Blar i Department of Government på tittel
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Analysis of state institutional capacity for land acquisition in Ghana: A case study of the public land bureaucracy
(Master thesis, 2007)Gaining access to land is a problem that confronts both Government and non statecapitalist agents in Ghana. The study examined why the state lacks an effectiveinstitutional capacity with the political and technical competence ... -
Analyzing decision-maker’s justifications of care orders for newborn children: equal and individualized treatment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Seeking insights into how decision-makers uphold obligations to equal and individualized treatment in decisions about state intervention, this study examines justifications by decision-makers in care orders for newborn ... -
Ansvar i alt vi gjør. En casestudie av ansvarsbegrepet i Samhandlingsreformen
(Master thesis, 2012-12-10)Fra 1. januar 2012 skal Samhandlingsreformen gradvis innføres i hele den norske helse- og omsorgssektoren. Reformen skal sørge for bedre samhandling mellom deltjenestene og forvaltningsnivåene i helsetjenestetilbudet, samt ... -
Ansvarsmekanismer i helseforetaksmodellen. Om endringer i fødetilbudet ved to lokalsykehus
(Master thesis, 2012-06-06)Våren 2011 ble sykehusene hyppig omtalt i mediene som følge av vedtak om funksjonsendringer i flere helseforetak. Spesielt oppmerksomhet fikk sakene som omhandler endringer i fødetilbud ved lokalsykehusene. Denne studien ... -
Are child protection workers and judges in alignment with citizens when considering interventions into a family? A cross-country study of four jurisdictions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper examines whether and how the views of professional decision makers in public agencies and courts in four child protection jurisdictions align with the views of the public. Democratic states are built on the ... -
Asserting the right to care – Birth parents’ arguments in newborn care orders
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Summary Removing a newborn from his or her birth parents’ care is arguably a stark display of state power into the family. This study explores birth parents’ engagement with care proceedings in all (N = 177) newborn care ... -
Assessing Citizens’ Trust in Public Healthcare: a Study of the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital in the Western Region of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2018-06-23)What explains trust in healthcare and how do public health facilities ensure they are trusted by citizens. This research explores how institutional factors as well as individual dispositions, affect the trust reposed in ... -
Assessing the crisis management of the COVID-19 pandemic: a study of inquiry commission reports in Norway and Sweden
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article examines the inquiry reports from the commissions charged with investigating government crisis management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway and Sweden. Such postcrises commissions have been a common feature ... -
Assessing the implementation of the Ghanaschool feeding program (GSFP): A comparative case study of some selected schools in the Atwima Nwbiagya district and Atwima Mponua district of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis sought to assess the implementation of the Ghana School Feeding Program (GSFP) in both the Atwima Mponua District (AMD) and Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana (AND). Two beneficiary basic schools – Adupri Basic ... -
Auditee Strategies - An Investigation of Auditees’ Reactions to the Norwegian State Audit Institution’s Performance Audits
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)This article contributes to theory on accountability – how it is played out and responded to. It uses the Norwegian State Audit Institution (SAI) as an illustration. The responses of the audited entities to the SAI’s ... -
Auditors' understanding of evidence: A performance audit of an urban development programme
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)This article uses a case study to analyse two main dilemmas that performance auditors face when auditing complex interventions in governance. The first dilemma, concerning the performance auditors’ roles as improvement ... -
Autonomi og omgivelser i UiO og UiBs eiendomsforvaltning
(Master thesis, 2021-07-01)Universitetenes autonomi vil være preget av rammene og handlingsrommet som og rammene som omgivelsene gir dem. Dette gjelder også i eiendomsforvaltningen. I dag er det en todelt løsning hvor noen institusjoner innenfor ... -
"Å forandre for å bevare, eller bare for forandringens skyld?" En casestudie av beslutnings- og anskaffelsesprosessen i Forsvarsdepartementet som førte til eksterne konsulenttjenester i 2014.
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)Forsvarsdepartementet innbydde den 21. juli 2014 til anbudskonkurranse om bistand til modernisering og effektivisering av forsvarssektoren. Denne anbudskonkurransen resulterte i at det private konsulentselskapet «McKinsey ... -
Balancing Governance Capacity and Legitimacy: How the Norwegian Government Handled the COVID-19 Crisis as a High Performer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This essay addresses how the Norwegian government has handled the coronavirus pandemic. Compared with many other countries, Norway has performed well in handling the crisis. This must be understood in the context of competent ... -
Bargaining, Strategy and Opportunism - A case study of why amalgamating municipalities hoard
(Master thesis, 2022-06-15)How does municipal leadership legitimise the decision of whether to hoard ahead of an amalgamation? To answer this question, I conducted semi-structured interviews with eight political leaders involved in the amalgamation ... -
Barn på tvang. Nyere styringstrender og konkurrerende diskurser i institusjonsbarnevernet
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-06-22)Hvordan vi gir mening til våre erfaringer, får betydning for hva som oppfattes som realitet, og dermed hvordan vi håndterer de situasjoner vi står i. I denne avhandlingen rettes oppmerksomheten mot hvordan barn gir mening ... -
Barnehagenes arbeid med overganger
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Barnehagetilsynet i den kommunale oppfølginga av rammeplanen
(Chapter, 2023) -
The benefits, costs and feasibility of a low incidence COVID-19 strategy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In the summer of 2021, European governments removed most NPIs after experiencing prolonged second and third waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most countries failed to achieve immunization rates high enough to avoid resurgence ...