Browsing Department of Psychosocial Science by Title
Now showing items 659-678 of 867
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
The resilience paradox: Flooding experience,coping and climate change mitigation intentions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Climate change is projected to increase the frequency, intensity and unpredictability of extreme weather events across the globe and these events are likely to have significant mental health implications. The mental health ... -
Resistance of multiple stakeholders to e-health innovations: Integration of fundamental insights and guiding research paths
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Consumer/user resistance is considered a key factor responsible for the failure of digital innovations. Yet, existing scholarship has not given it due attention while examining user responses to e-health innovations. The ... -
A resource-based view of green innovation as a strategic firm resource: Present status and future directions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Green innovation could become a valuable firm resource for establishing competitive advantage while simultaneously contributing towards sustainable development; in other words, green innovation has the potential to address ... -
Return to work in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: multidisciplinary intervention versus brief intervention: a randomized clinical trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02-24)Objective: This randomized clinical trial was performed to compare the effect of a new multidisciplinary intervention (MI) programme to a brief intervention (BI) programme on return to work (RTW), fully and partly, at a ... -
A Review of the Relationship Between Social Media Use and Online Prosocial Behavior Among Adolescents
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-28)Social media (SoMe) activity constitutes a large part of the lives of adolescents. Even though the behavior on SoMe is complex, the research on SoMe has mostly focused on negative effects, bad content, and online antisocial ... -
Risk behaviors and well-being among Egyptian and Roma adolescents in Albania during the COVID-19 pandemic: Vulnerability and resilience in a positive youth development perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction: Egyptian and Roma communities represent two of the most deprived and stigmatized ethnic minorities in Albania. However, research investigating vulnerability and well-being in youth from these communities is ... -
Road traffic noise and children's inattention
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-11-21)Background: An increasing number of children are exposed to road traffic noise levels that may lead to adverse effects on health and daily functioning. Childhood is a period of intense growth and brain maturation, and ... -
The role of culture and evolution for human cognition
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-08)Since the emergence of our species at least, natural selection based on genetic variation has been replaced by culture as the major driving force in human evolution. It has made us what we are today, by ratcheting up ... -
The role of leadership practices in the relationship between role stressors and exposure to bullying behaviours – a longitudinal moderated mediation design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Role conflicts and role ambiguity have been identified as important risk factors for exposure to workplace bullying, particularly when combined with inadequate leadership practices. Even though role ambiguity theoretically ... -
The Role of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processing in Auditory False Perceptions: A Signal Detection Analysis
(Master thesis, 2018-06-07)There is a tendency in the literature to find people with a high hallucination proneness to have significantly lower response bias but no significant difference for sensitivity compared to people with low hallucination ... -
Safe travel: Passenger assessment of trust and safety during seafaring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-04)Across two studies, this paper explores passengers’ knowledge and perceptions of safety and risk during voyage at sea. Study 1 showed that, although overall safety knowledge can be considered good, some differences exist ... -
Safety Climate perceptions in High Reliability Organizations - the role of Psychological Capital
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-12-06)Over recent decades, research on antecedents of safety in High Reliability Organizations (HROs) has shifted from focusing mostly on technical issues to placing greater emphasis on human factors. Although an abundance of ... -
Safety on board offshore vessels: A study of shipboard factors and situation awareness
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-10-19)The overall aim of this thesis is to shed new light on how shipboard factors may influence the ability to achieve and maintain situation awareness (SA) in day-to-day operations on offshore vessels. The term, ‘shipboard ... -
Safety Onboard Norwegian Vessels: Investigating The Risk Assessments Of Maritime Operators
(Master thesis, 2021-05-14)Dette studiet undersøkte hvordan norske sjøfolk vurderer risiko som er assosiert med deres arbeid. Nærmere bestemt om deres subjektive vurdering av risiko stemmer overens med den objektive risikoen, og om de fatter ... -
Samhandling i virtuelle team: under hvilke omstendigheter og hvor godt fungerer det? En kvantitativ dagbokstudie om effekten av transformasjons- og passiv-unnvikende ledelse blant norske arbeidstakere på hjemmekontor
(Master thesis, 2021-04-03)Virtuelt arbeid og virtuelle team har fått økende oppmerksomhet i dagens arbeidsliv, til tross for at det foreligger lite empiri innen forskningsfeltet. Covid-19 pandemien tvang flere nasjonale og internasjonale arbeidsteam ... -
Sammenhengen mellom daglig job crafting og daglig oppgaveutførelse, og jobbengasjements betydning i dette forholdet.
(Master thesis, 2017-01-05)This qualitative diary study builds on the job crafting literature by examine if a person's daily task performance can be explained by the cadet's ability on the various facets of job crafting: «increasing personal resources», ... -
Sammenhengen mellom daglig transformasjonsledelse og affektiv tillit til leder neste dag: Den medierende rollen til daglig tilfredsstillelse av de basale psykologiske behovene
(Master thesis, 2022-03-30)For at organisasjoner skal blomstre i dagens usikre omgivelser og oppnå suksess gjennom intellektuell kapital, er det viktig at den enkelte arbeidstaker våger å ta interpersonlig risiko, stoler på nærmeste leder og bidrar ... -
Sammenhengen mellom emosjonelle krav og arbeidstakeres “Need for Recovery” i et flernivåperspektiv: Modererende effekter av delt persepsjon av transformasjonsledelse og sosial støtte fra leder og kollegaer
(Master thesis, 2021-04-03)Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke relasjonen mellom emosjonelle krav og “Need for Recovery”. I tillegg til dette hadde studien også som formål å undersøke om sosial støtte fra leder og sosial støtte fra kollegaer ...