Browsing Department of Information Science and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 386-405 of 903
Information Technologies for Cognitive Decline
(Studies in Health Technology and Informatics;295, Chapter, 2022)Information technology (IT) is used to establish diagnosis and provide treatments for people with cognitive decline. The condition affects many before it becomes clear that more permanent changes, like dementia, could be ... -
Infrastructures for Learning. Ethnographic Inquiries Into The Social And Technical Conditions Of Education And Training
(Doctoral thesis, 2005-12-12)The dissertation focuses on the notion of infrastructures for learning through a set ofempirical studies and explores how this notion can be applied to understand thetechnical and social conditions of activities that are ... -
Innholdsmarkedsføring: status quo. En kvalitativ studie om innholdsmarkedsføring og institusjonell troverdighet
(Master thesis, 2017-06-30)Denne oppgaven omhandler forholdet mellom reklame og journalistikk i norske nettaviser, med innholdsmarkedsføring som utgangspunkt. Innholdsmarkedsføring er ikke en ny form for reklame, men måten det presenteres på i ... -
Innholdstjenester i nettaviser. En kvalitativ studie
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)Denne oppgaven handler om innholdstjenester som inntektsmulighet for nettaviser i Norge. Oppgaven er av et kvalitativt format, og jeg intervjuet flere informanter som til daglig jobber eller har jobbet med innholdstjenester ... -
Innvandringsdebattens retorikk. En analyse av identitetskonstruksjoner og argumentasjon i norsk fjernsynsvalgkamp (1987-2015)
(Master thesis, 2017-06-30)This study examines how politicians portray the immigration issue on the Norwegian public broadcaster, NRK’s «Partilederdebatt» in 1987, «Folkemøte» in Oslo in 1999 and «Partilederdebatt» in Fredrikstad in 2015. Televised ... -
Inspirerende foredrag. En retorisk analyse av syv TED presentasjoner der formålet er å gi publikum et nytt perspektiv og inspirasjon til å endre sitt liv. Analyse av 1400 kommentarer til presentasjonene
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)Denne oppgaven ser på hvilke elementer som gjør en taler og hennes presentasjon inspirerende. Ut i fra retorisk analyse av syv TED presentasjoner og responsanalyse av 1400 kommentarer gitt til foredragene, har jeg lokalisert ... -
Instagram som arena for politisk meningsdannelse
(Master thesis, 2018-09-20)Instagram er en arena med hovedsakelig unge brukere i en aldersgruppe som også bidrar til å ta avgjørelser i samfunnet. At de i større og større grad eksponeres for meningsytringer fra influencere – betalte aktører med ... -
Instead of the deliberative debate : How the principle of expression plays out in the news-generated Facebook discussion
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-08-20)Social media have become an integrated part of people’s lives and are important communication channels, utilised both for personal communication and public debate. Several studies and theories suggest how the advent of ... -
Integrating Socially Assistive Robots into Japanese Nursing Care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper presents experiences of integrating assistive robots in Japanese nursing care through semi-structured interviews and site observations at three nursing homes in Japan during the year 2019. The study looked at ... -
Integrating Socially Assistive Robots into Japanese Nursing Care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper presents experiences of integrating assistive robots in Japanese nursing care through semi-structured interviews and site observations at three nursing homes in Japan during the spring of 2019. The study looked ... -
Intellicor: Mobile Design for Monitoring Phonographic Signals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)A mobile and web-based prototype was developed to explore utility of heart sound data in the context of patient self-monitoring. There are not many applications available despite measurement equipment that can be purchased. ... -
Interaction with mobile augmented reality: An exploratory study using design research to investigate mobile and handheld augmented reality
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-02)Mobile augmented reality (MAR) has matured significantly over the last two decades, from the conceptual idea of an untethered handheld augmented reality experience in the mid-90s, to prototype technological demonstrations ... -
The Interplay between Food Knowledge, Nudges, and Preference Elicitation Methods Determines the Evaluation of a Recipe Recommender System
(Chapter, 2023)Domain knowledge can affect how a user evaluates different aspects of a recommender system. Recipe recommendations might be difficult to understand, as some health aspects are implicit. The appropri- ateness of a recommender’s ... -
Introduction: Playful Transgressions
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Intrusive media and knowledge work: how knowledge workers negotiate digital media norms in the pursuit of focused work
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article analyses how knowledge workers experience and reflect upon intrusions from digital media in the pursuit of focused work. As a multitude of digital media technologies have become integral to working life, ... -
The Intuitive and Integrated Interface: Computer Games and Computer Literacy
(Conference lecture, 2008-10) -
Inventive Factfinders: Investigative Journalism as Professional Self-representation, Marker of Identity and Boundary Work
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This study explores the boundaries of investigative journalism by examining how investigative journalists compete to construct, reiterate and challenge acceptable epistemic practices. Departing from the notion that ... -
Investigating security threats in architectural context: Experimental evaluations of misuse case maps
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Many techniques have been proposed for eliciting software security requirements during the early requirements engineering phase. However, few techniques so far provide dedicated views of security issues in a software systems ... -
Investigating the impact of recommender systems on user-based and item-based popularity bias
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Recommender Systems are decision support tools that adopt advanced algorithms in order to help users to find less-explored items that can be interesting for them. While recommender systems may offer a range of attractive ... -
It's not real, I invented it. En analyse av Werner Herzogs iscenesetting av virkeligheten i dokumentarfilm
(Master thesis, 2012-09-03)En analyse av Werner Herzogs iscenesetting av virkeligheten i dokumentarfilm. Sentrale dokumentarfilmteoretiske begreper anvendt på fiksjonselementer fra Bells From The Deep (1993) og The White Diamond (2004).