisation. Neglecting mental health status on board could be extremely costly for both the crew affected as well as the company. The present article outlines an ... -
Metacognition and Mindfulness: the Role of Fringe Consciousness
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02-22)The involvement of metacognition in mindfulness is already acknowledged in recent mindfulness models. The focus of the current paper is on how mindfulness may be seen to involve a particular subcategory of metacognitive ... -
Metacognition in psychology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)How has the concept of metacognition been used within basic and applied psychological research? We begin our answer by presenting a broad definition of metacognition, a historical overview of its development and its presence ... -
Midlife insomnia and subsequent mortality: the Hordaland health study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07-15)Background: Previous research suggests a possible link between insomnia and mortality, but findings are mixed and well-controlled studies are lacking. The aim of the current study was to examine the effect of insomnia in ... -
Military education in extended reality (XR): learning troublesome knowledge through immersive experiential application
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Extended reality (XR) applications for education are usually associated with motivation, engagement, knowledge and experiences that are difficult to achieve in the real world. One example of such knowledge in military ... -
Mission command: A self-determination theory perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)It is well documented that leadership behavior influences employees’ motivation. In particular are autonomy-supportive leadership styles associated with desirable outcomes through basic psychological needs satisfaction and ... -
A Mixed-Method Evaluation of a Prison Anti-doping Intervention: The Hercules Prison Program
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Norwegian Offender Mental Health and Addiction study denotes the need for physical activity and anti-doping interventions in Norwegian prisons. We developed and evaluated the efficacy of such intervention—the Hercules ... -
Mobbing i arbeidslivet
(Report, 2005)En drøfting av hva mobbing er, hvor omfattende det er, hvilke utslag mobbing gir seg og hvilke konsekvenser det får. -
Modeling night shift work and gastrointestinal function.
(Master thesis, 2019-11-21)Skiftarbeid er assosiert med negative helse konsekvenser relatert til mage-tarm kanalen som økt risiko for å utvikle mage-tarm sykdommer, irritabel tarms syndrom og kreft i tykktarm eller endetarm (kolorektal kreft). ...