Blar i Department of Government på tittel
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Tipping the scales: The power of parental commitment in decisions on adoption from care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This article studies how three groups of professional decision-makers – child welfare workers, experts on children and judges – exercise discretion in decisions on adoption from care in the Norwegian child welfare system. ... -
Tjenestemannsorganisasjoner og nasjonal forvaltningspolitikk: Modernisering med en hånd på rattet og en fot på bremsen?
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-06-16)This study is inspired by an international school of research that is theoreticallyinformed and empirical oriented, combining political science and organization theory.The theme of the study is the relationship between the ... -
Tjenester og tillit. En flernivåanalyse av kvaliteten på kommunale velferdstjenesters påvirkning på lokalpolitisk tillit
(Master thesis, 2019-07-06)Norwegian citizens exhibit high levels of trust towards government, politicians, and public institutions in general, compared to citizens of most other countries. In this thesis I propose that high quality welfare services ... -
Towards a working model for the effective participation of women in national politics in Zimbabwe
(Master thesis, 2023-08-01) -
Training agencies as intermediary organisations in apprentice training in Norway and Switzerland: general purpose or niche production tools?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In recent years Norway and Switzerland have introduced local training agencies (TAs), local intermediary organisations consisting of firms involved in apprentice training. In both countries, the starting point for the ... -
Transformation of New Public Management: shaping a hybrid in Nepal?
(Master thesis, 2008-08-04)This study finds evidences in support of a thesis of divergence in shaping of new public management (NPM). The underpinning of the study is that NPM gains a new hybrid shape as it goes through a complex interactive process ... -
Transnasjonalisering og translasjon - en studie av nordiske sentralforvaltningers europeisering og dens effekter på administrative styringsnormer
(Master thesis, 2008-06-04)Denne studien undersøker hvordan forholdet mellom politiske og fagprofesjonelle styringsnormer fortoner seg i arbeidet med det europeiske saksfeltet i de nordiske sentralforvaltningene. Med utgangspunkt i et større ... -
Transnational Governance of the European External Borders: The case of Joint Operation Triton
(Master thesis, 2019-06-15)Frontex plays an important role in assisting European Union Member States towards ensuring effective and coherent management of its external borders. This study examines the way that Frontex and member states work together ... -
Traust, grå og kommunal? - En casestudie av omdømmebygging i tre distriktskommuner etter deltagelse på Distriktssenteret sin omdømmeskole.
(Master thesis, 2021-07-01)Denne masteroppgaven har analysert hvordan tre distriktskommuner har arbeidet med omdømmebygging etter deltagelse på Distriktssenteret sin omdømmeskole. De tre kommunene som blir undersøkt i denne oppgaven er Kvinesdal ... -
Trust in Central Government in Uganda: the Importance of institutional outputs
(Master thesis, 2013-05-14)What explains trust in government and how can political institutions ensure that they are trusted by citizens? This study explores how perceptions of the economic, political and social performance of government translate ... -
Trust in pathways? Professionals’ sensemaking of care pathways in the Norwegian mental health services system.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: In January 2019, care pathways within specialist mental health and substance abuse treatment services were officially launched in Norway. The care pathway introduced timeframes for assessment and treatment, ... -
Trust in Public Institutions in Zanzibar: Mapping the Influence of Identity and Performance Factors
(Master thesis, 2017-01-30)What explains trust in public institutions in Zanzibar? The study's main objective was to examine the significance of identity and perceptions of performance in explaining citizens' political trust in Zanzibar. Using a ... -
Trust in public institutions, a comparative study of Botswana and Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)This thesis concerns institutional trust in Botswana and Tanzania and seeks to test several variables' importance in determining individuals' trust. African countries have historically been somewhat neglected in trust ... -
Trust, security and participation: A qualitative study of security in urban South Africa, Gordon's Bay, Cape Town
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)The issue of human security and the managing of it has been, and continues to be, of scholarly importance in relation to democratic development. In South Africa this issue has always been of concern, not just during the ... -
Trusting Me, Trusting You? Spillover of Trust Across Levels of Government, 2004–2020
(Master thesis, 2022-12-01) -
Trustworthiness of the Female Civil Servants in Three South Asian Countries: Exploring Key Determining Factors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The study aimed to answer what explains the perceived trustworthiness of female civil servants in three South Asian countries using a country-representative survey (n = 6240; 2,740 in Bangladesh; 2,256 in Nepal and 1,244 ... -
Tunfisk på boks og bærekraft på hylla. En studie av den norske dagligvarehandelens rolle i håndteringen av et bærekraftproblem.
(Master thesis, 2014-06-10)Denne studien undersøker hvorvidt ikke-statlige aktører på etterspørselssiden kan være med på å styre et bærekraftproblem i en situasjon der forvaltningen ikke strekker til. Bærekraftproblemet peker på den komplekse ... -
Tvang eller Omsorg? - En case-studie om praktisering av tvang ved to bofellesskap i Bergen Kommune
(Master thesis, 2017-06-20)Denne oppgaven studerer praktisering av tvang på bofellesskap for psykisk utviklingshemmede. Fokuset er på om denne praksisen oppfyller og tar hensyn til bestemmelsene kapittel 9 i Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven. ... -
Tyske sykehusleger i Norge i et institusjonelt perspektiv
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-09-06)Sammendrag Ifølge litteraturen er institusjonelle logikker sosialt konstruert av institusjonelle aktører, kan reproduseres eller endres gjennom politiske beslutninger og fungerer som institusjonell mal for stater, ... -
Uganda tax policy reforms: A case study of Uganda revenue authority URA
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)In this study I examined the implementation of tax policy reforms at Uganda Revenue Authority. In particular, I examined the impact of the tax policy reforms implemented since the restructuring of Uganda Revenue Authority ...