Browsing Department of Government by Title
Now showing items 491-510 of 587
Services and support for mothers and newborn babies in vulnerable situations: A study of eight European jurisdictions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)European countries have a legal obligation to provide services to vulnerable families, and children must not be removed from their parents’ care unless no other viable measures are available. This paper examines whether ... -
Shame On You! Unpacking the Individual and Organizational Implications of Engaging with a Stigmatized Organization
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)How and when does engagement with a stigmatized organization lead to the transfer of its stigma to organizations and individuals associating with it? To answer this question, we conduct an inductive study of the process ... -
Sharing Knowledge, Transforming Societies: The Norhed Programme 2013-2020
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
«Slik gjør vi det her». En kvalitativ vignettstudie av læreres skjønnsutøvelse i henhold til lovpålagt meldeplikt
(Master thesis, 2017-10-03)Denne studien søker å belyse læreres skjønnsutøvelse i henhold til meldeplikten. For å gå i dybden av problemstillingen; «Hvordan utøver lærere skjønn i sine vurderinger av elevers omsorgssituasjon i henhold til sin ... -
Staff Reallocations and Employee Attitudes towards Organizational Aims: Evidence using Longitudinal Data from the European Commission
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Organizational reforms often involve substantial staff reallocations, creating both winners and losers within the same organization. We argue that allocating less (more) staff to a department signals a decrease (increase) ... -
Staff Retention in Non-Profits Operating within Regions with Ongoing Conflict: The Case of Syria
(Master thesis, 2022-12-01)Syrian non-profits are a relatively new phenomena which emerged after the Syrian revolution of 2011. The new institutions are face a variety of challenges, including staff retention. The thesis delves into the growing pains ... -
Stairway to Heaven - Please Hold the Handrail. A study on the organizational safety in Norske Shell.
(Master thesis, 2009-06-05)This study is based on the vast focus on safety in today's oil and gas industry. Two perspectives seem to prevail within the field of organizational safety; the Normal Accident Theory (NAT) and the High Reliability ... -
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants? Exploring Consensus on the Validity Status of Mintzberg’s Configuration Theory After a Negative Test
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-10-14)This article explores the degree of consensus on the validity status of Mintzberg’s configuration theory following a test in which the theory was refuted. The 218 articles that have cited the award-winning article by Doty, ... -
State death in buffer systems: Balancing and bandwagoning
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02) -
Staten i skolegården. En studie av forholdet mellom statlig styring og lærernes autonomi
(Master thesis, 2013-06-14)Denne masteroppgava har hatt som hensikt å studere forholdet mellom statlig styring og lærernes autonomi. Studien tar utgangspunkt i både kvalitative dokumentanalyse og kvalitative dybdeintervjuer for innsamling av ... -
Statlig eierskap i energiselskapene En kvalitativ studie med fokus på et grønt skifte i Statkraft, Equinor og Hydro
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)I denne masteroppgaven vil det være fokus på eierskapsmeldingene ifra staten og årsrapportene fra tre ulike energiselskaper og vises til om hvordan statlig eierskap endrer seg over tid i tråd med energiomstillingen. I disse ... -
Statlig eierskap og bedrifters samfunnsansvar med tanke på klima og miljø- Nyliberalismens tilbakegang?
(Master thesis, 2021-07-01)I denne masteroppgaven har jeg skrevet om hvordan den norske stat benytter sitt eierskap i heleide og deleide bedrifter for å få dem til å vise samfunnsansvar (CSR) med tanke på klima og miljø. Min problemstilling og ... -
Stortingets forsøk på regulering av dagligvarebransjen - Berget som fødte en mus
(Master thesis, 2016-12-01)En gjennomgang av Stortingets forsøk på regulering av dagligvarebransjen. Gjennomgangen starter fra 1995 da de første spørretime spørsmålene begynte å dukke opp på Stortinget, til 2016 når to offentlige utredninger om ... -
Strategisk og deliberativ kunnskapsbruk. Europaparlamentets bruk av kunnskap i godkjenningen av glyfosat
(Master thesis, 2019-12-02)I denne studien blir det undersøkt hvordan Europaparlamentet brukte kunnskap i forbindelse med godkjenningsprosessen av det aktive stoffet glyfosat mellom 2016 og 2017. Godkjenningsprosessen ble preget av at det fremkom ... -
Street-level policy aims of child welfare workers in England, Norway and the United States: An exploratory study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-03-05)This study, which is based on in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a total of 92 child welfare workers in California, England and Norway conducted between January 2008 and June 2010, analyzes how child welfare workers ... -
The strength and content of climate anger
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Climate-related anger is present in Greta Thunberg’s speeches and the acts of Extinction Rebellion, but also in the rise of movements protesting climate policies, such as the Yellow Vests. The current study (N = 2,046) ... -
Student motivation for social studies. Existential exploration or critical engagement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-11-29)Purpose: To understand what motivates students for social studies. Design: Social studies as a school subject is defined in terms of its contents (knowledge, skills, values), by its teaching methods and by the organisational ... -
A study of religious organizations' involvement in American politics. A case study of conservative, religious organizations' presented involvement in politics, and the motivation prompting this involvement, as presented in the Proposition 8 case in California in 2008, through the electronic media and the organizations' own statements about their involvement
(Master thesis, 2011-05-30)This master's thesis aims to study the relationship between conservative, religious organizations and their involvement in American politics in the United States of America. Specifically how these organizations presented ...