Browsing Department of Government by Subject "731111"
Now showing items 1-20 of 279
“Above me is only God.” Attempts to reform the Bulgarian judiciary
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)This thesis aims to unpack the challenges of legal system reform in Bulgaria by exploring the heated contestations over the Prosecutor General´s role, powers and accountability. It aims to understand, firstly why this has ... -
Academics' Role and Relevance in National Development. The Case of Engineers at Makerere University in Uganda
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis is a case study of engineers at Makerere University in Uganda. In a broad sense the thesis explores the relationship between scientific knowledge and development in a low-income, Sub-Saharan country, which is ... -
Accountability and Perception of Effectiveness in Public Universities in Cameroon: Case of the University of Buea
(Master thesis, 2020-06-23) -
Accountability Gaps in the Relationship Between International Organizations and Civil Society: A Case Study of the World Bank’s COMRURAL Project in Honduras
(Master thesis, 2020-12-01)Projects implemented by international organizations have direct impacts on people’s daily lives in the countries where they are executed. Due to this, increasing attention has been given to the accountability mechanisms ... -
The Accountability of non-governmental organizations: A case of Bangladesh
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)NGOs are playing a crucial role in the development of developing countries. NGOs accountability is gradually emerging as a pressing issue in the development arena. The NGOs' effectiveness can be amplified by ensuring ... -
Administrative and political grassroots corruption in rural Kenya: It takes two to tango
(Master thesis, 2012-06-07)This thesis describes public sector corruption in a rural setting of Kenya. It also assesses the effects of civil service wage on reported cases of corruption in the Kenyan public sector. It argues that understanding public ... -
Advocacy coalition approach to policymaking - A study of the civil society's contribution to Ghana's oil industry
(Master thesis, 2017)This study examines the civil society’s contribution to policymaking in Ghana’s oil industry. To achieve this objective, the study draws from the activism of a civil society venture called Civil Society Platform for Oil ... -
AI and the quest for legitimacy in the modern society How does the use of artificial intelligence in public governance impact institutional legitimacy? The case of Norway.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This study examines the impact of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in public governance on institutional legitimacy by using a multilevel mixed methods research design. Institutional legitimacy is an essential ingredient ... -
Ansvar i alt vi gjør. En casestudie av ansvarsbegrepet i Samhandlingsreformen
(Master thesis, 2012-12-10)Fra 1. januar 2012 skal Samhandlingsreformen gradvis innføres i hele den norske helse- og omsorgssektoren. Reformen skal sørge for bedre samhandling mellom deltjenestene og forvaltningsnivåene i helsetjenestetilbudet, samt ... -
Ansvarsmekanismer i helseforetaksmodellen. Om endringer i fødetilbudet ved to lokalsykehus
(Master thesis, 2012-06-06)Våren 2011 ble sykehusene hyppig omtalt i mediene som følge av vedtak om funksjonsendringer i flere helseforetak. Spesielt oppmerksomhet fikk sakene som omhandler endringer i fødetilbud ved lokalsykehusene. Denne studien ... -
Assessing Citizens’ Trust in Public Healthcare: a Study of the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital in the Western Region of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2018-06-23)What explains trust in healthcare and how do public health facilities ensure they are trusted by citizens. This research explores how institutional factors as well as individual dispositions, affect the trust reposed in ... -
Assessing the implementation of the Ghanaschool feeding program (GSFP): A comparative case study of some selected schools in the Atwima Nwbiagya district and Atwima Mponua district of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis sought to assess the implementation of the Ghana School Feeding Program (GSFP) in both the Atwima Mponua District (AMD) and Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana (AND). Two beneficiary basic schools – Adupri Basic ... -
Autonomi og omgivelser i UiO og UiBs eiendomsforvaltning
(Master thesis, 2021-07-01)Universitetenes autonomi vil være preget av rammene og handlingsrommet som og rammene som omgivelsene gir dem. Dette gjelder også i eiendomsforvaltningen. I dag er det en todelt løsning hvor noen institusjoner innenfor ... -
"Å forandre for å bevare, eller bare for forandringens skyld?" En casestudie av beslutnings- og anskaffelsesprosessen i Forsvarsdepartementet som førte til eksterne konsulenttjenester i 2014.
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)Forsvarsdepartementet innbydde den 21. juli 2014 til anbudskonkurranse om bistand til modernisering og effektivisering av forsvarssektoren. Denne anbudskonkurransen resulterte i at det private konsulentselskapet «McKinsey ... -
Bargaining, Strategy and Opportunism - A case study of why amalgamating municipalities hoard
(Master thesis, 2022-06-15)How does municipal leadership legitimise the decision of whether to hoard ahead of an amalgamation? To answer this question, I conducted semi-structured interviews with eight political leaders involved in the amalgamation ... -
Beredskap tatt av vinden? - Ein casestudie av handteringa av stormen "Dagmar" i Sogn og fjordane
(Master thesis, 2013-06-13)I romjula 2011 slo ekstremveret «Dagmar» innover Vestlandet. Stormen råka Norge, Sverige og Finland den 25. og 26. desember. Dagmar var særleg kraftig og gjorde størst skade på Vestlandet. Den største konsekvensen av stormen ... -
"Between a Rock and a Hard Place". The Contradictory Roles of Organizations involved in Housing Delivery in South African Informal Settlements
(Master thesis, 2013-06-14)While considerable strides have been made in South Africa in addressing the skewed patterns of access to adequate shelter among its citizens, significant challenges lie ahead. Since the first democratic elections of 1994 ... -
Bindetegnsuniversitetene - en studie av kvalitetsbegrepets rolle i universitetenes profilering og posisjonering i det nye universitetslandskapet
(Master thesis, 2011-12-01)Denne oppgaven har som mål å undersøke hvilken rolle kvalitet spiller i universitetenes selvprofilering og posisjonering innenfor institusjonslandskapet de er en del av. Det er en casestudie, hvor kvalitetsbegrepet hos ... -
Bit for bit nedbygging - kommune for kommune som løsningen? Policydiffusjon av arealnøytralitet i norske kommuner
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Oppgaven tar for seg norsk arealforvaltning, og hvordan man kan utarbeide en bærekraftig arealpolitikk som tar hensyn til klima, miljø og sosiale forhold. Formålet har vært å undersøke hvordan arealnøytralitet som begrep ... -
(Master thesis, 2020-06-11)A scan through available political science and public administration literature points to a global upsurge in studies on bureaucratic autonomy. The predominant focus of most of these studies have been to either establish ...