Browsing Department of Information Science and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 321-340 of 902
Habermas, Mouffe and political communication. A case for theoretical eclecticism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008)Much of the research on communication and democracy continues to lean on Jürgen Habermas’s work. However, many aspects of his approach have been intensely criticised in recent debates, both in communication studies and ... -
HALE, the Hip Arthroplasty Longevity Estimation system
(Master thesis, 2018-12-15)This master thesis presents a Design Science research in which the HALE system for total hip arthroplasty prosthesis longevity estimation has been developed. The HALE system was developed to explore the use of machine ... -
Har du delt nyhetene i dag?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Det har blitt vanlig å lese nyheter på sosiale medier. Dermed kan nettverket på sosiale medier sette sin egen dagsorden. Artikkelen gir en innholdsanalyse av de mest delte sakene på sosiale medier i Norge i 2017. Tallene ... -
Health Facility Ownership Type and Performance on HIV Indicator Data Reporting in Kenya
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In low- and middle-income countries, private and public facilities tend to have highly variable characteristics, which might affect their performance in meeting reporting requirements mandated by ministries of health. There ... -
Healthiness and environmental impact of dinner recipes vary widely across developed countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Contrary to food ingredients, little is known about recipes’ healthiness or environmental impact. Here we examine 600 dinner recipes from Norway, the UK and the USA retrieved from cookbooks and the Internet. Recipe healthiness ... -
Heuristic evaluations of the accessibility of learning management systems (LMSs) as authoring tools for teachers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-09-07)With the development of e-education and e-society it is important for information and communication systems and services to be equally accessible to all users, including people with disabilities. Learning management systems ... -
Hijaben og "oss". En analyse av argumentasjon og mangfoldsperspektiver i et utvalg av norske hijabdebatter
(Master thesis, 2018-06-20)Det muslimske hodeplagget ”hijab” viser seg å være utgangspunkt for diskusjon om komplekse problemstillinger. Det har fått symbolisere ulike tilhørigheter, meninger og tilstander, og forskjeller mellom vestlige majoriteter ... -
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Historical Oslo on a handheld device – a mobile augmented reality application
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Mobile augmented reality (AR) applications can provide just-in-time information based on the user’s preferences and context and thus improve the tourist experience. Due to various problems, the potential of this technology ... -
Historien om Media Norge - En analyse av argumentasjonen rundt dannelsen av Media Norge-fusjonen
(Master thesis, 2008-05-31)I denne masteroppgaven ser jeg på den argumentasjonen som brukes i forbindelse med etableringen av Media Norge, selskapet som dannes gjennom en fusjon av fire av de største regionavisene i Norge. Gjennom en kombinasjon av ... -
HistorieVandring: Local History Through a Location-based App
(Master thesis, 2015-06-01)In today's society, where there are rather few areas, of everyday life where technology is, there are still some areas that lag behind in this development. One of these is the area of local history, an area found all over ... -
Horror genren i dataspill - Brukeropplevelser av horror dataspill
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)Along with the melodrama and the porn genre the horror genre iswhat Linda Williams calls bodily genres. With this she believes thatgenres are designed to influence their audience physically; themelodrama brings tears, porn ... -
How can Big Data from Social Media be used in Emergency Management? A case study of Twitter during the Paris attacks
(Master thesis, 2018-06-21)Over the past years, social media have impacted emergency management and disaster response in numerous ways. The access to live, continuous updates from the public brings new opportunities when it comes to detecing, ... -
How Loyalty Works: Why Do People Continue Their Relationship with Journalism?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)While loyalty has become increasingly relevant for journalism, it has rarely been examined as a single phenomenon and even less from an audience perspective. The empirical knowledge surrounding loyalty has centred on its ... -
How Rally-Round-the-Flag Effects Shape Trust in the News Media: Evidence from Panel Waves before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this study, we extend the literature on the rally ‘round the flag phenomenon, that is, that international crises tend to cause an increase in citizens’ approval of political institutions. We advance this literature and ... -
How the public understands news media trust: An open-ended approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Despite the central role that ordinary citizens play as ‘trustors’ (i.e. the actor that places trust) in the literature on news media trust, prior quantitative studies have paid little attention to how ordinary citizens ... -
Human computer interaction design for data mining in cancer registries
(Master thesis, 2014-06-01)Cancer registries are created, managed and data mined to gain knowledge about long-term outcomes, effects of the medication and clinical factors influencing the patient well-being. Such clinical registries have been a good ... -
Humble Bumble – Creating a mobile application to promote environmentally friendly acts
(Master thesis, 2019-09-28)This thesis presents research involving the design and evaluation of a high-fidelity smartphone prototype, called Humble Bumble. Humble Bumble has been designed to motivate people to do environmentally friendly acts in ... -
Hva med lisensen? En studie av posisjoner i debatten om finansieringen av NRK.
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)The study examines the debate on NRK and the financial structure of NRK during the public hearing that took place in 2014-2015. The study is based on qualitative interviews and document analysis to identify the characteristics ... -
Hva synes publikum om å delta i medier? En kvalitativ analyse
(Master thesis, 2006)