Browsing Department of Information Science and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 229-248 of 903
En studie av kjønnskontruksjoner i Dagbladet Sportmagasinet
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)I denne oppgaven undersøkes kjønnskonstruksjoner i Dagbladet Sportmagasinet. Fra en analyseperiode på seks måneder, analyseres tolv utgaver hvorav seks er med kvinner på forsiden, og seks er med menn på forsiden. Oppgaven ... -
En ubehagelig sannhet om norsk pressedekning av klimaendringer?
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)This thesis will discuss the Norwegian coverage of climatechange from October 2007 to april 2008 in five Norwegiannewspaper: Aftenposten. VG, Dagens Næringsliv, BergensTidende and Nordlys. The approach to the problem will ... -
Enabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This article mobilizes the capabilities approach to offer a new and empirically grounded critical perspective on how cultural policy should promote citizenship to audiences. The capabilities approach posits that public ... -
Enterprise Modeling to Support ICT-Enabled Process Change. Context for and consequences of enterprise modeling in initiatives that combine process change and information and communication technology
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-10-26)This thesis presents findings from a multiple case study of enterprise modeling use in initiatives that combine process change and information and communication technology. The study covers initiatives where models are ... -
Erstellung von digitalen Lernangeboten. Empirische Untersuchung der Projektphasen, Personen und Interaktionen bei Medienentwicklungsprojekten, Qualitätsaspekte und deren Zusammenhänge mit den Projektprozessen
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-05-25)This study focuses on the processes during a project for developing elearning modulesin universities, called media development projects. For the research of the projectprocesses the following three aspects are analyzed: ... -
Et multikasusstudie av psykisk utviklingshemmedes bruk av IKT i skolen
(Master thesis, 2009-12-01)Et feltstudie om bruken av IKT i en hverdagslivsklasse(VGS). Gjennom et kvalitativt forskningsstudie undersøkes hvordan IKT blir brukt i spesialundervisningen. I studiet brukes Etienne Wengers (1998) begreper om ... -
Et verktøy for visualisering av wiki-ontologier: Enklere utvikling og bedre forståelse av ontologier?
(Master thesis, 2008-06-27)En ontologi er et system innenfor et bestemt fagområde som inneholder termer, spesifikasjon av disse termene og hvordan de henger sammen. Det er en konseptualisering, det vil si en forenklet beskrivelse av den verdenen ... -
Etikk i The Walking Dead. En kvalitativ studie av brukeropplevelser med dataspillet The Walking Dead
(Master thesis, 2018-03-06)Målet med denne oppgaven er å få innsikt i hvordan kontroversielt og etisk problematisk innhold i dataspillet The Walking Dead oppleves av åtte ulike spillere på individnivå. Det metodiske grunnlaget i studien baserer seg ... -
EU-striden på leiarplass: Ein retorisk analyse av fire norske dagsaviser
(Master thesis, 2006)Temaet for oppgåva er den norske EU-debatten som fann stad i førekant av avstemminga i 1994,og korleis denne arta seg på leiarplass i Klassekampen, Nationen, Dagbladet og Bergens Tidende.EU-saka er ei politisk sak, men ... -
Evaluating and understanding the challenges and potential of ICT based aid to least developed countries: A case study in the Lao PDR
(Master thesis, 2004)This thesis describes the challenges and benefits of introducing new information andcommunications technologies (ICT) to developing countries using a field case study of the Lao PDR as an example. The thesis starts by ... -
Evaluating performance of health care facilities at meeting HIV-indicator reporting requirements in Kenya: an application of K-means clustering algorithm
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: The ability to report complete, accurate and timely data by HIV care providers and other entities is a key aspect in monitoring trends in HIV prevention, treatment and care, hence contributing to its eradication. ... -
Evaluating the Effectiveness of GPT Large Language Model for News Classification in the IPTC News Ontology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)News classification plays a vital role in newsrooms, as it involves the time-consuming task of categorizing news articles and requires domain knowledge. Effective news classification is essential for categorizing and ... -
An evaluation of recommendation algorithms for online recipe portals
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Better models of food preferences are required to realise the oft touted potential of food recommenders to aid with the obesity crisis. Many of the food recommender evaluations in the literature have been performed with ... -
Evaluering av forfatterverktøy for lokasjonsbaserte spill
(Master thesis, 2013-06-01)Oppgaven tar for seg evaluering av forfatterverktøy og plattformer for lokasjonsbaserte spill ved å portere det lokasjonsbaserte mobile spillet Premierløitnant Bielke (PB) til to nye plattformer for lokasjonsbaserte mobile ... -
Evaluering av robotale. Et historiefortellingssystem for barn på et Tangible Multitouch-bord
(Master thesis, 2013-06-01)for barn sin historiefortelling. En kvalitativ evaluering av historiefortellingssystemet RoboTale er utført, som et ledd i et større prosjekt ved Universitetet i Bergen. RoboTale kombinerer bruk av multitouchbord, håndgripelige ... -
Examining Choice Overload across Single-list and Multi-list User Interfaces
(Chapter, 2022)Recommender systems are prone to triggering choice overload among users due to the typically large set sizes. Various applications have been developed that aim to overcome this through interface design, notably by so-called ... -
Examining the development process of a semantic hub in an enterprise environment
(Master thesis, 2013-06-28)In the resent years there has been developed a couple of semantic hubs in the Norwegian oil and gas industry, and now EPIM is in the process of developing a semantic hub called the LogisticHub. It will be a track and trace ... -
Example choice experiment using animations. Using animations
(Master thesis, 2012-12-03)What are best practices in learning methods? That question has been and is still today still a much discussed topic. Some say learning by doing, some say read and memorize and some are not sure and try to think in new ...