Blar i Department of Government på tittel
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Radical policy change in Germany's health system in 2011: The case of patented drug regulation
(Master thesis, 2012-06-02)This present thesis is an analysis of radical policy change in Germany's health system. The pharmaceutical industry was stopped to determine freely the prices of patented drugs in 2011; this is what is defined as radical ... -
Reasoning between rules and discretion: A comparative study of the normative platform for best interest decision-making on adoption in England and Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article examines discretionary reasoning in child’s best interest (CBI) assessments in two jurisdictions, England and Norway, in decision concerning adoption from care. The two countries’ systems differ in child ... -
Reducing corruption through e-governance: Rhetoric or reality? An empirical inquiry
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)Corruption has been considered as one of the most prevalent and persistent challenges in enhancing economic growth and improving the quality of life of the citizens across the globe. Amidst the negative consequences of ... -
Reflections on public administration education with a case of Bangladesh
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The paper aims to review public administration education in the higher education institutions in Bangladesh, and their role in ensuring modern public services. Most universities in the country offer public administration ... -
Reforming Political Universities: An Organizational Analysis of University of Peshawar
(Master thesis, 2006)1.1 Background:In Pakistan, major source of provision of higher education are public sector universities. They are controlled by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology and Higher Education Commission ... -
Regionale universiteter og utdanningspolitiske paradokser
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Regjeringskabalens legitime grunnlag
(Master thesis, 2020-08-25)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg legitimeringen av opprettelsen og nedleggelsen av innvandrings- og integreringsposten, samt opprettelsen av samfunnssikkerhetsposten i Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet. Med tanke på ... -
Regulating environmental harmful industries. A study of two Norwegian environmental NGOs efforts at making industries more environmental friendly
(Master thesis, 2008-06-16)Regulating Environmental Harmful Industries. - A study of two Norwegian environmental NGOs efforts at making industries more environmental friendly -
Regulering av samfunnsansvar i norske klesbedrifter. En sammenlignende case studie av norske klesbedrifter og hvordan ulike aktører regulerer deres policyer for samfunnsansvar
(Master thesis, 2014-12-01)Bedrifters virksomhet påvirker menneskers liv og det lokale og globale miljøet. Som et resultat av mulig negativ påvirkning, oppstår et krav om at bedrifter skal ta samfunnsansvar, også for forhold i leverandørkjeden. Det ... -
Relations between Knowledge and Politics in an Authoritarian Regime. The Academic Profession at Makerere University, Uganda
(Master thesis, 2018-06-28)The research design for the following study is an exploratory, qualitative case study. It is a case of the Academic Profession at Makerere University in Uganda and explores and aims at understanding the relationship between ... -
Relationship between Renewable Energy and Socio-economic Development: A Study in Patuakhali District
(Master thesis, 2017-06-13)The major research purpose is to critically assess the relationship between the use of renewable energies and socio-economic development of the rural people in Bangladesh. The research objectives are focused to explore the ... -
Relationships among Governance Quality, Institutional Performance, and (Dis)Trust: Trends and Tensions: A Quest for Critical Ingredients of Institutional Trust
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-06-14)This dissertation analyzes institutional trust, first, in the three South Asian countries of Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, and then in 32 African countries. These countries were chosen in order to explore why citizens ... -
Relationships between Academia, State and Industry in the Field of Food and Nutrition: The Norwegian Chemist Sigval Schmidt-Nielsen (1877-1956) and His Professional Roles, 1900-1950
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-11)The aim of this article is to shed light on the relationships between science, state and industry in the field of food and nutrition in Norway in the first half of the 20th century with reference to the scientist Sigval ... -
Research, knowledge, and policy on goitre and iodine in Norway (1850–2016)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Our aim is to shed light on the relationships between research, knowledge, and policy in the case of goitre and the use of iodine as a preventive measure against it in Norway from the 1850s onward. Goitre was previously ... -
Resistance to Control—Norwegian Ministries’ and Agencies’ Reactions to Performance Audit
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03)Ministries are increasingly subject to control, primarily by State Audit Institutions’. This control is assumed to contribute to improvement. Based on survey data from 353 civil servants in Norway this article analyses the ... -
Ressurspooler i sykehus - en organisasjonsteoretisk studie
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)Etter tusenårsskiftet ble det lansert nye organisatoriske løsninger for bemanning ved norske sykehus. Ofte kalt bemanningsenhet, vikarpool eller ressurspool. De ble lansert som virkemiddel mot deltid, alternativ til private ... -
Restoring Democracy in The Gambia?: An Analysis of Diaspora Engagement in Gambian Politics
(Master thesis, 2017-06-16)The role of the diaspora in ‘homeland' politics has become more visible over the last two decades, and the amount of diaspora literature focusing on diaspora contribution in the socioeconomic and political development of ... -
Restricting family life - an examination of citizens’ views on state interventions and parental freedom in eight European countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper examines the public views – a total of 10,348 persons – on restrictions of personal autonomy of others to protect the interest of children. We use representative country samples of the adult populations of ... -
Rethinking Ancient Centers of Learning: Madrasa in a Comparative-Historical Perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study examines the emergence and evolution of madrasa as a specific organizational form of higher learning from a comparative-historical perspective. The article begins by discussing how the madrasa emerged and which ... -
Risiko, sårbarhet og beredskap - En casestudie av tre kommuner som ble rammet av oktoberflommen på Vestlandet i 2014
(Master thesis, 2017-06-21)Denne studien tar for seg krisehåndtering i forbindelse med oktoberflommen som rammet Vestlandet i 2014. Flommen skyldtes kraftig nedbør over en tredagersperiode hvor det totalt kom 200 – 300 mm nedbør over store områder. ...