Browsing Department of Government by Title
Now showing items 408-427 of 587
På tvers av sektorgrenser i kommunale beredskapsråd - En casestudie av kommunale beredskapsråd i Namsos og Trondheim
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne masterstudien har analysert hva som kjennetegner og påvirker koordinering og samarbeid mellom lokale beredskapsaktører i kommunale beredskapsråd i Namsos og Trondheim. Koordinering er sentralt innenfor samfunnssikkerhet ... -
Performance appraisal in Uganda’s civil service: Does administrative culture matter?
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-02-19)This study explores administrative culture and examines its impact on the reform ofperformance appraisal in Uganda’s civil service, an area which has received littleattention from researchers. It reveals that Uganda’s ... -
Performance audit and the importance of the public debate
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07)The purpose of this article is to explore the impact of performance audit on public policy. The article investigates performance audit reports and the debates they initiate in the public realm. The case of Norway is analysed ... -
Performance Management of Coordinating Agencies: The Importance of Administrative Capacity in the Field of Societal Security
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article addresses performance management of coordinating agencies in the field of societal security by examining what kind of administrative capacity their parent ministries focus on. It examines the performance ... -
Persistent inequalities in providing security for people in South Africa - A comparative study of the capacity of three communities in Hout Bay to influence policing
(Master thesis, 2010-06-10)Despite the hopes of the people in South Africa that the new democracy would bring significant changes to the many impoverished people in the country, this has not happened. In relation to security, crime has risen to the ... -
Petroleumspolitikk fra 2000-2010 - Oljepolitikk på vent?
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)Denne studien tar for seg problemstillingen: 1) Beskrive den norske petroleumspolitikken fra 2000-2010. 2) Hvilke endringer har skjedd i petroleumssektoren på 2000-tallet, og hvilken rolle har Integrerte Operasjoner hatt ... -
Police Coordination in Crises. Who knew what, when, where and why in managing the terrorist attacks in Oslo and Utøya in 2011?
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-03-29)Why did not the police mobilize more capacities more swiftly on 22 July, 2011? And why was there a lack of coordination by the police in its response to the two terrorist attacks (“22/7”)? Building on a unique and rich ... -
Policy Implementation of Street Level Bureaucrats: How effectively was the violence against women Act implemented in Minnesota, USA
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)MPA Master's Thesis about the implementation of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 in Minnesota, United States. -
Political (Over)Representation of Public Sector Employees and the Double-Motive Hypothesis: Evidence from Norwegian Register Data (2007-2019)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Countries have widely diverging regulations regarding the eligibility of public sector employees for political office, and the stringency of such regulations remains fiercely debated. Building on a demand and supply model ... -
Political accountability and performance audit: the case of the auditor general in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-09)Performance audit is widely used in public administration, but, at present, little empirical evidence exists on its usefulness and contribution to accountability. Based on survey data from 353 civil servants in Norway, ... -
Political parties and women candidates in Canada: Influences on party selection of male to female candidate ratio
(Master thesis, 2010-12-01)The study presented below is about which variables influence the percentage of female candidates in Canadian political parties. The study is divided into two main parts: the first part being a comparison of the two main ... -
The Politics of Vaccines—How to Determine a Fair Vaccine Allocation: Hierarchy, Negotiations, or Culture?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This study examines vaccine allocation policy during the COVID-19 pandemic by applying a hierarchical, a negotiation, and a cultural perspective. It addresses how vaccine allocation principles under conditions of scarcity ... -
Politiets tryggleiksteneste i endring? Ein studie av PST etter 22. juli 2011
(Master thesis, 2017-06-21)Denne studien tek føre seg endringar i styringskapasiteten til Politiets tryggleiksteneste (PST) etter terrorangrepet 22. juli 2011. Hovudelementa for studien er interne strukturelle organisasjonsendringar, samordning med ... -
Politikken bak Norges Bank. Norges Bank – Autonom og mektig
(Master thesis, 2013-05-29)Agentens autonomi ikke gir agenten mulighet til å styre den prinsipielle utviklingen av egen institusjon. Agenten styrer den daglige forvaltning av pengepolitikk og skaper slik et (politisk) nøytralt spillerom. Dette ... -
Politireform og samarbeid. Ei komparativ casestudie av to kommunar i Vest Politidistrikt
(Master thesis, 2019-06-19) -
Politisk bruk av ekspertise. Ein studie i korleis ekspertisen til smittevernoverlegen vart nytta i Oslo og Bergen kommunar under covid-19-pandemien
(Master thesis, 2022-06-15)Når samfunnet står overfor ei akutt krise prega av både høg uvisse og stort tidspress - som under covid-19-pandemien - vender politikarar seg ofte til ekspertar for å få hjelp og sikre legitimitet til avgjerder og handlingar. ... -
Politisk utvikling i digitale medier - En komparativ casestudie av retusjert reklame og influencerbarn
(Master thesis, 2022-06-16)Innenfor lignende kontekster prioriteres samfunnsfenomen i ulik grad. Visse tilfeller er kontinuerlig aktuelle og befinner seg på den politiske agendaen over lange perioder, mens andre eksisterer i samfunnet lenge før ... -
The Population's Confidence in the Child Protection System – A Survey Study of England, Finland, Norway and the United States (California)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This article examines the confidence the population (N = 4,003) has in the child welfare system in four countries – England, Finland, Norway and the USA (California). We find that about half or less of the population reports ... -
Populations trust in the child protection system: A cross-country comparison of nine high-income jurisdictions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In this study, we examine the trust placed by the populations of nine jurisdictions in their child protection systems. These systems protect children’s rights and grant authority for invasive interventions to curtail or ...