Browsing Department of Information Science and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 784-803 of 1182
Observing quantum matter-wave diffraction in the energetic He2+-He collisions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We present an experiment combined with numerical simulations to study single and double electron capture processes induced during the collisions between the He target and the He2+ projectile in the energy range 2–20 keV/u. ... -
OL 2014 på TV 2 - en mediebegivenhet på alle dine skjermer
(Master thesis, 2014-05-14)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg et gammelt fenomen i en ny innpakning, Olympiske leker (OL) var for første gang i 2014 i kommersielle TV 2s hender. Jeg fulgte TV 2 i planleggingen frem mot OL, analyserte selve sendingene, ... -
Om kringkasterne mister fotballrettighetene, mister de da alt? En analyse av fotballrettighetenes rolle i et endret medielandskap
(Master thesis, 2019-06-25)Denne oppgaven har som mål å belyse aspektene rundt fotballrettigheter i Norge i et medielandskap i endring. Lineært fjernsyn er på vei ned, mens strømming blir mer og mer populært. Dette byr også på utfordringer for den ... -
Ombord: Utviklingen av en second-screen applikasjon med utgangspunkt i minimalisme som designmal
(Master thesis, 2021-12-01)Denne oppgaven presenterer forskning som involverer design i lys av minimalisme samt en evaluering av en high-fidelity prototype for applikasjonen Ombord. Ombord er designet for NRK, med ønsket mål om å engasjere sakte-TV ... -
Omskolering av portvakter
(Chapter, 2009)Med utgangspunkt i tre eksempler drøftes hvordan Internetts sjangrer og normer påvirker journalistikken og hvordan vi tenker om den. -
On Common Beliefs
(Master thesis, 2019-07-10)This thesis discusses how probabilistic multi-agent common belief can be defined. It also attempts to provide insight into what constitutes belief. Further, it proposes an algorithm to measure the strength of such common ... -
On the Functional Aspects of Computer Game Audio
(Conference lecture, 2006)What is the role of computer game audio? What formal functions does game audio have? These are central questions in this paper which seeks to outline an overview of the functionalities of sound in games. Based on a concluding ... -
On the Mainstream/Alternative Continuum: Mainstream Media Reactions to Right-Wing Alternative News Media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Using the mainstream media as a starting point, this article argues that the ongoing changes in the mainstream/alternative continuum are not just dependent on how right-wing alternative news media relate to certain ... -
On Transdiegetic Sounds in Computer Games
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007-09-07)This article will identify and define the concept of transdiegetic sound space in computer games, and discuss the relationship of this space to action and events in the game. The point of departure for the article is based ... -
One More Turn after the Algorithmic Turn? Spotify’s Colonization of the Online Audio Space
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In the last decade, development of algorithmic recommendation systems has constituted the main competitive factor between music streaming services. In this article, we identify how a new turn, labelled ‘the auxiliary ... -
Online collaboration and real-life benefits. A social use of Blogs in peripheral communities in Colombia
(Master thesis, 2010-03-16)This thesis aims to shed light on the Medellín, Colombia-based blogging project HiperBarrioConvergentes. With theories of assessment in the field of Community Informatics, and inparticular those of Dara O'Neil, it puts ... -
Ontologies for finding journalistic angles
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06)Journalism relies more and more on information and communication technology (ICT). ICT-based journalistic knowledge platforms continuously harvest potentially news-relevant information from the Internet and make it useful ... -
Ontology Based Information Extraction in the License Domain
(Master thesis, 2015-06-01)All computer users needs to deal with End User License Agreements(EULA). Every time we install software or sign up for a web service we are expected to read and accept such a legal agreement. For most users this is only a ... -
An Ontology-Based Framework for Geospatial Integration and Querying of Raster Data Cube Using Virtual Knowledge Graphs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The integration of the raster data cube alongside another form of geospatial data (e.g., vector data) raises considerable challenges when it comes to managing and representing it using knowledge graphs. Such integration ... -
Operationalizing distribution as a key concept for public sphere theory. A call for ethnographic sensibility of different social worlds
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article takes issue with public sphere theories’ lack of focus on the consequences of social inequality. Citizens divide the work of following politics between them, and we need a cohesive conceptualization of such ... -
Operationalizing exposure diversity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The concept of exposure diversity, the diversity of information that people actually access and use, has recently gained prominence in media policy debates. This aspect of media diversity, however, remains difficult to ... -
Oppdragarar, granskarar, speglarar og agnostikarar. Skisse til ein norsk journalisttypologi.
(Chapter, 2010)I den engelskspråklege litteraturen om journalistar er det gjort fleire forsøk på å lage typologiar over ulike journalisttypar og -roller, der ein av dei mest kjende er Johnstone et. al sitt skilje mellom ei "nøytral" og ... -
Opplysningens retorikk. Om saklighet i den politiske debatt. En drøfting av hvilke kriterier den politiske debatten bør vurderes etter, med utgangspunkt i
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Denne analysen tar for seg ulike retoriske praksiser, og vurderer hvilke som er saklige og usaklige i den politiske debatt. Den tar utgangspunkt i Christian Kocks behandling av de «fordummende uskikkene» i det danske ... -
#organisasjonarpåtwitter -Ei kvalitativ studie av organisasjonars kommunikasjon på det sosiale nettverket Twitter.
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)Formålet med denne masteroppgåva har vore å undersøkja korleis organisasjonar kommuniserar på Twitter. Eg har gjennomført fira kvalitative intervju, men intensjon om å tilby eit kvalitativt perspektiv på temaet, gjennom å ...