Now showing items 456-475 of 902

    • Lara Croft i action, -ein studie av ei actionheltinne i eit kjønnsperspektiv, med fokus på kropp 

      Ljone, Guro (Master thesis, 2009-09-05)
      Lara Croft i action, -ein studie av ei actionheltinne i eit kjønnsperspektiv, med fokus på kropp. Actionheltinner har vorte avfeia som lettbeint underhaldning i form av "puppedamer". Denne oppgåva forsøker å sjå forbi ...
    • Large Language Models are Not Models of Natural Language: They are Corpus Models 

      Veres, Csaba (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become one of the leading application areas in the current Artificial Intelligence boom. Transfer learning has enabled large deep learning neural networks trained on the language ...
    • Large-scale Evaluation of Context-Aware Recommender Systems in Media Domain 

      Låg, Thomas (Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      In the rapidly growing media streaming platforms, it has become very challenging for users to browse through the catalogue and find interesting media items to watch. As such, personalized recommender systems are a vital ...
    • Learners in the Data Mist: Visualizations for Optimization of Learning Environments 

      Solvaag, Sigve Victor Kleppe (Master thesis, 2018-12-19)
      This master thesis presents an Learning Analytics artifact designed to support learning environment optimization. The Design Science research project developed an artifact through iterative design processes that were ...
    • Learning Design: European Approaches 

      Wasson, Barbara; Kirschner, Paul A. (Journal article, 2020)
      Research on instructional and learning design is ‘booming’ in Europe, although there has been a move from a focus on content and the way to present it in a formal educational context (i.e., instruction), to a focus on ...
    • Left in the dark: playing computer games with the sound turned off 

      Jørgensen, Kristine (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008)
    • Leveraging virtual reality technology in developing neck exercise applications 

      Kloster, Mads (Master thesis, 2019-09-03)
      The incorporation of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in developing application for purposes such as improving healthcare is prevalent in this era. In this thesis, we present two applications: VRFysio and NeckVR, which ...
    • Lidelse, frakobling, og strategisk unngåelse - Om ikke-nyhetslesere mellom 25-30 år i et nyhetssamfunn 

      Helgerud, Anders (Master thesis, 2015-10-07)
      Norge har i mange år ligget i verdenstoppen på statistikk over tid brukt på nyhetsmedier, både aviser, TV, og radio. De senere årene har sett en nedgang i Europa over tid brukt på slike medier, og Norge er intet unntak. ...
    • Lidenskap som politikkens drivkraft. Et intervju med Chantal Mouffe 

      Moe, Hallvard (Norsk medietidsskrift 2006 13(2): 159-165, Journal article, 2006)
      An interview with Chantal Mouffe
    • LifeLens: Transforming Lifelog Search with Innovative UX/UI Design 

      Hordvik, Maria Tysse; Østby, Julie Sophie Teilstad; Kesavulu, Manoj; Nguyen, Thao-Nhu; Le, Tu-Khiem; Dang Nguyen, Duc Tien (Chapter, 2023)
      One of the important components of the lifelog systems is the user interface which provides the ability to quickly and easily find a specific image or set of images. Although lifelogging is a mature field in the information ...
    • LIFER 2.0: Discovering Personal Lifelog Insights using an Interactive Lifelog Retrieval System 

      Van, Tu-ninh; Le, Tu-Khiem; Zhou, Liting; Piras, Luca; Riegler, Michael; Lux, Mathias; Tran, Minh-Triet; Gurrin, Cathal; Dang Nguyen, Duc Tien (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This paper describes the participation of the Organiser Team in the ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 Solve My Life Puzzle (Puzzle) and Lifelog Moment Retrieval (LMRT) tasks. We proposed to use LIFER 2.0, an enhanced version of LIFER, ...
    • Lifting data to semantic formats 

      Amundsen, Petter (Master thesis, 2015-06-01)
      The semantic web can offer the world of data new ways to use and see the information. However, the majority of data do not use semantic technologies. This thesis tries to explore and identify problems that occur during the ...
    • Lifting news into a journalistic knowledge platform 

      Al-Moslmi, Tareq; Gallofré Ocaña, Marc (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      A massive amount of news is being shared online by individuals and news agencies, making it difficult to take advantage of these news and analyse them in traditional ways. In view of this, there is an urgent need to use ...
    • Literal-Aware Knowledge Graph Embedding for Welding Quality Monitoring 

      Tan, Zhipeng; Zheng, Zhuoxun; Klironomos, Antonis; Gad-Elrab, Mohamed H.; Xiao, Guohui; Soylu, Ahmet; Kharlamov, Evgeny; Zhou, Baifan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Recently there has been a series of studies in knowledge graph embedding (KGE), which attempts to learn the embeddings of the entities and relations as numerical vectors and mathematical mappings via machine learning (ML). ...
    • Logging and Visualizing Affect to Facilitate Communication in a Therapeutic Context 

      Krøger, Erle (Master thesis, 2015-06-01)
      In recent years there has been an increasing focus on monitoring health and wellbeing with the intent to prevent and manage different illnesses. Advancements in mobile and wearable technology are making data logging easier ...
    • The Logic of Fast and Slow Thinking 

      Solaki, Anthia; Berto, Francesco; Smets, Sonja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-06-01)
      We present a framework for epistemic logic, modeling the logical aspects of System 1 (“fast”) and System 2 (“slow”) cognitive processes, as per dual process theories of reasoning. The framework combines non-normal worlds ...
    • Logic of Justified Beliefs Based on Argumentation 

      Shi, Chenwei; Smets, Sonja; Velázquez-Quesada, Fernando R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      This manuscript presents a topological argumentation framework for modelling notions of evidence-based (i.e., justified) belief. Our framework relies on so-called topological evidence models to represent the pieces of ...
    • The logic of secrets and the interpolation rule 

      Xiong, Zuojun; Ågotnes, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In this article we formalise the notion of knowing a secret as a modality, by combining standard notions of knowledge and ignorance from modal epistemic logic. Roughly speaking, Ann knows a secreet if and only if she knows ...
    • Logics with Group Announcements and Distributed Knowledge: Completeness and Expressive Power 

      Ågotnes, Thomas; Alechina, Natasha; Galimullin, Rustam (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Public announcement logic (PAL) is an extension of epistemic logic with dynamic operators that model the effects of all agents simultaneously and publicly acquiring the same piece of information. One of the extensions of ...