• Hungry for power? Regional elites and the architecture of government 

      Tatham, Michael Robert; Bauer, Michael W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      How can we better understand the architecture of government? Governmental structures are regularly altered by the dispersion of power upward and downward to supranational and subnational bodies. The preferences of citizens ...
    • Legitimacy Crises and the Temporal Dynamics of Bureaucratic Representation 

      Murdoch, Zuzana; Connolly, Sara Jane; Kassim, Hussein; Geys, Benny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The representation of specific groups and social interests within (or by) the civil service has long been a concern of public administration scholarship. Yet, much of this literature focuses on representation at a single ...
    • Regional spillover into third-order European elections 

      Schakel, Arjan Hille (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Second-order election research clearly reveals that national incumbency impacts on European election outcomes but despite the increasing importance of regions few studies explore the impact of regional politics. I theorize ...
    • Rethinking public funding of parties and corruption: Confronting theoretical complexity and challenging measurement 

      Lipcean, Sergiu; McMenamin, Iain (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Does the provision of state subsidies to political parties reduce their involvement in corruption? Existing research provides inconclusive evidence on this relationship, perhaps because cross-national studies on public ...
    • The territorial architecture of government 

      Tatham, Michael Robert; Hooghe, Liesbet; Marks, Gary (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      This article sets the stage for a special issue that examines the interplay between subnational and supranational governance. It begins by discussing how the territorial architecture of government has become more multilevel ...
    • Understanding bureaucratic support for coerced institutional change 

      Myksvoll, Thomas; Tatham, Michaël; Fimreite, Anne Lise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Institutional reform processes can be contested. The more so by those working in the affected institutions. Bureaucracies, in particular, can be resistant to change. To better understand such processes, we study the regional ...
    • Understanding Felt Accountability: The institutional antecedents of the felt accountability of agency-CEO's to central government 

      Schillemans, Thomas; Overman, Sjors; Fawcett, Paul; Flinders, M; Fredriksson, Magnus; Lægreid, Per; Maggetti, Martino; Papadopoulous, Yannis; Rubecksen, Kristin; Rykkja, Lise H.; Salomonsen, Heidi Houlberg; Smullen, Amanda; Wood, Matt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The literature on autonomous public agencies often adopts a top‐down approach, focusing on the means with which those agencies can be steered and controlled. This article opens up the black box of the agencies and zooms ...