Browsing Department of Government by Title
Now showing items 267-286 of 587
Institutional and political constraints to planning sustainable settlements in suburban municipalities case of Tallinn, Estonia
(Master thesis, 2007)This thesis addresses the recent phenomenon of urban sprawl in Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia,and tries to find its institutional and political reasons. Urban sprawl is seen as a type ofsuburbanization which lacks ... -
Institutional Logics, Organizational Action, and Change in Zambian Public Accountability Organizations
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-02-15)Public organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa have been perceived as schizophrenic and guided by incompatible ideas deriving from their local norms, colonial histories, and development paradigms, which is thought to constrain ... -
Institutionalization challenges of performance appraisal system in Tanzanian local government authorities
(Master thesis, 2012-06-05)Improving the service provision of the public sector has been the struggle of many developing countries for the past two decades. Tanzania is also in the same endeavor where it aims to improve the performance of the public ... -
Institutionalization of performance appraisal system: A case study of the Maldivian public Service
(Master thesis, 2005)The public sector in most countries is going through profound restructuring in the face of environmental constraints that force the sector to become more efficient and effective. In this respect, one of the most popular ... -
The Integration of Refugees in Norway: Reflection from the Eritrean Refugees in Two Municipalities
(Master thesis, 2017)The influx of refugees into Europe, Scandinavia, and Norway and the challenges that came along on how to integrate them into the host communities has been at the front-and-center of public and media debates in recent years. ... -
Internasjonaliseringsstrategier og praksis: En komparativ casestudie av Det juridiske fakultet på UiB og UiO
(Master thesis, 2018-03-07)Internasjonalisering et villet politisk middel for å heve kvaliteten på norsk høyere utdanning. Gjennom en rekke offentlige dokumenter har myndighetene satt seg mål å utvikle akademia og tilby utdanning med god kvalitet ... -
International Perspectives on Child-responsive Courts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Child friendly justice and access to justice for children are explicit concerns for the European Union, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Council of Europe and the Child Rights International Network. This study ... -
International public administration on the tip of the tongue: language as a feature of representative bureaucracy in the Economic Community of West African States
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Recent scholarship shows increasing interest in gender, ethnic or national representation within regional and international organizations. In contrast, language as a criterion of representation has rarely been scrutinized. ... -
Internettbruk i Kongsberg kommune
(Master thesis, 2003)Denne oppgaven vil handle om hvordan Kongsberg kommune som en av flere forsøkskommuner, har tatt i bruk Internett for blant annet å forsøke å øke det politiske engasjementet blant innbyggerne i kommunen. Internettdiskusjonen ... -
Intranett - en studie av hvordan ansatte i en offentlig organisasjon bruker intranett
(Master thesis, 2003)Jeg vil i denne studien ta for meg tre delproblemstillinger: I. Hvordan bruker ansatte intranett? II. Hvilken handlingslogikk karakteriserer bruken? III. Og hva kan forklare variasjoner i bruk av handlingslogikkene? ... -
Intraorganizational Mobility and Employees’ Work-related Contact Patterns: Evidence from Panel Data in the European Commission
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Programs to encourage staff to move within public-sector organizations have become increasingly widespread in recent decades. Yet, although there are some anecdotal accounts, the effects of such intraorganizational mobility ... -
An Investigation Into the Mediating Role of Inter-organisational Coordination Towards Refugee Protection: A Case Study of Nakivale Refugee Settlement Uganda
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)This study examines the role of Inter-Organizational Coordination (IOC) towards refugee protection in Nakivale settlement located in Isingiro district in Uganda. Coordination takes place when organizations work together ... -
The Invisible Child. A Comparative Study of Newborn Removal Judgments from a Child Equality Perspective (CEP)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We know little about how children are portrayed in care order cases. Using a Child Equality Perspective (cep), which demands the child’s presence in proceedings even for children who are not capable of partaking fully in ... -
Is the Europe of Knowledge the talk of the town? Exploring how members of the European Parliament refer to higher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)While the European Parliament is increasingly involved in EU governance, its role in policy developments in domains of strategic importance for the EU has not been the focus of many studies. In this article, we analyse a ... -
Is the SEC an Island of Integrity? A study on perception of corruption in public administration in Azerbaijan
(Master thesis, 2021-07-01) -
Is there a generational shift in preferences for forest carbon sequestration vs. preservation of agricultural landscapes?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Afforestation and reforestation are considered important measures for climate change mitigation. Because the land area available for tree planting may serve multiple purposes, striking the right balance between climate ... -
It’s About Time! Temporal Dynamics and Longitudinal Research Designs in Public Administration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Many of the fundamental research questions in public administration relate to individual- or organization-level temporal dynamics, including the impact of public sector reforms, (in)stability of public policies and ... -
I’m a Survivor: Political Dynamics in Bureaucratic Elites’ Partisan Identification
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article challenges the common assumption that the partisan identification of bureaucratic elites is fixed over time. Building on principal-agent and organization theory, we hypothesize that bureaucratic elites may ...